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Lighting Rod Comparison:


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@"UNOwen.7132" said:Cba to argue with you, really, you mumbling something about wasting initiative and say "mesmah can easly spam mantras and other inerrupts!" but these skills have massive cooldowns and have to take mantra as utilityEven if your initaitive isnt affected by alacrity your steal/utilities/elite does, not like alacrity is releveant in PVP context as you never get enough of it to feel its impact, meanwhile chill is naerly 3 times stronger and definitly you feel how hard it hit on your cooldowns (ofc not thief players).

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@Odik.4587 said:

@"UNOwen.7132" said:Cba to argue with you, really, you mumbling something about wasting initiative and say "mesmah can easly spam mantras and other inerrupts!" but these skills have massive cooldowns and have to take mantra as utility

Why is that as soon as your arguments get dismantled, you just try and drop out of the discussion? Cant you just man up and concede? The point was that Mesmer can indeed just as easily spam interrupts as thief. A limited amount, specifically. Also, I wouldnt call 10 seconds, 25 seconds or even 38 seconds with a potential recharge off of mantra (which you do between fights obviously) "massive". And yes, you do have to take mantra as a utility skill. Thats still less opportunity cost than if you would have to give up all other weapon skills if you want to interrupt multiple times.

Even if your initaitive isnt affected by alacrity your steal/utilities/elite does, not like alacrity is releveant in PVP context as you never get enough of it to feel its impact, meanwhile chill is naerly 3 times stronger and definitly you feel how hard it hit on your cooldowns (ofc not thief players).

Which is besides the point. You dont like that thieves weapon skills arent affected by power block, but theyre not affected by anything, positive or negative. Thats the whole gimmick. It comes at a major cost, that being that the amount of skills you use is comparatively limited. Your suggestion would just mean that if you manage to interrupt the 1 good offensive skill thief, thief would be useless for 15 seconds. As opposed to, say, interrupting a mesmer, who still has multiple other good skills they can use. Its a bad joke, at best. Another sign of your insane anti-thief bias, at worse.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Cba to argue with you, really, you mumbling something about wasting initiative and say "mesmah can easly spam mantras and other inerrupts!" but these skills have massive cooldowns and have to take mantra as utility

Why is that as soon as your arguments get dismantled, you just try and drop out of the discussion? Cant you just man up and concede? The point was that Mesmer can indeed just as easily spam interrupts as thief. A limited amount, specifically. Also, I wouldnt call 10 seconds, 25 seconds or even 38 seconds with a potential recharge off of mantra (which you do between fights obviously) "massive". And yes, you do have to take mantra as a utility skill. Thats still less opportunity cost than if you would have to give up all other weapon skills if you want to interrupt multiple times.We have a clown here, 25-38s cd is not long, l o l.No, because I told you that I wont reply to you and still step on the same rake all the time.Ye, nag for more buffs after they buffed DRD when merged traits together and let you pick all good traits together :joy:

Even if your initaitive isnt affected by alacrity your steal/utilities/elite does, not like alacrity is releveant in PVP context as you never get enough of it to feel its impact, meanwhile chill is naerly 3 times stronger and definitly you feel how hard it hit on your cooldowns (ofc not thief players).

Which is besides the point. You dont like that thieves weapon skills arent affected by power block, but theyre not affected by anything, positive or negative. Thats the whole gimmick. It comes at a major cost, that being that the amount of skills you use is comparatively limited. Your suggestion would just mean that if you manage to interrupt the 1 good offensive skill thief, thief would be useless for 15 seconds. As opposed to, say, interrupting a mesmer, who still has multiple other good skills they can use. Its a bad joke, at best. Another sign of your insane anti-thief bias, at worse.I didnt say it should block interrupted skill for 15s ? I said it shold be punished but didnt say how (not like they will do anything xD)
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@Odik.4587 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Cba to argue with you, really, you mumbling something about wasting initiative and say "mesmah can easly spam mantras and other inerrupts!" but these skills have massive cooldowns and have to take mantra as utility

Why is that as soon as your arguments get dismantled, you just try and drop out of the discussion? Cant you just man up and concede? The point was that Mesmer can indeed just as easily spam interrupts as thief. A limited amount, specifically. Also, I wouldnt call 10 seconds, 25 seconds or even 38 seconds with a potential recharge off of mantra (which you do between fights obviously) "massive". And yes, you do have to take mantra as a utility skill. Thats still less opportunity cost than if you would have to give up all other weapon skills if you want to interrupt multiple times.We have a clown here, 25-38s cd is not long, l o l.

Yeah, its not. 25 seconds is less cooldown than my healing turrets 30 seconds, and I wouldnt call Healing turret "long cooldown". Now stuff like Elixir S, that is long cooldown.

