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Nerf Stability


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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Stop with the mesmer mobility meme, if you were to run forward for1min nonstop, you would cover more ground on meta reaper then on meta mesmer builds.as if
means anythingYou're not running laps in pvp. Burst mobility is what matters. You're moving around in combat, and you're moving from one capture point to another. Even in the longer distance, from one point to another, mesmer does it faster. And in combat, mesmer is like an order of magnitude faster.

ofc it does, reaper has perma upgraded swiftness, recall with spectral, and 1200 blink. followed by LOW COOLDOWN dash on shroud. people that say reaper is not mobile are delusional.

Just wanna point out that its a stretch to consider recall and wurm blink mobility because they require you to have either recently been the place they want to port to, and both of them are telegraphed with the latter being cancellable by external sources. I wouldnt consider those skills free enough to be considered mobility. Your point on swiftness is fair though.

I'm otherwise not in that argument.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:The problem is not rly stab, but the amount of stunbreaks running around.

@Shao.7236 said:I have a lot of stability as a revenant every so often and it doesn't stop anyone from CC'ing me out of it with Annulment or any form of boon strips. In fact Warrior right now has so much cleave damage it can just afk autoattacking anything even without any CC and will kill just as easily, or you can be a Spellbreaker and always have spare evade to randomly use and deal 3k to 5k of unblockable damage because having to already avoid being tethered by 2 unblockable burst skills isn't enough while everything else they do still deal a ton of damage.

So for as long there's a class that can dominate without any effort, I wouldn't nerf stability further without nerfing damage. You can always use Toss Elixir B or land your Corona Burst like it was designed to be.

I want to see any competent player die to a warrior that uses no cc ever.Pls stay realistic and dont talk kitten.

I've seen hundreds of kills in tops without CC, damage is high, CC is irrelevant to it.

If the warrior has no cc to setup his bursts nobody who knows the game will get hit by enough dmg skills to die, atleast not in a 1v1 situation

Bursts of any sort on Warriors don't require CC to setup. Anything a Warrior does hurt, CC doesn't change that fact.

Warrior Axe Cleave is 15k on 25 Might, Axe Whirl is 6k, Axe Throw goes up to 8k.

Spellbreaker just dances around with Might while dealing 5k dodges among the other skills that hurts just as much if not more.

Bullscharge is the only utility CC that they actually use and it's mostly just for the evade anyway. No one was using it otherwise when it had none and honestly people now started to use other things as well depending on the match up so no, CC is optional.

I must be doing something wrong then.I also use dagger 3 alot, shield 4 and fc, also pulling enemies with magebane tether. Weirdly, the ppl i fight stunbreak the cc to avoid dying, those who dont stunbreak die.I duel alot in gw2 and ive met MANY ppl who were able to beat me on warrior with different classes and i used to be plat in pvp, when i still played rankeds.

Btw axe throw only deals that much dmg if you are under 25% hp, where you would most likely die from pretty much anything, so that dmg number doesnt rly do anything, if it did 8k when you are full or half hp, id agree its op, but it doesnt.

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