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Adopt A Feature

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Please, let me declare support of a feature when I buy gems with real money.

The concept is to add a multiple choice or drop down menu to the ui in which I can pledge my support towards a specific feature.I see options like Personal Story, Open World, Raid, Dungeon, Fractals, PvP, WvW, Strikes and Other (Please specify).

I don't expect ANet to disclose where to money "goes", because it would cause discontent among the community. However it could steer ANet into developing a feature further, start working on one, or revamp one if they see it is worth their time and effort.

The reason why I write this is because I feel certain features get neglected as a result of their metrics and then continue promoting features over others even though there might be a slumbering community who very much support them. E.g. Dungeons, WvW, PvP or DX12 support might be good candidates for this.

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I wouldn't mind an account survey. Just send it out to everybody. Then they could just secretly look at our spending habits of our accounts, so people don't complain, even though they probably already look at this data. This would let them figure out what we'd like to enjoy instead of what we currently do enjoy.

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@"Pawlegance.7012" said:I don't expect ANet to disclose where to money "goes", because it would cause discontent among the community. However it could steer ANet into developing a feature further, start working on one, or revamp one if they see it is worth their time and effort.Then how would you be assured that your money goes toward the option that you selected?The reason why I write this is because I feel certain features get neglected as a result of their metrics and then continue promoting features over others even though there might be a slumbering community who very much support them. E.g. Dungeons, WvW, PvP or DX12 support might be good candidates for this.Perhaps those very metrics help Anet to know what modes provide the most income? It might be a hard sell to their investors to divert resources to modes that would bring in less.

EDIT: so what if they did implement this as you suggest and what ends up happening is that more players opt for features that are not the features that you prefer? Those modes are already in a minority. Do you really think that this proposal would suddenly make those modes more popular?

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That's similar to asking them to add features to the game in the form of DLC, only instead of paying for that DLC directly, you pay for gem store items and say what you "paid for". You are a quarter too late I think, the game used to be neglecting almost everything and lack diverse content but the latest road map was more inclusive. I think everything on that road map released, so we can expect the next one soon-ish to see if it's gonna stay inclusive again. If you don't like the direction of the game in a specific quarter, or the next roadmap, simply stop paying until its over, they will see the drops and act upon them.

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Arenanet needs to pay all of their employees, not only those working on the most popular parts on the game.Your idea would basically ask employees of the less popular modes to give up (part of) their wages.

The less popular modes already receive too little support.They don't need even less support.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Why should only those buying Gems have their desires heard?The whole community is deserving, which is why the Devs read the forums, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and a myriad of other avenues of feedback.There are probably enough posts where players feel the Devs should listen to them as "paying customers", already."

I didn't say that. The idea is to support old content, old formats as a counter weight to ever adding new formats like Strike Missions. It is about supporting underdeveloped and underfunded content.

"Then how would you be assured that your money goes toward the option that you selected?"I won't. But currently I don't spend a dime on this game except for expansions because I feel the game is moving into the wrong direction. E.g. focus on single player content and ever more formats. With the suggested option I directly support a format or feature.

"Perhaps those very metrics help Anet to know what modes provide the most income? It might be a hard sell to their investors to divert resources to modes that would bring in less.

EDIT: so what if they did implement this as you suggest and what ends up happening is that more players opt for features that are not the features that you prefer? Those modes are already in a minority. Do you really think that this proposal would suddenly make those modes more popular?"I hope making games is about making players happy first and foremost not some investor.Regarding the edit: That is basic democracy at work. The majority is always right. This is not about making modes more popular by spending on them, but about supporting modes which are underdeveloped.

"That's similar to asking them to add features to the game in the form of DLC, only instead of paying for that DLC directly, you pay for gem store items and say what you "paid for". You are a quarter too late I think, the game used to be neglecting almost everything and lack diverse content but the latest road map was more inclusive. I think everything on that road map released, so we can expect the next one soon-ish to see if it's gonna stay inclusive again. If you don't like the direction of the game in a specific quarter, or the next roadmap, simply stop paying until its over, they will see the drops and act upon them."I want to be pro-active and support the studio which released 2 games which defined much of my childhood and adult life. These games got me through some tough times when I lost family members and suffered difficult times.

"Arenanet needs to pay all of their employees, not only those working on the most popular parts on the game.Your idea would basically ask employees of the less popular modes to give up (part of) their wages.

The less popular modes already receive too little support.They don't need even less support."Nope. At least I hope their contracts don't work like that. I want to improve support for less popular modes. Think of it like a Kickstarter campaign. Here is what we want to do, but we need your support to get over the line.

I bought the expansions only to get access to the elite specs. I love pvp and wvw, but these game modes are underdeveloped compared to pve, especially solo content as in the LS. I see your criticism, but if we could've voted to have less LS, less throw-away content, more raids and fractals, more endgame in general, I think at lot of damage could've been prevented. Looking at you, lay-offs and failed projects.

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How many players do you think would vote to have less PvE? The majority of the playerbase? If so, why aren't the other modes more popular? Why haven't they been the most popular ever since launch?If you think those that pay are more interested in modes other than PvE, again, why would it be only those that pay that have their desires heard?

I'm all for all modes to get attention, but I'm guessing there are only so many resources, and those that know best decide where those resources should be concentrated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@kharmin.7683 said:

I hope making games is about making players happy first and foremost not some investor.That's really not how business works.Investors usually want their money back plus interest rates. This money has to come from someone (the players/customers), but I digress.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:How many players do you think would vote to have less PvE? The majority of the playerbase? If so, why aren't the other modes more popular? Why haven't they been the most popular ever since launch?If you think those that pay are more interested in modes other than PvE, again, why would it be only those that pay that have their desires heard?

I'm all for all modes to get attention, but I'm guessing there are only so many resources, and those that know best decide where those resources should be concentrated.

Again, I am not proposing to single out other game modes. But I am saying there has been some missmanagement in the past. Metrics can be deceiving.

I think there are more reasons why modes other than open world pve are neglected. I'd say WvW, even though it has been neglected for a long while got the community with the strongest bonds between them while open world pve is what you can play while watching some streaming service/tv. It is a lot of fun, but nothing to build a community around it. Raids don't get new content because it is too dificult to get new blood. Instead of adding an "easy" mode, we got strike missions. Instead of fixing problems with dungeons, we got fractals. I rather support and fix content we already got.

I am totally fine with ANET focussing on PVE, please don't misunderstand. In fact I know that PVE is making the most money for most MMORPGS. However that doesn't mean there is place for other modes. Especially MMORPGS need to cater to various audiences. Different modes add different myths. A game with all myths solved is a game no longer played.

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