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Guardian - Time to fix weapon bugs


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Here's a list of some weapons bugs of the guard. Besides all balance, these attest a dysfunction of the skills under certain circumstances. I've probably missed some, don't hesitate to expand the list.


  • 2 Mighty Blow: this skill might fail to have any damage output despite animation, especially when paired with JI. This skill has also 0 tolerane to z-axis.


  • 4 Zealot's Flame: Most of the time (Always?) the projectile fails to find a way to the opponent, even on a flat ground. Obstructed or missed. This skill has also 0 tolerane to z-axis.


  • 1 Orb of wrath: (Always) This skill fails to land if the ennemy changes direction (left and right).

Greatsword (my personal favorite bugged weapon)

  • #2 Whirling Wrath:
    • (Always) if used quickly after swap, animation of this skill will occur without any damage, then it will go on full cooldown. Perfect to waste a burst
    • (Always) This skill is supposed to emit projectiles at 600 range ... that never hit.
  • #3 Leap of Faith: (Always) Lands too far if ennemy changes direction during course (from running away/running towards).
  • #5 Binding blade: (Sometimes) for some unknown reason this skill might occasionaly "miss"


  • 4 Ray of judgment: (Always) This skill as infinite range after first hit. Might not be a bug, but as it's the only skill on the game to have that behaviour, I assume it is. But don't fix it too quickly, I actually like it.

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@"aelska.4609" said:


  • 4 Ray of judgment: (Always) This skill as infinite range after first hit. Might not be a bug, but as it's the only skill on the game to have that behaviour, I assume it is. But don't fix it too quickly, I actually like it.

This one isn't a bug - check out the July 2018 updates to the skill. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ray_of_Judgment

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