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A simple fix to asura clipping problems

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If you have an asura character and use greatswords, you surely have noticed that there are huge clipping problems with the leggings of almost every armor.Here there are some examples:


This is due to the angle of the stowed greatsword.It appears like the angle of the greatsword depends on the chestpiece you are wearing.In fact, there's one armor chest in the game that can have the problem solved: "Perfected Envoy Vestments (light), for wich the problem was fixed by changing the angle of the stowed greatsword.Here there are the same examples of before using "Perfected Envoy Vestments" (these are unmodified screenshots):


Could you please fix the angle with all the armors? It doesn't seem too much of a problem but a lot of asura players can't use the armor they like because of this.Thank you!

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But don’t the legendary chest pieces make stowed weapons “float” on the back? This would be worse for me, than some clipping through certain skirts.Until they change the angle and the gap towards the back, they should better leave it untouched.It’s already annoying, that weapons “float” while wearing a cape. There’s no need to increase the original gap either, since two handed weapons will clip through the capes, regardless of the position on the back. They should reverse the weapon placement for capes.

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The clipping problem is not limited to "certain skirts", it involves almost all light armor skins.Here there is a small gallery of asura light armor leggings with a stowed Greatsword:


As you can see, just a few leggings, 5/6 at most, don't clip. Changing the angle (at least for light armors) would fix all these armors.The "floating weapon" problem is just a minor drawback compared to the entity of the clipping problem, and it's barely visible even from a short distance.P.s.: The problem involves also most Outfits.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This also happens with asura in medium armor. One of my mains is a ranger and I only have maybe two chest pieces that do not clip Twilight or Kudzu. I don't think I noticed it before because I didn't have Legendary weapons, but I notice and ended up switching my chest piece to something that wouldn't clip.

Some clipping of the pants for heavy armor, but much less frequent compared to medium. And thankfully you've shown light armor because I don't have a light armor asura, haha

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/1/2020 at 8:53 AM, Arlen.1625 said:

If you have an asura character and use greatswords, you surely have noticed that there are huge clipping problems with the leggings of almost every armor.Here there are some examples:


This is due to the angle of the stowed greatsword.It appears like the angle of the greatsword depends on the chestpiece you are wearing.In fact, there's one armor chest in the game that can have the problem solved: "Perfected Envoy Vestments (light), for wich the problem was fixed by changing the angle of the stowed greatsword.Here there are the same examples of before using "Perfected Envoy Vestments" (these are unmodified screenshots):


Could you please fix the angle with all the armors? It doesn't seem too much of a problem but a lot of asura players can't use the armor they like because of this.Thank you!

I have to totally agree here. The Problem also exists with some other weapons like staff, hammer and some longbows. 

This is really a Problem that should get fixed. 

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  • 2 months later...

I love Asura but i just can't play one because everything clips on them even their own body parts like hands are constantly through their legs.

It feels like when the race was designed they just slapped things together at friday then it was the weekend and everybody forgot to make some tweaks on them.

Charr has same kind of problems but nowhere near as bad as Asura does. Charr has more off a problem with 99% armor being designed on humans and nothing really looking good on them only clipping that annoys me on Charr are tail and some hats.

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