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Raven's Favor Achievement

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Anybody know what exactly is required to progress this achievement? I've helped defeat the Legendary Icebrood Construct quite a few times and yet I only have credit for 2/15 on this.

Achievement text just says "Claim victory in the Storms of Winter," which is the name for the overall meta. I assumed that the relevant part was the boss. Wiki is no help.

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Did you participate in any of the prior events?

I will mention that starting with Prologue, they introduced an underlying component where progress is tracked across events. The first instance of this was with the dailies outside the keep such as with event dailies for Kasmeer, the farm, and the Iron Legion. In order to complete the daily, you had to do the entire event chain from start to finish. You could not just jump in at the final event. With the latest episode, they did the same thing with story progression and the Svanir camps. You could not jump in at the final event and progress the story step. This meta requires a specific number of events to be completed in order to get credit. There was one time that I skipped the construct event entirely and got credit.

So if anyone is just AFKing at the keep until the final boss, you're not doing yourself any favors.

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I sometimes have, sometimes haven't. I haven't exactly kept track. Frankly, the pre-events are poorly tuned - they take way too long, and are very tedious. The part where you have to defend the shrines is the most useless - even if the bombers make it to the statues nothing bad really happens, and with 1 or 2 people defending the enemies have so much HP you really don't kill many of them. So I'm not AFKing so much as puttering around the map doing other things.

It's fine if there's an additional requirement, but they should communicate that in-game in some way. It's not like there aren't many ways already in use to do this - it could be as simple as additional description in the achievement, a buff on your skill bar (e.g. Silverwastes meta), or a participation bar (e.g. HoT metas).

So the question still is, where do you have to start participating to get credit? Is it any 2 or 3 of the events? All 4? Just the preparation and the construct?

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My guess would be you're not doing enough damage to the construct to get credit but idk. I agree that if you're getting credit for the event you should be getting credit for the cheeve . . .

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Did you participate in any of the prior events?

I will mention that starting with Prologue, they introduced an underlying component where progress is tracked across events. The first instance of this was with the dailies outside the keep such as with event dailies for Kasmeer, the farm, and the Iron Legion. In order to complete the daily, you had to do the entire event chain from start to finish. You could not just jump in at the final event.
This is not accurate. I believe the text has been changed to 'complete the event' but originally the daily text read 'participate in the event chain', so I would do one of the events and move on, then not get credit. To rectify the situation I started participating in only the last event in the chain, and always got credit. It has been a long time since I've done a daily in grothmar so it is possible anet has (again) changed the way it works and getting credit for the final event no longer qualifies for overall credit, but that would be a change, not consistent with the way grothmar dailies worked on release . . .

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@Gop.8713 said:My guess would be you're not doing enough damage to the construct to get credit but idk. I agree that if you're getting credit for the event you should be getting credit for the cheeve . . .

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Did you participate in any of the prior events?

I will mention that starting with Prologue, they introduced an underlying component where progress is tracked across events. The first instance of this was with the dailies outside the keep such as with event dailies for Kasmeer, the farm, and the Iron Legion. In order to complete the daily, you had to do the
event chain from start to finish. You could not just jump in at the final event.

This is not accurate. I believe the text has been changed to 'complete the event' but originally the daily text read 'participate in the event chain', so I would do one of the events and move on, then not get credit. To rectify the situation I started participating in only the last event in the chain, and always got credit. It has been a long time since I've done a daily in grothmar so it is possible anet has (again) changed the way it works and getting credit for the final event no longer qualifies for overall credit, but that would be a change, not consistent with the way grothmar dailies worked on release . . .

My experience was based from a few months ago when it released. I haven’t done that specific daily recently as I found it wasn’t worth the effort. It could have been adjusted since then.

The construct event isn’t required as I remember specifically having to miss it entirely but still got credit for it.

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I suggest to use different characters if you want to do more than one meta towards that achieve. because i did full meta run with same character twice, it didn't get progression on 2nd run. next day i did the same with two different characters, worked alright.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Gop.8713 said:My guess would be you're not doing enough damage to the construct to get credit but idk. I agree that if you're getting credit for the event you should be getting credit for the cheeve . . .

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Did you participate in any of the prior events?

I will mention that starting with Prologue, they introduced an underlying component where progress is tracked across events. The first instance of this was with the dailies outside the keep such as with event dailies for Kasmeer, the farm, and the Iron Legion. In order to complete the daily, you had to do the
event chain from start to finish. You could not just jump in at the final event.

This is not accurate. I believe the text has been changed to 'complete the event' but originally the daily text read 'participate in the event chain', so I would do one of the events and move on, then not get credit. To rectify the situation I started participating in only the last event in the chain, and always got credit. It has been a long time since I've done a daily in grothmar so it is possible anet has (again) changed the way it works and getting credit for the final event no longer qualifies for overall credit, but that would be a change, not consistent with the way grothmar dailies worked on release . . .

My experience was based from a few months ago when it released. I haven’t done that specific daily recently as I found it wasn’t worth the effort. It could have been adjusted since then.

The construct event isn’t required as I remember specifically having to miss it entirely but still got credit for it.

Yes I was speaking of release behavior as well. I haven't done grothmar dailies since some time before Halloween. Either way, I think I've gone off a bit on a tangent here, perhaps not really relevant to the topic at hand . . .

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/6/2019 at 3:06 PM, Cobra.6509 said:

We have to do all meta events starting with constructions. You lose construction no achievements. Pick your hammer.^^

This might be the trick of it - on multiple occasions I haven't gotten progression on that achi when I joined at the shrine defense phase and got golden participation on all subsequent phases including the boss 😒

Edited by kazerniel.6391
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