No, because I told you that I wont reply to you and still step on the same rake all the time.

You also originally did it when your arguments got dismantled but you were too stubborn to concede. Doesnt change anything.

Ye, nag for more buffs after they buffed DRD when merged traits together and let you pick all good traits together :joy:

Ah yes, when they "buffed" DRD and the result was that the only build using Daredevil got even worse, and noone played Daredevil. They had to buff Swipe so that anyone would even use the traitline that they "buffed". Yeah, what a great "buff". Then again, you also think that you can now "pick all good traits together", when in reality you could no longer combine Havoc Mastery and Pulmonary Impact (nevermind that PI was already bad at that point), and Driven Fortitude got rolled into a major trait, meaning you could no longer have it and physical training. Hell, the end result was that Driven Fortitude just got lost, since you pick Marauders resilience anyway. So no, it didnt let you "pick all the good traits together", it specifically prevented you from doing that. Hence why it wasnt a buff, and needed buffs for people to pick DRD again.

Besides, it would only be a buff to D/P Headshot thief, which went from underpowered (pre-patch) to below troll tier (post-patch).

Even if your initaitive isnt affected by alacrity your steal/utilities/elite does, not like alacrity is releveant in PVP context as you never get enough of it to feel its impact, meanwhile chill is naerly 3 times stronger and definitly you feel how hard it hit on your cooldowns (ofc not thief players).

Which is besides the point. You dont like that thieves weapon skills arent affected by power block, but theyre not affected by anything, positive or negative. Thats the whole gimmick. It comes at a major cost, that being that the amount of skills you use is comparatively limited. Your suggestion would just mean that if you manage to interrupt the 1 good offensive skill thief, thief would be useless for 15 seconds. As opposed to, say, interrupting a mesmer, who still has multiple other good skills they can use. Its a bad joke, at best. Another sign of your insane anti-thief bias, at worse.I didnt say it should block interrupted skill for 15s ? I said it shold be punished but didnt say how (not like they will do anything xD)

"It was basically my idea if your "interesting" buffs goes live", referring to Lincolns whole rambling including putting thieves skills on CD. So yeah, you did say that. And yeah, they wont, it doesnt make design sense.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:You also originally did it when your arguments got dismantled but you were too stubborn to concede. Doesnt change anything.What DiSmAnTlEd? What nonsense is this known to you only?Everything is fine as it is now. PI shouldnt do much damage with such an easy access to CC on demand (or have 3s icd to not be brainlessly spammed on every skill and autos). Feel free to believe otherwise, dont care.Linc suggestion was intentionally ridiculous just as your, couldnt make it more obvious, sorry :DI'm done with you, again...

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@Odik.4587 said:

@"UNOwen.7132" said:You also originally did it when your arguments got dismantled but you were too stubborn to concede. Doesnt change anything.What DiSmAnTlEd? What nonsense is this known to you only?

Feel free to look back and see what you got wrong and had me point it out as wrong.

Everything is fine as it is now. PI shouldnt do much damage with such an easy access to CC on demand (or have 3s icd to not be brainlessly spammed on every skill and autos). Feel free to believe otherwise, dont care.

Ah yes, its "fine" that the trait is literally useless, and if everyone played correctly, would have a 0% pick rate accross every single player, as there is no justifiable reason to ever pick due to how useless it is. I mean hell, its so unbelievably bad, that frankly picking it should allow players to report you for throwing. Its also funny that you think the ICD would make any real difference, but then again its clear you dont know the build at all. But let me in on a little secret: It didnt do "much damage" before the patch. It just didnt do 200-400 damage on a 4 initiative skill. But sure, Im sure you will agree with me if we give it 3 seconds ICD, and fully revert the damage (including the accidental overnerf), right?

Oh, or a better idea. Since Mesmer also has such an easy access to CC on demand, why not apply the same concept to Power Block. Give it a 66% damage nerf as well. You would obviously agree with that, right?

Linc suggestion was intentionally ridiculous just as your, couldnt make it more obvious, sorry :D

No, his was intentionally ridiculous alright. Mine wasnt. In fact, the only thing you could say is that mine mightve been a little too cautious. See, my suggestion (minus the 33% damage buff) would make it a little worse than the pre-patch version. Keep in mind, the pre-patch version was already weak. Only one build ran it, and frankly, it was wrong even on that build.

I'm done with you, again...

Because you once again are wrong but cant admit it.

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Fresh Air was demolished, same with weaver sustain, burns or stability. It's only natural LR has to die now. Ele is just not supposed to have something good. People are used to having Ele be a punching bag and it's simply unbearable to have a viable, non-oppressive build.

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