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Please add more interactive sigils


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Sigils are going to look pretty scant after annulment and agility go out the door.There will be 25 sigils remaining with the category spit into:X on Swap: 8X on Hit: 3X on Interrupt: 2X then Y% Damage: 6X duration +25%: 6

Not a lot of the current 27 are even seeing use.

I'm going off of the meta section of metabattle as a guide because it's generally a fair representation of what people use.

In the meta section there is:Annulment: 3Agility: 2Energy: 6Doom: 2Cleansing: 2Absorption: 1Courage: 1Revocation: 1Exploitation: 2Intelligence: 1Compounding: 1

I believe the game could benefit from more niche sigils for different play styles like before they got streamlined.Each could be released in a nerfed stateA support could use a more outgoing healing sigil.A side noder could gain from a sigil that gives regen for 2 seconds on swap ect.

I think sigils are getting too streamlined to the point where it might be better to do away with them entirely if you don't add more.

After the patch I think courage is just going to be the next go to sigil.

If you do add more sigils consider adding effects to them. If annulment had a visual effect like the old hydromancy sigil you would at least know you've been hit by it. A majority of the time if another warrior CCs through full counter with annulment it comes as a surprise to both of us.

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