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What to Catch Up after 1 year hiatus.

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The last time I played, the skyscale just launched and I managed to get the mount before I stopped until now.

I'm planning to get back to the game, and I have several questions that I need some help with before I get back to the game.

  1. I see that there's the new Cape thing, which is very cool. What is the cheapest and best way to get them?

  2. I used to play support mesmer (not tank) for raids and low-mid level fractals, is this build still viable?

  3. Any changes to revenant? I really like my condi renegade in PVE because of this class has skills that can cover a wide range of area/enemies. Still viable for farming? The other class i like a lot is ranger/soulbeast. I played a condi one too as I prefer condi classes. Is it still Good for farming and general PVE? I also like to be able to travel around and just steam roll everything without much effort, cause I just wanna relax and have fun without much hassle of changing classes/builds and etc.

  4. Best place to farm now? What else can I do in the game? What's new?

Thank you in advance!

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You have not missed much.

@tinyasian.8941 said:

  1. I see that there's the new Cape thing, which is very cool. What is the cheapest and best way to get them?You can get one at a guild vendor. The others so far are only available in the gem store, but Visions of the Past may have one as a reward.

  2. I used to play support mesmer (not tank) for raids and low-mid level fractals, is this build still viable?There have been major balance changes recently, though more PvP-focussed. Not sure if the meta builds for raids have already been adjusted.

  3. Any changes to revenant? I really like my condi renegade in PVE because of this class has skills that can cover a wide range of area/enemies. Still viable for farming? The other class i like a lot is ranger/soulibeast. I played a condi one too as I prefer condi classes. Is it still Good for farming and general PVE? I also like to be able to travel around and just steam roll everything without much effort, cause I just wanna relax and have fun without much hassle of changing classes/builds and etc.For rev it's important to know that the build templates messed the class up a bit. Since then, utility skills tend to randomly reset their order or sometimes be not available at all. If you use the default order, it might be alright, but so far this has not been fixed. For farming every class should be okay, though.

  4. Best place to farm now? What else can I do in the game? What's new?You have not missed much... XD Still pretty much as last year I suppose.

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@Fenella.2634 said:You have not missed much.

  1. I see that there's the new Cape thing, which is very cool. What is the cheapest and best way to get them?You can get one at a guild vendor. The others so far are only available in the gem store, but Visions of the Past may have one as a reward.
  2. I used to play support mesmer (not tank) for raids and low-mid level fractals, is this build still viable?There have been major balance changes recently, though more PvP-focussed. Not sure if the meta builds for raids have already been adjusted.
  3. Any changes to revenant? I really like my condi renegade in PVE because of this class has skills that can cover a wide range of area/enemies. Still viable for farming? The other class i like a lot is ranger/soulibeast. I played a condi one too as I prefer condi classes. Is it still Good for farming and general PVE? I also like to be able to travel around and just steam roll everything without much effort, cause I just wanna relax and have fun without much hassle of changing classes/builds and etc.For rev it's important to know that the build templates messed the class up a bit. Since then, utility skills tend to randomly reset their order or sometimes be not available at all. If you use the default order, it might be alright, but so far this has not been fixed. For farming every class should be okay, though.
  4. Best place to farm now? What else can I do in the game? What's new?You have not missed much... XD Still pretty much as last year I suppose.

awww. Alright. The news about the revenant is upsetting. Did a lot of people stop playing the class because of this?No new farming place?

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@tinyasian.8941 said:The last time I played, the skyscale just launched and I managed to get the mount before I stopped until now.

I'm planning to get back to the game, and I have several questions that I need some help with before I get back to the game.

  1. I see that there's the new Cape thing, which is very cool. What is the cheapest and best way to get them?

  2. I used to play support mesmer (not tank) for raids and low-mid level fractals, is this build still viable?

  3. Any changes to revenant? I really like my condi renegade in PVE because of this class has skills that can cover a wide range of area/enemies. Still viable for farming? The other class i like a lot is ranger/soulbeast. I played a condi one too as I prefer condi classes. Is it still Good for farming and general PVE? I also like to be able to travel around and just steam roll everything without much effort, cause I just wanna relax and have fun without much hassle of changing classes/builds and etc.

  4. Best place to farm now? What else can I do in the game? What's new?

Thank you in advance!

1) guild vendors offer capes. Second cheapest option is hitting a lucky shot in Black Lion Chests.

2) Chronomancer is still viable as a support for raids, and particularly fractals.

3) Condi revenant has been massively boosted and promoted. Same goes for Ventari. Overall, the class is now more flexible than before.

4) Still Silverwastes, I believe. New world boss Drakkar and good strike rewards from Shiverpeaks Pass + Whisper of Jormag are worthy of note. 2v2's are a thing now in PvP.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@"tinyasian.8941" said:The last time I played, the skyscale just launched and I managed to get the mount before I stopped until now.

I'm planning to get back to the game, and I have several questions that I need some help with before I get back to the game.
  1. I see that there's the new Cape thing, which is very cool. What is the cheapest and best way to get them?
  2. I used to play support mesmer (not tank) for raids and low-mid level fractals, is this build still viable?
  3. Any changes to revenant? I really like my condi renegade in PVE because of this class has skills that can cover a wide range of area/enemies. Still viable for farming? The other class i like a lot is ranger/soulbeast. I played a condi one too as I prefer condi classes. Is it still Good for farming and general PVE? I also like to be able to travel around and just steam roll everything without much effort, cause I just wanna relax and have fun without much hassle of changing classes/builds and etc.
  4. Best place to farm now? What else can I do in the game? What's new?

Thank you in advance!

1) guild vendors offer capes. Second cheapest option is hitting a lucky shot in Black Lion Chests.

2) Chronomancer is still viable as a support for raids, and particularly fractals.

3) Condi revenant has been massively boosted and promoted. Same goes for Ventari. Overall, the class is now more flexible than before.

4) Still Silverwastes, I believe. New world boss Drakkar and good strike rewards from Shiverpeaks Pass + Whisper of Jormag are worthy of note. 2v2's are a thing now in PvP.

  1. Seriously? I have been considering to play my mirage for PVE content. I only use support chrono for raids and fractals but don't think I will be playing the raids and fractals for a while. So just wanna have a character to roam around doing some collections and achievements, have been considering gearing up a condi mirage.
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