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Bangor Ruinbringer Voice Actor


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@"ROMANG.1903" said:Meanwhile 98% of all male charr have Braham's voice.

First of all...... "Gun! Command line."

Second..... There was a quote from (I think Steve Blum), along the lines of "high paying career in voice acting, making 10s of thousands of dollars a year". Another quote that kind of puts things into perspective: "I've been told countless times that there's not enough in the budget to justify paying me more than scale which is currently $825.50 while I'm standing next to an on-camera "celebrity" whose paycheck for the same amount of work that day is the tens of thousands of dollars." Thats on top of the fact that most video game voice actors end up doing multiple roles, because its cheaper for the studios.

I gripe less about repeat voices now, knowing the kind of crappy contracts VAs have been getting in this industry for the 2 decades.

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