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server crash and disconect me , lost like 200g gold and item

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i was playing event in domain of isten, my gold was like 615 g and have anther 65 gold in trading post as i remember and many item like istan porat scroll my magic find was more than 213% i remember and now its 203% ! i pay alot to push it, and my gold now 500g and trading post gold is 1 gold xd alot of loots like 200 loot disappeared with many item disappearedlike istan porat scroll disappeared

all this happen after server crash, is this tech issue?

will i get every thing in my account back it was ??? hope player to face this problem befor tell me if iam gona get my stuff and item back ????? my loss more than 400 gold if i calculate magic find costs, and item and gold lost,

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This is a problem which is affecting absolutely everyone on the EU server. We don't know exactly what happened, just that the game crashed and lost 2-3 days of data. We're waiting for Anet to fix it, but it only happened about 1.5 hours ago so they're probably still working out what they can do.

This isn't normal for this game, as far as I know nothing like this has happened before (there was a deliberate roll-back in 2016, but that was controlled and done intentionally) so I can't say what Anet will do to fix it. But it's definitely a problem, not something that should ever happen, so I'm certain they will fix it when they can. I expect they'll restore the servers to the most recent backup they have so we'll get back everything up to that point.

For now I'm just not logging in, because I don't want to do more stuff only to have that over-written when they restore the game.

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@Danikat.8537 said:This is a problem which is affecting absolutely everyone on the EU server. We don't know exactly what happened, just that the game crashed and lost 2-3 days of data. We're waiting for Anet to fix it, but it only happened about 1.5 hours ago so they're probably still working out what they can do.

This isn't normal for this game, as far as I know nothing like this has happened before (there was a deliberate roll-back in 2016, but that was controlled and done intentionally) so I can't say what Anet will do to fix it. But it's definitely a problem, not something that should ever happen, so I'm certain they will fix it when they can. I expect they'll restore the servers to the most recent backup they have so we'll get back everything up to that point.

For now I'm just not logging in, because I don't want to do more stuff only to have that over-written when they restore the game.

ty for ur response :) , i did go out from game directly after i see what happen to my account just cant look at my work disappeared like this, gona w8 until they fixed this ,

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@Danikat.8537 said:This is a problem which is affecting absolutely everyone on the EU server. We don't know exactly what happened, just that the game crashed and lost 2-3 days of data. We're waiting for Anet to fix it, but it only happened about 1.5 hours ago so they're probably still working out what they can do.

This isn't normal for this game, as far as I know nothing like this has happened before (there was a deliberate roll-back in 2016, but that was controlled and done intentionally) so I can't say what Anet will do to fix it. But it's definitely a problem, not something that should ever happen, so I'm certain they will fix it when they can. I expect they'll restore the servers to the most recent backup they have so we'll get back everything up to that point.

For now I'm just not logging in, because I don't want to do more stuff only to have that over-written when they restore the game.

Has this happened on NA servers?

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@Edge.8724 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:This is a problem which is affecting absolutely everyone on the EU server. We don't know exactly what happened, just that the game crashed and lost 2-3 days of data. We're waiting for Anet to fix it, but it only happened about 1.5 hours ago so they're probably still working out what they can do.

This isn't normal for this game, as far as I know nothing like this has happened before (there was a deliberate roll-back in 2016, but that was controlled and done intentionally) so I can't say what Anet will do to fix it. But it's definitely a problem, not something that should ever happen, so I'm certain they will fix it when they can. I expect they'll restore the servers to the most recent backup they have so we'll get back everything up to that point.

For now I'm just not logging in, because I don't want to do more stuff only to have that over-written when they restore the game.

Has this happened on NA servers?

No, only EU. I checked my own NA account earlier and it was still showing I'd collected todays login reward and put it in the bank (which is the only thing I've done today, I don't play that account much). I've heard the same thing from other people on NA, that it didn't affect them at all.

Some people have said it seems like a server got corrupted and tried to automatically restore itself and that's what caused the problem. I don't know enough about servers, and especially not about multiple servers running together and sharing data like GW2 uses, to say if that's true but it sounds reasonable and would explain why it only affected EU and didn't affect the Trading Post or mail - because those use different servers.

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Trying to enter the game and keep getting the network error, my AP number was 28.500+ before the roll back on 11 may but its still on 28.450 after the roll back, looks like the achievements I got Saturday in SAB arent bad in my account

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