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Nerf death magic and blood magic


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It is so braindead. Literally anyone can play necro and do well.

Suggestions:1, Nerf signet of undeath by a lot2, Nerf the life force gain from unholy martyr3, Nerf the cooldown of unholy sanctuary - you made all the rest of these 300 seconds cooldown except this4, Nerf life siphon traits by about 5-10%5, Reduce the condi damage reduction from dark defiance

Also buff boon corruption back a bit. Necro condi damage is terrible currently and there is too many boons. Suggestion: give corrupt boon 3 corrupts again. You increased the cooldown anyway.

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@Rickster.8752 said:It is so braindead. Literally anyone can play necro and do well.

Suggestions:1, Nerf signet of undeath by a lot2, Nerf the life force gain from unholy martyr3, Nerf the cooldown of unholy sanctuary - you made all the rest of these 300 seconds cooldown except this4, Nerf life siphon traits by about 5-10%5, Reduce the condi damage reduction from dark defiance

Also buff boon corruption back a bit. Necro condi damage is terrible currently and there is too many boons. Suggestion: give corrupt boon 3 corrupts again. You increased the cooldown anyway.Do you even play necro?

1) Nerfing the 3% life force degeneration of core is a better solution than everything you suggested because your suggestions nerf reaper and scourge to unacceptable levels.

2) You didn't figure out what most players did not figure out yet: every single core spec in the game has gotten a ton of sustain (more than core necro in some cases) with the overall damage nerf since all core specs can run the 2 defensive traitlines and the class mechanic traitline at once. The counter to that is a build that runs the 2 offensive traitlines and either the class mechanic traitline or the elite spec traitline at once.

This should be a no brainer... but... you are welcome!

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@Rickster.8752 said:It is so braindead. Literally anyone can play necro and do well.

Suggestions:1, Nerf signet of undeath by a lot2, Nerf the life force gain from unholy martyr3, Nerf the cooldown of unholy sanctuary - you made all the rest of these 300 seconds cooldown except this4, Nerf life siphon traits by about 5-10%5, Reduce the condi damage reduction from dark defiance

Also buff boon corruption back a bit. Necro condi damage is terrible currently and there is too many boons. Suggestion: give corrupt boon 3 corrupts again. You increased the cooldown anyway.Do you even play necro?

1) Nerfing the 3% life force degeneration of core is a better solution than everything you suggested because your suggestions nerf reaper and scourge to unacceptable levels.

2) You didn't figure out what most players did not figure out yet: every single core spec in the game has gotten a ton of sustain (more than core necro in some cases) with the overall damage nerf since all core specs can run the 2 defensive traitlines and the class mechanic traitline at once. The counter to that is a build that runs the 2 offensive traitlines and either the class mechanic traitline or the elite spec traitline at once.

This should be a no brainer... but... you are welcome!

That would be fine too, nerfing 3% life degen would be fine. But also they should nerf the signet. That is the biggest problem above all else.

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@Rickster.8752 said:It is so braindead. Literally anyone can play necro and do well.

Suggestions:1, Nerf signet of undeath by a lotObjectively, it's a useless change but well, whatever.2, Nerf the life force gain from unholy martyrAgain a useless change3, Nerf the cooldown of unholy sanctuary - you made all the rest of these 300 seconds cooldown except thisYou can also remove the trait from the game since it's useless in PvE.4, Nerf life siphon traits by about 5-10%Fine by me, 5-10% nerf on something that's already abysmal won't make much of a change.5, Reduce the condi damage reduction from dark defiancelol

Also buff boon corruption back a bit. Necro condi damage is terrible currently and there is too many boons. Suggestion: give corrupt boon 3 corrupts again. You increased the cooldown anyway.Nope, thanks.

How to make things simple:

  • Nerf LF pool to 40% of the health pool from 60% in sPvP/WvW. It effectively reduce all incoming life force sources by 1/3rd in a single change. Easy right?
  • Increase interval for protection from corruptor fervor to 5 seconds. (so that you don't have the possibility for perma prot from this trait alone)
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I don’t think the changes proposed by the opener can solve the problem.

Probably there is still to tweak the “base” around which every profession will be balanced (maybe as suggested by @"KrHome.1920" here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1175447#Comment_1175447).

As said in one of my previous comments:

Core necro has “garbage” power damage (outside of Lichform), very low mobility, no access to stability, few long cooldown break stuns, no invulnerability. Most of its damage comes from slow projectiles that can be blocked, reflected, or even evaded by sidestepping. Also, it has good damage resistance, potentially high life steal (situational) and condition cleaning.

Reaper has better damage, a bit better mobility (from Shroud 2) and better stability, but it has to fight a lot in melee range.

Their weaknesses are very easy to exploit, but probably many people reacted to the power nerf by using a more tanky build and using less CC skills. Now some of these people want to easily kill necromancer even doing low damage and low CC pressure.

The current necromancer is exactly what Arenanet wanted it to be, with even more exploitable weaknesses than before.

I can “see” few solutions:1- People can stop pretending to kill necromancer with low damage and low CC pressure, adapting their builds to the current state of the game.2- Arenanet could nerf the necromancer sustain and buff its damage.3- Arenanet could rework the necromancer to be more similar to other professions, taking away passive defences and giving active defences and more mobility to it (I don’t expect it to happen and I don’t want it to happen).4- Arenanet could remove from PvP the amulets used for tanky builds, forcing people to play more offensive builds (my currently preferred solution).

I expect a balance patch to nerf condition damage for every profession, similarly to the power damage nerf.

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