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Berserker shout healer


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1) Put this in the warrior forum.2) Is this for PvE or WvW?

It would be okay in FotM where all you need to do is spam Decap, the shouts don't take time out of the rotation. It would be an okay stream of healing, but would not replace a healbrand or druid. You may be better off with TOP BOT MID in Tactics. Soldier's comfort doesn't heal enough for the 15s ICD on Soldier's Focus and Empower Allies will go further in helping the party than Shrug it Off (outside of condi heavy areas).

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:1) Put this in the warrior forum.2) Is this for PvE or WvW?

It would be okay in FotM where all you need to do is spam Decap, the shouts don't take time out of the rotation. It would be an okay stream of healing, but would not replace a healbrand or druid. You may be better off with TOP BOT MID in Tactics. Soldier's comfort doesn't heal enough for the 15s ICD on Soldier's Focus and Empower Allies will go further in helping the party than Shrug it Off (outside of condi heavy areas).

I was thinking PvE and WvW could work as well. I wanted to maximize healing while still being able to do damage but you may be right about those traits, though I think this build could work as off-healer in raids.

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It could work in open world (as everything, really) for metas, world bosses, etc,but in fractals (T4s and CMs) and raids, this build would be ineffective. Hybrid between dps and healing is not working well for warrior in PvE. It is just not enough, warrior is lacking other utility like aoe reflects, stability, aegis, porting downed to you and ressing them super fast/etc. Funny thing is that like 3 days ago, I was theorycrafting bs healing build (with seraph gear) for raids. I was about to start farming some jade shards for seraph inscriptions, but talked with my raid static about it, who I could actually replace with this build, and came to conclusion that it is not worth at all.In case of your build, healing output will be higher than my bs build, obviously, but think about this: why not just use proper healer with better utility that helps the group more and go dps instead? Bannerslave dps is really nice nowadays (it is basically dps build but with banners in utility slots), even trivializing actual warrior dps builds because difference between bs and dps is like 3-4k dps. So warrior can just go bs and bring other, higher dps class. That has been fate of warrior for years...Also, Decapitate spam is really bad without Discipline traitline because no Axe Mastery trait. Adrenaline gain will be slow = slower decapitate spam = lower dps. Replace Strength with Discipline, it is higher dps. You can easily test for yourself on golem in Special Forces Training Area.

In WvW, this could be interesting in zerging, but again, hybrid between dps and healing is not really effective, you could just go either max dps berserker, do significantly higher damage and rely on supportor go spellbreaker and be more durable with bubble which could have probably higher impact on fight.

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@cryorion.9532 said:It could work in open world (as everything, really) for metas, world bosses, etc,but in fractals (T4s and CMs) and raids, this build would be ineffective. Hybrid between dps and healing is not working well for warrior in PvE. It is just not enough, warrior is lacking other utility like aoe reflects, stability, aegis, porting downed to you and ressing them super fast/etc. Funny thing is that like 3 days ago, I was theorycrafting bs healing build (with seraph gear) for raids. I was about to start farming some jade shards for seraph inscriptions, but talked with my raid static about it, who I could actually replace with this build, and came to conclusion that it is not worth all.In case of your build, healing output will be higher than my bs build, obviously, but think about this: why not just use proper healer with better utility that helps the group more and go dps instead? Bannerslave dps is really nice nowadays (it is basically dps build but with banners in utility slots), even trivializing actual warrior dps builds because difference between bs and dps is like 3-4k dps. So warrior can just go bs and bring other, higher dps class. That has been fate of warrior for years...Also, Decapitate spam is really bad without Discipline traitline because no Axe Mastery trait. Adrenaline gain will be slow = slower decapitate spam = lower dps. Replace Strength with Discipline, it is higher dps. You can easily test for yourself on golem in Special Forces Training Area.

In WvW, this could be interesting in zerging, but again, hybrid between dps and healing is not really effective, you could just go either max dps berserker, do significantly higher damage and rely on supportor go spellbreaker and be more durable with bubble which could have probably higher impact on fight.

This.Try swapping out Strength for Discipline if you want to take this into FotM or raids.

When Anet reworked Tactics they killed it in the cradle by butting an ICD on Soldier's Focus and by proxy Soldier's Comfort and Martial Cadence. If there was no ICD then as a Berserker spamming Decap, then yeah you'd put out some consistent healing with Soldier's Comfort.

