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[PvP] Mirage build - CP burst

rank eleven monk.9502

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EDIT: slightly updated the build.

Hello everyone!I have tested multiple builds since PoF launch in PvP, and based on the current meta it is actually very tough to go full condi with Mirage. Power mirage builds seem to work fine, but I found this build more enjoyable and flexible that is actually a combination of Power and Condi damage.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsf3cnELDFMjlpBGpBMMjlXDDNAkTeOlJgeTwxf/VATgA-jpRHQB/b/BDeQAA4RAQAPAAAcCA8WZAA

The idea: The largest damage burst comes from swap + shatter #1 + blurred frenzy. For secondary burst you have axe #3 (can hit REALLY hard) and 2x axe#2.The synergy between shatter + blind + confusion + torment brings in a lot of condi stacking. In certain sustained fights make sure to keep up spamming axe #2 in combination with shatters to bring in ridiculous amount of conditions.Also during proloned fights (e.g. 1v1) be sure to utilize torch #4 and #5 then Illusionary Ambush right back and start your chain again. You can also do your opening from Stealth -> torch #4, #5 and then do either bursts. When in danger, use sword ambush #1, Jaunt and Blink to disengage extremely fast.

Your primary condi removal is the mantra, you should usually have it precharged. You also have Jaunt for additional condi removal and obviously the epic Mirage Grandmaster trait.


  • great damage output through power AND condi damage that melts people
  • outstanding mobility - very good 1v1 and 2v2 potential (SB is a problem though)
  • high evade frame thanks to Mirage Cloak and high endurance regeneration


  • little bit squishy, but as soon as you get to feel the build you will improve your survivability a lot
  • not really useful in teamfights, AOE hurts
  • not a great amount of condi removal (Mantra of Resolve, Jaunt, Dodge), this will be a problem at start, but you have to focus on hitnrun and evading attacks while you can - as soon as you get used to the playstyle it won't be a problem any more, random condi packs that sneak in between your evade frames are easily cleaned with the available skills


  • Berserkers Amulet
  • Riddle of Sand (Mirage trait 1)

Any suggestions or observations are welcome. This build should work even better when Illusionary Ambush and Axe skill #3 are fixed and will be working properly every time.

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Interesting take. After running Portal with Mirage for quite some time I can safely say Mirage could use Mantra of Resolve due to the lack of burst condition cleanse.

Even with Viper's, Chaos together with Renewing Oasis provides great sustain as well as extra condi/boon duration. With Elusive Mind and Bountiful Disillusionment you'll never be put down.

Axe coupled with Dueling traitline consistently deals conditions. Viper adds power damage to the mix which is definitely welcome. Not to mention your expertise ramps up to between 50-60%.


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I'm playing that same build with Pistol instead of the offhand Sword and Duelist's Discipline instead of Desperate Decoy - Magic Bullet is such a nice Stun to have on the Axe set; and it recharges really fast with the Interrupts available. I also prefer Self-Deception for securing the shatters, but apart from that, I'm using the same traits. I'm running Ether Feast for the burst heal, personally. Utilities I had good experiences with (mostly over Blink if I feel mobile enough between The Prestige, Mirage Thrust and Jaunt or over Mantra of Resolve, especially if I play with Sigil of Cleansing in addition to Energy) are Mirror Images (even faster burst) and Signet of Domination (damage, prolonged stun chains). Illusionary Ambush I use all the time. Amulet is Carrion.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:Interesting take. After running Portal with Mirage for quite some time I can safely say Mirage could use Mantra of Resolve due to the lack of burst condition cleanse.

Even with Viper's, Chaos together with Renewing Oasis provides great sustain as well as extra condi/boon duration. With Elusive Mind and Bountiful Disillusionment you'll never be put down.

Axe coupled with Dueling traitline consistently deals conditions. Viper adds power damage to the mix which is definitely welcome. Not to mention your expertise ramps up to between 50-60%.

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAnc8fnELDFphlpBGMDMMjlZDzv+t/CglBgaTuxcEsbaJA-jZRHQBB8gAkm9HAwTAwgnAAvVGAAActually you guys are right, should have taken Viper's at the first place. The Chaos pick is very interesting, Renewing Oasis in itself is kind of useless but with the Chaos line it suddenly becomes very strong. But even with that, I personally prefer a more offensive approach, that's why I go with Illusions which is too good to be left out (for me at least). The basic and pretty much the only difference in your build that it is more sustain and survivability focused, which is really just down to playstyle I think.

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After further testing I have updated the build slightly. Now running Viper's amulet, which eventually means less power-based damage but the condition pressure and the overall damage during games improved slightly. That makes fighting SB-s a bit more tough, but helps with most of the other classes.

Also I missed the Endurance sigil on one of the weapons, that has been changed as well, plus added Self Deception instead. Any further feedback is welcome, I am really having fun with this (there is no hard counter unlike Power Mirage).

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