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What am I, as LB/Staff Druid without PoF, supposed to do against SB/Scourge?


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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that is a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

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To play ranger at top tier is like many other classes, takes knowledge of the classes you're going against and constant point fighting practice to get actually good while managing pets, cooldowns and estimating 1up pressure but yes I can see with longbow the skill floor being a lower barrier of entry.

Hitting 4 and 2 may appear to make the class look and seem easy, with druid there is a lot more to it than just that. With soulbeast it goes a bit even further since it's really not a better position than druid in it's role to conquest.

Anybody can just get on ranger and "be effective" , but to actually provide something for your team are 2 different things.

There are many other classes that could do better. I can get on thief and literally do more for my team than ranger because I have mobility to contest points and out-rotate and just 1up players, but then again demo spellbreaker exists at the moment so if you're talking about low barrier of entry , look no further.

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

Also, let's be honest... Not to sound harsh but If you have retarded players (literally) playing with you effectively.. Then you're probably not that great anyway and playing against trash tier players.

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

No, I said why is it hardly seen in top tier if it's so easy to be successful. I think you are confusing floor with ceiling.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

Also, let's be honest... Not to sound harsh but If you have kitten players (literally) playing with you effectively.. Then you're probably not that great anyway and playing against trash tier players.

I have mentally challenged kid on my team. We don't care about winning or losing, but enjoying the time spent as a family. We win and lose...some nights favor one over the other, but it doesn't matter b/c watching his face light up is what those nights are about.

Kinda a shit post from you trying to defend your class.

@ZhouX.8742 said:

To play ranger at top tier is like many other classes, takes knowledge of the classes you're going against and constant point fighting practice to get actually good while managing pets, cooldowns and estimating 1up pressure but yes I can see with longbow the skill floor being a lower barrier of entry.

Hitting 4 and 2 may appear to make the class look and seem easy, with druid there is a lot more to it than just that. With soulbeast it goes a bit even further since it's really not a better position than druid in it's role to conquest.

Anybody can just get on ranger and "be effective" , but to actually provide something for your team are 2 different things.

There are many other classes that could do better. I can get on thief and literally do more for my team than ranger because I have mobility to contest points and out-rotate and just 1up players, but then again demo spellbreaker exists at the moment so if you're talking about low barrier of entry , look no further.

You're entire 1st paragraph is based on general PvP knowledge, and has nothing to do with rangers. Proving my point further thank you

The next part you admit anyone can play ranger, and then on a complete tangent missing the entire point.

  1. We are talking about skill floor/ceiling NOT match contribution
  2. I think you need to understand that a mentally challenged kid is playing ranger successfully.
  3. I never claimed he was killing ESL players, but he's killing non mentally challenged players.

You are arguing with extreme bias & emotion.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

More thought than what you put into that post.

Don't be upset that a poorly coded AI pet carries any of your builds into relevance!

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

I honestly don't know how the skill ceiling is "quite high". It's the lowest, tied with anything-warrior and DH.

All you need to keep into account is when to use skills and when to dodge, WHICH ISN'T EXCLUSIVE TO RANGERS.

LB do whatever. 4 -> 2, invis arrow into 5 or GS swap 2 (if you are using GS). Switch to staff or 1h sword and LITERALLY PIANO YOUR KEYBOARD. Maybe use a leap into smokescale field to gain invis. Use CA as soon as it's off cd because really, there's no reason not to do that in a 1v1 unless you could secure the kill. Free daze, lots of heals, run in circles and LoS. Skillful CA usage. Get carried by the auto-entangling roots, auto shared anguish, clear all condis on CA, gain stealth on CA exit for no real reason, all while your pet does 4-5k dmg hits (more if you use gazelle!) and you spam that 1 key on staff.

Amazingly high skill ceiling.

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@Razor.6392 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

I honestly don't know how the skill ceiling is "quite high". It's the lowest, tied with anything-warrior and DH.

