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@"Avatar.3568" said:idk if i/it asked before, but can we have the option to get replays of the matches? so we can analyize better what we are doing wrong in terms of rotations etc...

When I see or read such requests, I basically have to smile first. Long pause.

Then I ask myself, is the player (you) actually aware of what kind of game he or she is playing or who is in charge of this game (or the game mode)?ANet stopped a long time ago (not only felt) to develop or optimize the game in terms of user friendliness or improvement of the system (pvp, ranked, etc.). And that independently, without massive pressure from the community.

The last, more or less, useful implementation I remember, which was an extension of the system (in PvP mode) to illustrate team performance, was the timeline feature. Introduced November 29th, 2017. See, source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/November_2017

Don't get me wrong, ... such a feature you are proposing would certainly be (for GW2) an innovation, novelty and improvement that one might think ANet invented itself, ... but this will not happen, not even in the far future (...).

If you consider that ANet needs about two years (from conception to implementation) to integrate "build templates" (sorry, you are allowed to laugh now), ... and so on. And that more bad than right. Wait, ... an improvement should still appear. :)

With PvP/WvW you enter a waiting room or already sit in it and after a certain time you basically don't know why anymore.

Welcome to GW2 in 2020, I hope your question is answered here, more than less. o/


By the way, check this out, a QoL-thing/topic ["New" PvP-Equipment section, integration, improvement | What do you think?]: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93665/quality-of-life-new-pvp-equipment-section-integration-improvement-what-do-you-think#latest

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@Tayga.3192 said:Nvidia shadowplay is your friend.

But shadowplay does not show me what's the enemy doing, or my mates, it just shows what I am doing.

I had a pvp break and in this time I played starcraft 2, and hell the replay function did helped me a lot to understand what's going

With PvP/WvW you enter a waiting room or already sit in it and after a certain time you basically don't know why anymore.

Welcome to GW2 in 2020, I hope your question is answered here, more than less. o/

I know but I have little hopes

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Depending on how the game is set up (technically) this might not need that much storage. (Still ... with a tons of replays it would add up.) If only the position/movement of the players got scored the client could automatically generate everything else. (Not like you'd need to store tons video data recording the view of every player.)

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