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[Suggestion] Defeated Players Should Continue to Take Damage


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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Cambeleg.7632 said:This is absurd, tbh. If you're dead, you are dead. It's not enough to damage who tries to rez and being able to interrupt it?

Seriously, stop with this non sense so sick about the down state, kitten.

So picture a bigger issue. You have a group of stealth in inner. You defeat some. The others can simply stealth rez the defeated ones. You can't further damage the ones that are defeated and unless you have AOE CC for that particular reason you can't interupt the rezzing. So where does this make sense to you?

The part where you're supposed to use brains and 10supply to toss a target painter if you can't for some unbelievable reason cleave over a corpse's location. Weapon skills even if targeted, will still work without a target. They auto aim to the center of your screen of where you're facing. Think of it like an FPS.

Sure stop and stand still in the middle of combat to open your inventory, tell me how well that works out for you. :)

Done it 3 times tonight, ask the deadeye from [AC] on Baruch Bay at their GBL Briar tower. He was so annoyed he whispered spammed me I was a kitty bot for using traps.

It's called training.

If me as a deadeye main I had to learn to play around reveals and mark. So can you.

It takes me 2seconds to do it on the fly I'm so used to it. Each day I always replenish my 20 stacks of all 4 traps and disablers where they sit away from anything else so can access them fast.

I'll go one further, as perma stealth rifle DE, I can guarantee you that there's absolutely no way of stacking enough stealth duration to fully rez someone in one channelling.

What this means is since I will get hit after I've started to rez from stealth I will be put into combat, and when my stealth wears off since I don't want to die before rezzing, I will be forced to go out of combat range to regen and wait for CDs and give it another try. And anything that touches me before I manage to be back in range of the Rez prompt will prevent me.

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