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Ranked PvP 2 Player Party Size Limit Feedback


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I would like to create a discussion and give my thoughts and feedback on the party limit size for ranked PvP.

Personally I am not a fan of the 2 player max limit for ranked PvP. I know it used to be a max limit of 3 but I wasn't a fan of that either. My reasons for this is because I enjoy to play the game with a group of my friends and this limit prevents that. Yes, we could just go into unranked PvP and stomp but why should that be our only option? I know removing the limit and allowing a full party of 5 in ranked PvP would have a negative affect on solo players but a solution for that would be for ANet to create a solo only queue (wishful thinking).This all comes on the heels of other players in my ranked PvP games creating a negative experience for me. Players who do not attempt to fulfil their roles or players just rushing into a 1v5 wondering why they die. From my experience I feel that if I play solo or with 1 other friend we cannot impact the game enough to change the outcome of having bad team mates.Don't get me mistaken, I do not want ranked PvP to be easy. I just do not want it to be a roll of the dice to see if I have good, average or terrible team mates every game.After all, this is ranked PvP. It is where we all go to try and win to progress through the ranks and get that sweet loot! Running in a group would therefore be a more viable option.

I know people may disagree with my opinion and that's okay, let me know your thoughts on the subject!

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@Aktium.9506My ideal format would be to make ranked solo queue only and make ATs more frequent so they overlap so there's less of a gap between sessions for teams.

There are tournaments so yeah, unranked isn't my only option (my bad). But, they aren't very frequent and can be very difficult to do well in. I'd hope in ranked I could play teams of equal skill. That was my meaning :)

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@Broady.2358 said:But, they aren't very frequent and can be very difficult to do well in. I'd hope in ranked I could play teams of equal skill.They're sets of 4 rounds you have to play in though. Its usually going to take somewhere between 45-75 minutes to complete a set of ATs. It's currently 3 hours between them. If you had instead 1h 45m or 2h between AT's you could almost do them back to back.

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It will be very bad for ppl like me that play solo and seperating team and solo q will result in dividing players and matchs would take longer to startOh btw... do u want to see a 5 necro or 5 firebrand comp? Just look at the balance and tell me how making 5 men size partys for ranked pvp would affect pvp? Ppl that soloQ would be forced to get out of pvp cuz they cant win anymore. And that will kill the gamemode i thinkPersonal opinion tho

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