All you need to keep into account is when to use skills and when to dodge, WHICH ISN'T EXCLUSIVE TO RANGERS.

LB do whatever. 4 -> 2, invis arrow into 5 or GS swap 2 (if you are using GS). Switch to staff or 1h sword and LITERALLY PIANO YOUR KEYBOARD. Maybe use a leap into smokescale field to gain invis. Use CA as soon as it's off cd because really, there's no reason not to do that in a 1v1 unless you could secure the kill. Free daze, lots of heals, run in circles and LoS. Skillful CA usage. Get carried by the auto-entangling roots, auto shared anguish, clear all condis on CA, gain stealth on CA exit
for no real reason
, all while your pet does 4-5k dmg hits (more if you use gazelle!) and you spam that 1 key on staff.

Amazingly high skill ceiling.

You are describing the skill floor, not ceiling. Spamming skills is not skilled, using them tactically is. Knowing when and how to use them tactically as well as mechanically microing the pet is the ceiling. You can immediately tell the difference.

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@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.

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@Aomine.5012 said:

@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.

swap to gazelle, sic em + maul, happily dance as they instantly die


just keep an eternal stalemate on your point

either way u win

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@Razor.6392 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

I honestly don't know how the skill ceiling is "quite high". It's the lowest, tied with anything-warrior and DH.

All you need to keep into account is when to use skills and when to dodge, WHICH ISN'T EXCLUSIVE TO RANGERS.

LB do whatever. 4 -> 2, invis arrow into 5 or GS swap 2 (if you are using GS). Switch to staff or 1h sword and LITERALLY PIANO YOUR KEYBOARD. Maybe use a leap into smokescale field to gain invis. Use CA as soon as it's off cd because really, there's no reason not to do that in a 1v1 unless you could secure the kill. Free daze, lots of heals, run in circles and LoS. Skillful CA usage. Get carried by the auto-entangling roots, auto shared anguish, clear all condis on CA, gain stealth on CA exit
for no real reason
, all while your pet does 4-5k dmg hits (more if you use gazelle!) and you spam that 1 key on staff.

Amazingly high skill ceiling.

You are describing the skill floor, not ceiling. Spamming skills is not skilled, using them tactically is. Knowing when and how to use them tactically as well as mechanically microing the pet is the ceiling. You can immediately tell the difference.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how incredibly high the skill ceiling is. Microing a pet is hard? What?

When literal skill spamming is barely different from a master druid, odds are that the class really isnt hard to use.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:Really what a nonsense discussion. Ranger might be one of the easier classes to get into, just like warrior for example. But playing a ranger in a match with Legends is still harder than playing for example an ele in silver/gold.

So what happens if you play ranger in silver/gold? How's playing ele against legends compared to ranger?

You starting to get the idea?

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:Really what a nonsense discussion. Ranger might be one of the easier classes to get into, just like warrior for example. But playing a ranger in a match with Legends is still harder than playing for example an ele in silver/gold.

So what happens if you play ranger in silver/gold? How's playing ele against legends compared to ranger?

You starting to get the idea?

The difference in needed skill to play a class effectively will diminish once you grow into playing in higher divisions. In low divisions ranger might be better for a beginner to become effective more quickly, but this isnt a thing in higher divisions. You starting to get the idea?

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@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.> @Jinks.2057 said:

@Aomine.5012 said:

@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.

swap to gazelle, sic em + maul, happily dance as they instantly die


just keep an eternal stalemate on your point

either way u win

Sure thing, never happened to me a single time throughout 50 matches.

If what you said is true, we wouldn't see like 90% of people are voting Spellbreaker and Scourge, and Soulbeast got 2 votes.


It clearly rarely happen and unreliable at best.It probably only happened to you ONCE and you're still holding grudge on that one pitiful kill, while Scourge killed you more than a 100 times already.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:Really what a nonsense discussion. Ranger might be one of the easier classes to get into, just like warrior for example. But playing a ranger in a match with Legends is still harder than playing for example an ele in silver/gold.

