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Please explain wvw to this to the nub


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WvW and what you can do depends largly on how stacked your sever (link server) is and what time of day you are playing.

In general there are multiple different game modes/types, but not all of them happening at the same time.

Small scale/Roaming/pve players doing dailies

  • happen at all times of day
  • require no special coordination
  • will result in flipping of camps, guards and in general smaller objectives
  • good roaming and small scale groups can be a nuiscance and headache when harassing, flipping and tailing an enemy blob


  • happen during times when 1 side is heavily overstacked or during offhours when no good fights are to be had
  • usually lead by a commander but not necessarily
  • squad will run around maps and flip objectives
  • might be running voice for trash talk and funsies to stay sane while flipping a tower for the x-th time

Organized or static squads

  • usually closed to outsiders
  • usually during prime time
  • very sure on voice
  • will run with anywhere between 10-25 people (though 25 is already very crowded)
  • usually look for other guilds to fight
  • will defend objectives or take occasional objectives on the way
  • these are your WvW guild groups doing their thing

Open commander tags/blobs/public

  • usually during prime time
  • often good commanders are known server wide and will draw additional people to their squad
  • will usually stay on 1 map during prime time, unless multiple borders need attention or there is lack of players
  • in general semi useful classes required (very unlikely you'll get to stay as ranger or thief in squad if the squad fills up)
  • will fight enemy publics, defend objectives, etc.
  • more organized commanders will be running on voice

Friday reset

  • usually most active since all servers try to kick off with as nice a performance as possible
  • high probability of voice and voice required, at the very least on EBG
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@Potato PC William.2583 said:At what certain point are you ready for WvW? are there requirements? do you need ascended gears?, a must to join a guild? what's a poor mans build for roaming and for zerging (follow a tag) staying alive longer, than being one shotted?.

atleast 60 if free to play and 2 if got the expansions.

yes, the two i mentioned above.



all zerk for damage

pvt or dire for tanky

cleric magi for healing

old benchmark for exo heavy

3k armor 20k hp 30 critchance 2k power the rest up to you.

stats there in proportion to other classes. i dont recall the specific stats anymore.

i.e. toughness 16xx something i think gets us 3k in heavy but less in light and mid. in a way stats remain as is. you can experiment with gw2skills build editor.

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if you join a squad, be honest and open. Tell the com straight away that you are a total noob. That way the com does not expect you to do anything right, which means he wont get mad and you wont get yelled at. Also SOME coms do explain stuff to noobs, if they are honest about it up front. Best case: you get a crash course in builds and what to do, worst case you end in the trash subgroup with the thieves, rangers and holos.

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Just be online and ready to go at 7pm Pacific Standard Time for reset on Friday evening. You'll probably see your community then. Have TeamSpeak or Discord ready in order to join a communications protocol to listen for orders/commands from whoever is tagged up and leading for that evening and on that specific map your going to be on. Make sure you have snacks and a ready filled cool beverage. Make sure your bladder is empty before you start.

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@jaif.3518 said:

Off-hours you'll need to be patient. One of the best ways to learn is retaking camps and towers with other players, so scan the maps for those opportunities, and try to answer calls for help.

This ^^^^^^Sometimes is just a dead map with no activity, in that case I normally build siege, flip camps, and towers if there is enough players around. The Warclaw is really a must to get around most maps, while it doesn't really add that much of a advantage over using your feet (speed-wise) it does help with giving you more mobility. I had the very same feelings when I started in WvW as the OP has, a few other players helped me out with advice on scouting or defending, one person can make a difference if you plan ahead knowing that the opposition is going to come for your tower or keep eventually.

Unfortunately it takes time to learn and that equates to a lot of deaths, after several years of playing WvW daily I have to say that even in it's current state it is my favorite thing to do in GW2 and I rarely follow a zerg unless they have a commander I like to follow.

Unlike PVE the map in WvW is important to keep a eye on, after awhile you'll find yourself predicting where the opposition is going/doing by watching things flip, there is a element of strategy in playing, it just takes some time and experience to figure it out.

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