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[BUG] 2 similar weapons set sharing the same cd?


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Why are allowed to have the same weapon set twice if they share the same cd? Like if you use skill #3 of weapon set #1, skill#3 of weapon set #2 will be automatically be in cd too.I don t know who was in charge of writing cooldown's unit test but he/she forgot the case where both weapons set are the same. It looks like a programming design bug here.CD should not only be per skill but rather be per skill per weapon set. This is an easy hotfix.Unless it was on purpose, then why are we allow to have the same weapon set twice in the first place???@Ben Phongluangtham.1065

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It's intended, not a bug. The reason it works that way is so that you can swap an off-hand, but keep the main-hand or vice versa.

The reason you can't equip two of the same weapon is so that you can't use a powerful ability of the weapon back-to-back. For example, a ranger can't use two longbows to knock you back and rapid fire you twice in a row.

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@Exedore.6320 said:It's intended, not a bug. The reason it works that way is so that you can swap an off-hand, but keep the main-hand or vice versa.I've tried all possible combinations:

  • same main hand same off hand
  • same main hand different off hand
  • different main hand same off hand

There is no difference.

@Exedore.6320 said:The reason you can't equip two of the same weapon is so that you can't use a powerful ability of the weapon back-to-back. For example, a ranger can't use two longbows to knock you back and rapid fire you twice in a row.Then why can he equip two longbows in the first place?

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:Then why can he equip two longbows in the first place?

To trigger "on swap" sigils

Idk, those can be triggered by whatever weapon combination you use. Plus, there is no on swap sigils which trigger when you swap to the same weapon set.

Take thief for example

There was a staff/staff thief build, you don't want any other weapon but you want on swap sigils, on swap traits or maybe 4 different sigils (if you take 1 staff you can't have 4 different sigils).

So you take 2 staves ez fix.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:Then why can he equip two longbows in the first place?

To trigger "on swap" sigils

Idk, those can be triggered by whatever weapon combination you use. Plus, there is no on swap sigils which trigger when you swap to the same weapon set.

Take thief for example

There was a staff/staff thief build, you don't want any other weapon but you want on swap sigils, on swap traits or maybe 4 different sigils (if you take 1 staff you can't have 4 different sigils).

So you take 2 staves ez fix.staff/staff thief build took advantage of the initiative system. They didn t took staff/staff because they wanted the sigils, the sigils is just the icing on the cake.
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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@montecristo.1324 said:In addition to this in pve and wvw there are stacking sigils. It's not a bug.although I don t know what stacking sigils are (I only play pvp), There is a reason why I posted it on pvp-subforum.

if you lack of the game basics you can't understand what is a bug and what is a feature. This is a fuature. As said before, it is to avoid strong skills on cd, it is for proc sigils and in pve and wvw there are stacking sigils, that means that each time you do something (for example you kill a foe) you gain something until you die. In wvw for example make sense to have one of those stacking sigils that build damage and then when it is at max cap, you change to your other weapon with different sigils.

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@Exedore.6320 said:It's intended, not a bug. The reason it works that way is so that you can swap an off-hand, but keep the main-hand or vice versa.

The reason you can't equip two of the same weapon is so that you can't use a powerful ability of the weapon back-to-back. For example, a ranger can't use two longbows to knock you back and rapid fire you twice in a row.

Actually...isn't there a trait where if you swap your LB you can LB2, then swap back and LB2 is up again?

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