So what happens if you play ranger in silver/gold? How's playing ele against legends compared to ranger?

You starting to get the idea?

The difference in needed skill to play a class effectively will diminish once you grow into playing in higher divisions. In low divisions ranger might be better for a beginner to become effective more quickly, but this isnt a thing in higher divisions. You starting to get the idea?

So you're ultimately saying the difference in skill required to play ele or thief vs ranger at legendary level is minimal?


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@Aomine.5012 said:

@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.> @Jinks.2057 said:

@Aomine.5012 said:

@PowerBottom.5796 said:Against both scourge and spellbreaker you need to stay at range to stand even a small chance. But yes, those builds are insanely strong atm and I don't think you should even try to 1v1 them.

Don't bother using ranger against spellbreaker.You can't kill them 1 v 1 as ranger / Druid, end of story.

swap to gazelle, sic em + maul, happily dance as they instantly die


just keep an eternal stalemate on your point

either way u win

Sure thing, never happened to me a single time throughout 50 matches.

If what you said is true, we wouldn't see like 90% of people are voting Spellbreaker and Scourge, and Soulbeast got 2 votes.

It clearly rarely happen and unreliable at best.It probably only happened to you ONCE and you're still holding grudge on that one pitiful kill, while Scourge killed you more than a 100 times already.

druid isn't on that list is it?

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

Also, let's be honest... Not to sound harsh but If you have kitten players (literally) playing with you effectively.. Then you're probably not that great anyway and playing against trash tier players.

I have mentally challenged kid on my team. We don't care about winning or losing, but enjoying the time spent as a family. We win and lose...some nights favor one over the other, but it doesn't matter b/c watching his face light up is what those nights are about.

Kinda a kitten post from you trying to defend your class.

@ZhouX.8742 said:

To play ranger at top tier is like many other classes, takes knowledge of the classes you're going against and constant point fighting practice to get actually good while managing pets, cooldowns and estimating 1up pressure but yes I can see with longbow the skill floor being a lower barrier of entry.

Hitting 4 and 2 may appear to make the class look and seem easy, with druid there is a lot more to it than just that. With soulbeast it goes a bit even further since it's really not a better position than druid in it's role to conquest.

Anybody can just get on ranger and "be effective" , but to actually provide something for your team are 2 different things.

There are many other classes that could do better. I can get on thief and literally do more for my team than ranger because I have mobility to contest points and out-rotate and just 1up players, but then again demo spellbreaker exists at the moment so if you're talking about low barrier of entry , look no further.

You're entire 1st paragraph is based on general PvP knowledge, and has nothing to do with rangers. Proving my point further thank you

The next part you admit anyone can play ranger, and then on a complete tangent missing the entire point.
  1. We are talking about skill floor/ceiling NOT match contribution
  2. I think you need to understand that a mentally challenged kid is playing ranger successfully.
  3. I never claimed he was killing ESL players, but he's killing non mentally challenged players.

You are arguing with extreme bias & emotion.

Skill floor/ceiling is irrelevant if you can't contribute to matches. You don't understand this very basic aspect of PvP in GW2 it seems.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@Razor.6392 said:Press 1-2 from range and let your pet do work. Druids have arguably even less thought behind their gameplay so you should be good to go.

Ranger was made for players who can't attain higher skill floors.

Why do you say that?

Me and my family get together to play GW2 at my house 2-3 times a month. Can get up to 7 people but generally 3-5 range. Just all around great times doing PvP, WvW, and some light open world PvE (usually later after a multitude of beverages)

Now one of the best parts is my nephew gets to play and has an absolute blast. He's got downs syndrome and the only class he can actually play and have any success with is ranger. We've tried to get him on other classes like Warrior, Necro, and even guard but he can't get the results that he can get with ranger. He contributes to the group and his manic laughter when stomping ppl makes it all worth while.

That answer your question?