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I don't understand why you hate Strenght lol, it's a good traitline. the might gain and self healing is good and if I don't want the selfhealing I can just go with extra damage to my burst skills. Soldier's Focus might have a long CD thats true, but maybe the CD will be reduced sometime, we will see. Still, there is no point in going Discipline over Strenght as I don't need the fast weapon swapping because the CD on warhorn and offhand axe are longer than 9 seconds, I don't need the T2 traits as I use shouts for healing and not banners, Pinnacle of Strenght gives 10+ power for each stack of might which is damage increase of 250 power if I have 25 stacks, so changing the Axe/Axe for a GS could work better.

Also Adrenaline isn't really a problem, my ultimate gives full adrenaline and also my heal gives full adrenaline, that's 2 instant bursts.

EDITIf I want even more healing i could use rune of the monk and use the battle standard elite skill to get the 10% extra healing to allies, as i need to apply enough boons to keep it up. So with this build I can heal about 3600 with every shout and I also have the warhorn barrier which gives 4000. Though I think the numbers are lower on build editor and higher in the game.

It could work as a healer/tank instead and go with toughness instead of crit. Then one group could lose 1 healer and get another dps.That's a huge dps increase if we have a bonus dps.

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It is not about hating Strength, it is about what is actually better if you want to get most effective dps out of Berserker. In PvE, Axe Mastery trait is a MUST for optimal Decapitate spam, together with 100% crit chance. If you don't care about dps that much, then anything will work. You can go full magi and just autoattack while seeking low hp players, ressing/healing them. Scuffed on warrior, but welp, still possible.

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@cryorion.9532 said:It is not about hating Strength, it is about what is actually better if you want to get most effective dps out of Berserker. In PvE, Axe Mastery trait is a MUST for optimal Decapitate spam, together with 100% crit chance. If you don't care about dps that much, then anything will work. You can go full magi and just autoattack while seeking low hp players, ressing/healing them. Scuffed on warrior, but welp, still possible.

I'd say that 370 might, 21% increased damage on the burst skill and 7% damage on the primal burst skill is way better than some ferocity and adrenaline gain on hit, also you get might gain on critical hits and endurance gain with the minor trait so you can dodge more often and the dodges does about 1k damage. Also the berserkers power can be changed for might makes right for extra selfhealing.

Strenght has more useful traits while Discipline only has 1 useful trait for my build and that trait is not even enough. I pick GS instead of two axes and go with Strenght.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@"cryorion.9532" said:It is not about hating Strength, it is about what is actually better if you want to get most effective dps out of Berserker. In PvE, Axe Mastery trait is a MUST for optimal Decapitate spam, together with 100% crit chance. If you don't care about dps that much, then anything will work. You can go full magi and just autoattack while seeking low hp players, ressing/healing them. Scuffed on warrior, but welp, still possible.

I'd say that 370 might, 21% increased damage on the burst skill and 7% damage on the primal burst skill is way better than some ferocity and adrenaline gain on hit, also you get might gain on critical hits and endurance gain with the minor trait so you can dodge more often and the dodges does about 1k damage. Also the berserkers power can be changed for might makes right for extra selfhealing.

Strenght has more useful traits while Discipline only has 1 useful trait for my build and that trait is not even enough. I pick GS instead of two axes and go with Strenght.

While that is all true Re: Strength vs Discipline to maximize DPS with Axe you have to spam Decapitate and for that you need axe mastery.

You should probably stick with GS as your main set if you want to stay in strength with this setup.


This will work better with the axes setup for what you want to do. Swap the banner for OMM if you want and take brawlers recovery instead.

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@"Zoid.2568" Go to LA Aerodrome Test Area, and test for yourself, if Strength, even with its big bonuses, is better than Discipline.Why do you think power tactics berserker bannerslave build gives up Strength and not Discipline? Even if Strength has such big bonuses?

Why do you need more selfhealing, if you already have healing on shouts and on might granted to others?If your focus is on heals and staying alive, then why even bother with Berserker and dps?

Maybe you could try changing your build to condi, something like this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKBFwEG7XZBMM2FTjRil20abF-zRJYoRPfZkYKUdF47s43mF-eSo now you can also provide nice boons - perma fury, swiftness and vigor. If you place Battle Standard for boons, you can easily upkeep rune of monk bonus for 60 seconds and also perma 25 might, but yeah, rip if you need it for mlg mass res.This build is similar to what I tried to theorycraft but with banners. Healing suffered the most in that build because of missing 2 shout skills.Idk about the damage, I would have to actually test it out in game.

The ultimate question is though, who can you replace as healing warrior (in general)? Druid, tempest, firebrand or scourge? Is it effective enough? Does it have enough utility to pull its weight, even as secondary healer?

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