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I swapped orders ?

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First off - I know the order you choose don't really matter in the long run , but I am curious about this. So I choose Vigil and my Girlfriend choose Order of Whispers. We then did the confrontation of destiny's edge , and at the conclusion of the mission I accepted her progress - I then also got the Stealing secrets Mission - where you meet Tybalt...but I clearly choose Vigil - even my Personal Story Journal confirm this. Is there any way to get back on the Vigil Questline ?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:You will swap back to your original choice when the current Story Arc ends; unless you, again, choose to accept someone else's progress at that time.It works this way so that you and the other person can continue to play together.

No, this is a bug. I've had it happen. My Order of Whispers Norn is basically Priory too after joining my partner's instance.

Her level 50 storyline (racial affinity) became a fascinating jumble of alternately having Sieran and Tybalt join her.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:You will swap back to your original choice when the current Story Arc ends; unless you, again, choose to accept someone else's progress at that time.It works this way so that you and the other person can continue to play together.

No, this is a
. I've had it happen. My Order of Whispers Norn is basically Priory too after joining my partner's instance.

Sssh, your norn is just deep, deep, deep undercover.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:It's not a bug, but a feature, so players can play together.

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

Did you play any of the steps with another player? If you play co-op and choose to accept story progress at the end of the story step, it will put you on the same storyline as the other player, even if it doesn’t match your own.

I read that as "my active story is PoF, I join a buddy in LS2, after accepting progress that same LS2 step is now my active story".

I can't imagine it's designed to overwrite decision you've made yourself. That seems pretty clearly a bug.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:You will swap back to your original choice when the current Story Arc ends; unless you, again, choose to accept someone else's progress at that time.It works this way so that you and the other person can continue to play together.

No, this is a
. I've had it happen. My Order of Whispers Norn is basically Priory too after joining my partner's instance.

Sssh, your norn is just deep, deep, deep undercover.

Oh, exactly how I've treated it ever since! She even has access to member-exclusive vendors in both order HQs!

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As you may/may not know, sadly Orders don't mean much after reaching a certain level.

I understand the want to be on the same quests while leveling. That's one thing that makes this part of gaming so much fun.

It may take some time, but one of you could always use another character slot and go back to select the same Order story line.

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