So, your point is if you play as a Ranger and fight newbies who don't know how to defend themselves is really easy to play, yes, it is. You explod a lot of damage and BOOM, they're down. I kill some people without them even making a move: knockback, entangle, burst dmg, GS, leap, interrupt, burst dmg, and if they're still alive another pet interrupt and they're down for sure. But if you're playing ranked on silver+ things don't work like this.In fact i think it's easier to play as a Guardian or a Necro, a lot more sustain and possibilities to wait for an error from your opponent.So, please, stop with this kitten of "if you play as ranger its just lb4 -> lb2 pew pew, win". If you think this is how it works you need to play this class a little more.

Point is simple.

My mentally challenged nephew can play ranger with success.

I honestly can't think of a more definitive way of identifying a low skill floor/ceiling.

Can you?

And my cousin with MS can ride a bike. So what? If it's that good that your mentally challenged nephew can play it with success, why is it hardly seen in top tier? Wouldn't everyone play it since its easy and effective? You can go faceroll a keyboard with a lot of classes and have success against bads. Ranger is an excellent small-scaler, it's easy to deal big damage if your target just lets you free cast with a LB. And that
a low skill floor, if you have everyone else to help you and your target is bad, but the ceiling is quite high when you take it out of that scenario.

Did you just say ranger isn't top tier? It's not like pro teams ran them or anything........

The skill ceiling is extremely low on Ranger. In fact if a Ranger was a house you'd actually walk down steps to get in it & have to crawl throughout the entire house. I'm ok with that since my it's the only way my nephew can play with us, but I'm not going to call a spade a diamond.

Also, let's be honest... Not to sound harsh but If you have kitten players (literally) playing with you effectively.. Then you're probably not that great anyway and playing against trash tier players.

I have mentally challenged kid on my team. We don't care about winning or losing, but enjoying the time spent as a family. We win and lose...some nights favor one over the other, but it doesn't matter b/c watching his face light up is what those nights are about.

Kinda a kitten post from you trying to defend your class.

@ZhouX.8742 said:

To play ranger at top tier is like many other classes, takes knowledge of the classes you're going against and constant point fighting practice to get actually good while managing pets, cooldowns and estimating 1up pressure but yes I can see with longbow the skill floor being a lower barrier of entry.

Hitting 4 and 2 may appear to make the class look and seem easy, with druid there is a lot more to it than just that. With soulbeast it goes a bit even further since it's really not a better position than druid in it's role to conquest.

Anybody can just get on ranger and "be effective" , but to actually provide something for your team are 2 different things.

There are many other classes that could do better. I can get on thief and literally do more for my team than ranger because I have mobility to contest points and out-rotate and just 1up players, but then again demo spellbreaker exists at the moment so if you're talking about low barrier of entry , look no further.

You're entire 1st paragraph is based on general PvP knowledge, and has nothing to do with rangers. Proving my point further thank you

The next part you admit anyone can play ranger, and then on a complete tangent missing the entire point.
  1. We are talking about skill floor/ceiling NOT match contribution
  2. I think you need to understand that a mentally challenged kid is playing ranger successfully.
  3. I never claimed he was killing ESL players, but he's killing non mentally challenged players.

You are arguing with extreme bias & emotion.

Skill floor/ceiling is irrelevant if you can't contribute to matches. You don't understand this very basic aspect of PvP in GW2 it seems.

Being effective is contributing

You are describing carrying a match. The amount of players who actually "carry" a match is a small number.

He does his job on ranger b/c of the low skill floor/ceiling. He cannot do that on other classes only ranger....we've tried

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:Really what a nonsense discussion. Ranger might be one of the easier classes to get into, just like warrior for example. But playing a ranger in a match with Legends is still harder than playing for example an ele in silver/gold.

So what happens if you play ranger in silver/gold? How's playing ele against legends compared to ranger?

You starting to get the idea?

The difference in needed skill to play a class effectively will diminish once you grow into playing in higher divisions. In low divisions ranger might be better for a beginner to become effective more quickly, but this isnt a thing in higher divisions. You starting to get the idea?

