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When was the lord nerfed this much?

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Want to start by saying I used to pvp pretty heavily a long time ago (PvP season 1/2 ish and before that) and one of my fav maps was Legacy of the Foefire. I remember when they initially added the breakbar to the lord and made it harder to solo (that was 1 thing I liked to do). Havent really PvP'd in the last couple years as WvW took me in and kept me.

I was willingly conned into joining unranked with some guildies and this map came up. Someone broke down their gate and suggested I go in. I brought my WvW build with me (well...as best I could) and was able to very easily solo the lord.

My question, when did he become so easy to solo (easier than before imo)?

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

While it did take a moment or 2, they were dispatched fairly quickly. I was surprised how easy they were to fall, hense why I posted this

No change really. Quite a few builds have always been able to solo it - it's just a matter of time. Usually a defending player will show up before you finish. Some builds are better suited than others. I know reaper was strong at it. Ranger had trouble because it projectile hate.

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@Exedore.6320 said:

While it did take a moment or 2, they were dispatched fairly quickly. I was surprised how easy they were to fall, hense why I posted this

No change really. Quite a few builds have always been able to solo it - it's just a matter of time. Usually a defending player will show up before you finish. Some builds are better suited than others. I know reaper was strong at it. Ranger had trouble because it projectile hate.

Well I am running a ranged DE, but not permastealth (rifle and a dagger and a pistol) so should be harder for me too. I dunno. was easy so didnt know if it was normal.

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