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Why can't u make balance changes NOW?

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Your golden rule is, that u don't change balance while a tournament active. May I ask you kindly then why you then implemented a whole set of elite specs to the torunament during an ongoing season? So in fact changing the balance massively?Don't you think with that many complaints u could at least tweak some emergency major balance fails regarding scourge and spellbreaker and do the fine tuning after?

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Its pretty simple.. When there is an on going season they can't do their balance changes because of the ladderbord .. The players now are directly effaced by those classes from losing to them or climbing with them.
So when they nerf or buff something that will effect the current leader board so that's why no balance changes while the season up.

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@silent killer.5732 said:Its pretty simple.. When there is an on going season they can't do their balance changes because of the ladderbord .. The players now are directly effaced by those classes from losing to them or climbing with them.

So when they nerf or buff something that will effect the current leader board so that's why no balance changes while the season up.

This is a load of nonsense.They released an entire expansion while the PVP season was active and they can't release balance patches?Do you know how much Path of Fire affected the current leaderboard? No balance change will affect as much as an entire expansion full of completely overpowered elite specs did.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@silent killer.5732 said:Its pretty simple.. When there is an on going season they can't do their balance changes because of the ladderbord .. The players now are directly effaced by those classes from losing to them or climbing with them.

So when they nerf or buff something that will effect the current leader board so that's why no balance changes while the season up.

This is a load of nonsense.They released an entire expansion while the PVP season was active and they can't release balance patches?Do you know how much Path of Fire affected the current leaderboard? No balance change will affect as much as an entire expansion full of completely overpowered elite specs did.

Im sorry for speaking without knowing then

I didn't know the season was already on while they released the PoF.. Because i wasn't on the pvp before it came ..

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@SilentSam.1589 said:Launching PoF mid-season was so they could do a long-term bata test of the content especially when it comes to pvp of any kind the "balance" will come before the start of the next season.

I thought it had more to do with release windows. I was expecting Blizzard et all to announce 'something huge' the week before PoF came out.

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@Ara.4569 said:You don't want them to "balance" the game any further. You really don't.Let's hope they stop doing so.No, I'm begging them: "please, have mercy, don't touch balance anymore!". :anguished:

Yes, I do. Right now pvp has essentially 3.5 classes (thief being the 0.5 - at least it has mobility going for it). Druid, Engi, Rev, Ele, Mesmer are either bad versions of necro, warrior and guardian or are hard countered by said classes.

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@Unholy Pillager.3791 said:I think that it's pretty foolish of them to expect their game to gain popularity as an e-sport, despite being unwilling to do balance patches with even half the frequency as successful e-sport games.

I highly agree. But they tried to do it nonetheless. Despite not having any care or will, to actually do the necessary maintenance needed for a eSport. They put forth no real effort, and thus got back a dud. No one can truly be surprised about this.

So what do they do instead? They stuck their heads in the sand. And hope that the players shortly follow. Guess what the players did shortly followed, and stop caring about the game mode. Probably about the whole of the game in total. Which would explain the proliferation of all the cheaters and trolls in Ranked.

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@Reaper Alim.4176 said:

So what do they do instead? They stuck their heads in the sand. [...]

Exactly. You'll note that at the time of my posting this reply, there hasn't been a single statement issued regarding the horrible state of PvP balance right now. I just checked through all pages of this forum and the only redsplashed posts are those related to bugfixes and announcements.

But the first two or three pages in this subforum are almost exclusively dedicated to threads like this one we're in now--the state of PvP balance. The entire community is talking about this right now but Anet is silent.

I'm usually a big supporter of Anet and I'm usually pretty vocal about that support, but let's be real: they broke PvP and their lack of discussion on the topic tells me that it was either intentional or they don't care. Or both.

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@Cookiemonster.8527 said:Kind of given up on having fun in pvp in guild wars, I only dabble in pve now. My other favorite game have balance patches every second week that do tweaks to the gods. At least pve is still fun.

You can get much better PvE elsewhere. The magic this game had, was that it offered 3 legit game modes. Now we have 1 legit subpar game mode. Because the other 2 are no longer really supported.

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This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

Exactly. Plus, it allows them to make smaller tweaks at a time, arriving at the right point to allow an overpowered spec to be reduced to comparability with other specs; if balance patches are less frequent, that overpowered spec either continues being overpowered and not particularly fun to face, or it gets gutted completely and those who played it are often dissatisfied.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was against more frequent balance updates.

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check ventari. rev as support which was strong on its decap abilities . now forgotten after 3 weeks cause they over nerf the ability.ventari lack condi cleanse has no dmg.so more frequent balance would start with 3 sec icd, 5 sec icd, 7 sec icd and 10 sec icd. every 2 weeks to check when its balancealso when issuing the new POF see how its effect other class and builds. like scourge basically counter the old ventari with its strong aoe condi burst dmg. firebrand offering stronger support and bunkering abilities.

now they just make a new "hero" with limits counter.

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@Unholy Pillager.3791 said:I think that it's pretty foolish of them to expect their game to gain popularity as an e-sport, despite being unwilling to do balance patches with even half the frequency as successful e-sport games.

Comically if we look at actual esports like say LoL it has multiple patches with often significant effects on the meta in the middle of their professional league seasons.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

More frequent < fast

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@Reaper Alim.4176 said:

@Cookiemonster.8527 said:Kind of given up on having fun in pvp in guild wars, I only dabble in pve now. My other favorite game have balance patches every second week that do tweaks to the gods. At least pve is still fun.

You can get much better PvE elsewhere. The magic this game had, was that it offered 3 legit game modes. Now we have 1 legit subpar game mode. Because the other 2 are no longer really supported.

I know you have an axe to grind, but to say that you can get better PvE elsewhere. Just no, stick to AFKing PvP matches and then complaining about others being toxic. You can definitely get better raiding elsewhere, but that's it. Of course that better raids come with the added bonus of a never ending gear train.

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You guys dont understand. Its the same thing ANET has done over and over and over and over again..

STEP 1. Make necors overpowered for a month or soSTEP 2. Nerf them into oblivion for a couple years

The only way they can nerf them to hell is by convincing everyone else that they had their time. And so everyone hates them because of their broken state. That animosity will last for a couple years until they release a new content patch.

This wont work if they do reasonable fixes at meaningful times. This broken state has to prolong for a while until the community is against scourges ebing viable at all.

Same song and dance every single time.

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