So you're ultimately saying the difference in skill required to play ele or thief vs ranger at legendary level is minimal?


At legendary, you need to be good with druid or ele to even compete. The skill floor is irrelevant here, most of the players in legendary don't really even have a main. They multi-class.

Also at the top level you can always die no matter the class, in 1v1s it's more mental games rather than actual builds and fighting setups and combos. Hence why stowing is so important and skill cancellation and forcing defensives etc.

Druid revolves entirely around 1v1, so you would need to know at least almost all of the weaknesses, opening points of a class that you would go up against and by doing this you would need to practice against top players of their class on point to defend it and survive 1ups for x amount of seconds..

Top players know your weaknesses as a druid, hence why the juggling back and forth between mental games is so important at the top level.

Any player, whether it's a druid or thief would need to have atleast some common sense in regards to rotations and map specific duties.

Yes, if you're in silver/gold with very little knowledge of ranger vs other people with very little knowledge, then druid doesn't even come to mind, DH does. You spam traps and you can win in silver/gold. By that definition alone in terms of skill floor you'd be right to assume that DH is most likely the lowest skill floor vs efficiency.

Skill ceiling on druid / DH though at the top level is pretty high, especially when you use your pet as utility efficiently , hence why knowledge of enemy classes is important.

Also, thief and mesmer are easily the biggest team carry classes you can have. But a bad thief/mesmer will be bad much like a bad ranger will be bad. Both provide about the same level of uselessness at skill floor levels in PvP.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:

@HeadCrowned.6834 said:Really what a nonsense discussion. Ranger might be one of the easier classes to get into, just like warrior for example. But playing a ranger in a match with Legends is still harder than playing for example an ele in silver/gold.

So what happens if you play ranger in silver/gold? How's playing ele against legends compared to ranger?

You starting to get the idea?

The difference in needed skill to play a class effectively will diminish once you grow into playing in higher divisions. In low divisions ranger might be better for a beginner to become effective more quickly, but this isnt a thing in higher divisions. You starting to get the idea?

So you're ultimately saying the difference in skill required to play ele or thief vs ranger at legendary level is minimal?


At legendary, you need to be good with druid or ele to even compete. The skill floor is irrelevant here, most of the players in legendary don't really even have a main. They multi-class.

Also at the top level you can always die no matter the class, in 1v1s it's more mental games rather than actual builds and fighting setups and combos. Hence why stowing is so important and skill cancellation and forcing defensives etc.

Druid revolves entirely around 1v1, so you would need to know at least almost all of the weaknesses, opening points of a class that you would go up against and by doing this you would need to practice against top players of their class on point to defend it and survive 1ups for x amount of seconds..

Top players know your weaknesses as a druid, hence why the juggling back and forth between mental games is so important at the top level.

Any player, whether it's a druid or thief would need to have atleast some common sense in regards to rotations and map specific duties.

Yes, if you're in silver/gold with very little knowledge of ranger vs other people with very little knowledge, then druid doesn't even come to mind, DH does. You spam traps and you can win in silver/gold. By that definition alone in terms of skill floor you'd be right to assume that DH is most likely the lowest skill floor vs efficiency.

Skill ceiling on druid / DH though at the top level is pretty high, especially when you use your pet as utility efficiently , hence why knowledge of enemy classes is important.

Also, thief and mesmer are easily the biggest team carry classes you can have. But a bad thief/mesmer will be bad much like a bad ranger will be bad. Both provide about the same level of uselessness at skill floor levels in PvP.

I picked up ranger and carried by the second game. If you watched pro level players they all picked up ranger with ease. You don't see many of them playing thieves and the higher skill classes at peak levels of comp for a reason.

The skill ceiling on Druid is not high. Playing it reminds me of the old s/p & sc/t PU phantasm mesmer build from years ago. Except its easier to play the druid.

I'm ok with Ranger being such a beginner class. Every game needs those and it lets my nephew play.

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