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Proper afk players need to be banned for a week


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Pips and Rank points could be based on the player's top stats and some other values.


The objective is to force each player to do his best at individual and team levels and reward him for this, even if his team looses the match. Then afks and some others kinds of bad/corrosive players will be sent to the bottom of the rank and will stay there until change their conduct.


Scenario1: The player is on the winner team.

Base amount of pips and rank points starts at "x" and "y" values and both are increased by the individual performance (meansured by top stats and some others values).


Scenario2: The player is on the looser team.

Base amount of pips starts at "x" value and are increased by the individual performance (meansured by top stats and some others values).

Base amount of rank points (to decrease) starts at "y" value and is decreased by the individual performance (meansured by top stats and some others values).



Sorry for any misspell and/or bad english :)

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3 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

If the AFK person is offline, it is hard to know when to dodge them.

But, if they religiously only play on one class to grief, I have a solution for you.

You will need a duo partner, and both of you will queue as their class, and they will never be on your team.

You can swap after the map select to what you want, and your team can figure out the comp after.

It works, but kinda sad we got to this point


Q dodge to not face duos as solo


Q dodge to not play against ppl 300 rating higher than yours


Algortm manipulation to not be team up with afkers


You have to exploit the f of matchmaking to maybe, just maybe, have a fair match

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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Played for several hours last night, and had so many afkers.

I duo-queue, and one match a player on our team was expressing her disgust at how bad we were, and just stopped playing a short way into the match. Two matches later, she was on the enemy team, expressing disgust with how bad her team was, and refusing to play.

I'm thinking, hey, do you realize two of the terrible players who were so beneath your skill two matches ago are now on the other side? That means the match should be pretty even! 😄

Then there was the character who was named with a name indicating that they were a paid afker and botter. They had walk turned on, and slowly made a circuit from point to point.

Some people were really awesome about it all. One enemy player  on a team with afkers invited us to just come duel to pass the time until the match was over. It's nice to see people stay chill about it. But it's also sad that we're at that place where we just shrug our shoulders.

We had one really great match against a team where we were down about 50 points early in the game, but managed to duke it out and win by 50 points in the end. So refreshing. Had another hard fought game where we lost by around 50. Wish there were more games like those.


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  • 9 months later...
On 1/13/2020 at 3:13 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:

when a game rewards unhealthy gaming experience instead of punishing it, do you really blame afks?

Afks are the consequences of guild wars 2 being tolerant of Toxicity and as long nothing is being done to address Toxic balance and its design, Afk have all the right reasons to afk

'The hand that rocks the cradle' is to be solely blamed for this

I know this is necro'ing, but this is the worst defense i've heard.

Everyone holds responsibility for their own actions, you're basically arguing that we should have the environment, not the players. As if the environment is totally seperate from players, instead of players having a great influence on the environment (not just talking about game state obviously).


Right reasons to AFK? Sounds alot like you're justifying actions with the autrocities of others.

Horrible arguments imho.

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