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Ranger elites are now no worth the price tag....


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Right now both druid and soulbeast only offer slight variations of the same gameplay offered by core ranger in terms of what you want to do, no significant upgrade or different gameplay other than power duellist, in both druid and soulbeast you lose sustain for no visible "must have" addition.What even was the point of adding elites?

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@Substance E.4852 said:Oh if you think Druid is trash now, just wait till the incoming pet nerfs stack on top of the druid stat penalty

Can't wait to see cats crit for 700 damage on an elite spec that can't support team mates or do damage itself

Outside birds and bristleback, tiger.....there are no pets with reliable dmg, either the dmg level is stuck to 2012 or the cast time too high and long...what people are supposed to do when weapon dmg itself sucks in pvp...wave their hands at the opponent and hope they die?

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