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why not panic strike


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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Not a top streamer or anything but I thought having 5 might and 5 vulnerability on target is better, besides not to mention back stab with assassins signet is meant to nuke people anyway so that panic strike is pretty meh, if you wanted to imobileze someone you would use surprise shot.

Just my opinion.

vuln adds 5% more damage and with compounding sigil its one extra condi for damage. So since this build is all about burst you gain 6% more damage just from the vuln+a condi. And then 5 might on top of that

Immobing a target at 50% hp, think for a moment.... How many classes suffers at all from getting immobilized in general? I'd say its perhaps like.. Necro lol.

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Even the odds was a huge boost to stealth attack builds. Just think about how often panic strike is useful on dp- 1 time every 20 secs when u hit them below 50% hp and they are immobilized, which might not even matter since a lot of the time u can already get off a few autos before they notice you are there while even the odds is useful ever time you are in stealth or use steal. That why ppl use even the odds on dp, for things like s/d it is a total maybe even on DE some would debate it though I think it’s a good upgrade to DE and even on builds like staff just because the vuln is better for burst than panic strike

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