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How long do you think a 1v1 fight sould be?


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30 seconds to a minute feels good as this is the time

  • you need to make some strategic decissions that go deeper than: oh-shit-button to avoid oneshot and counterburst, and
  • you don't feel exhausted after the duell (there are people that need to be focused 8 hours a day at work - they don't need another 4 hours in a videogame)

And that's what anet achieved pretty spot-on. I like the current TTK. Different gear does actually mean something now. Two soldier gear users with durability rune might duell forever but the average marauder encounter is finished in less than a minute.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Zok.4956 said:

@"Sansar.1302" said:I think 5 to 10 sec is perfect

A good duel should take a little bit longer if you can handle your weapon well.

Actually as an ex-fencer it depends on your weapon. All weapons would have multiple rounds but in a round Sabers would be over in seconds, Foil would be less than a minute, Epee is more postering and could take longer since toe touches count.

Was gonna say uh... should probably not be using movie footage - especially of JB - to define a competitive experience lol.

I used to fight saber and play a lot of battlegames, and depending on how good you are in either, a duel is sometimes lost in under 3 seconds. I know I've personally won and lost as soon as first engage happened because either someone played disrespectfully or messed up right at the beginning.

Big thing people are ignoring here is duels should depend on the builds and classes being played.

Straight-up slugging each other without using any defenses, glass vs glass should be between 1 and 15 seconds, depending on how people use their skills. Glass vs full tank should go on for maybe 20 seconds to a minute.

TTK should be low if the gameplay you're aspiring for is fast-paced. Your build should sway the time it takes to kill someone. That's why we have builds in the first place...

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