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@lare.5129 said:what always have fb in team ? - I have secret info how to do this. Use duo q.Don't want see second thief in team? Don't be first tief.

Want get full control build/class in team and great rewards?? tournaments waits you.

Also we have perfect matchmaking in gw2. You should be happy.

this is nonsense prolly coming from someone who has luck 24/7. I queue thief cuz i play thief. And the matchmaking is a joke. No good raiting / class balance at all

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Just play 2 thief one shot builds like zerker staff or deadeye and farm the firebrands...

lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore.

ye obvious ist ez to play 2 thief with 1mes, necro, warrior …. against 2 holo, tempest reaper thief / rev.. you get trashed in this meta. You cant get kills fast enough cuz all ppl bunker it, but they stil do a lot of dmg like holo / condi rev. So if you stuck in an fight noone can hold a sigle node and you gonna lose very fast. They should say the class you Queue with is class you have to play ( in addition with an better team balance ofc)

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@"frknkprb.4062" said:this is nonsense prolly coming from someone who has luck 24/7. I queue thief cuz i play thief.so if you want play thief, and worry be one thief on team, you should reg as duoq, second member should be tiefs, and teammate should swap on fb (or any classs you prefere) when party already created.

And the matchmaking is a joke. No good raiting / class balance at allStill not understand why should be good rating. Rating should be always bad, not easy, changeable, and pushed. This is pvp content.

you should not worry anout class balance. It absolutely no matter. mmr comared by win/lose rate, but not class.

THIS IS abstract example.We have "some hand skill" as Constanta S1.So player whit this S(hand skill) can play as necro in platinum, as warrior in gold, as memsmer in silver.

We have "some hand skill" as Constanta S2.So another player whit this S2(hand skill) can play as necro inlegend , as warrior in platinum, as memsmer in gold.

Byu this mmr system most fight they will play as s1 necro vs s2 warior, s1 warrior vs s2 mesmer. So the class balance absolutely not have point.

And one more example: make abstract necro class op, this class 1 vs 5 win. So by this mmr they all will be on top250 and will play without others. If other will come - they will be in same low mmr, and not break balance. So you can don't worry about any op class/build.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:And again people do not understand how small the pvp population is.I don't have have an exact number of people that pvp only and regularly.

But usually when you get instaQ it's because of PvE or new players doing the daily and leave, after some time you Q and start to find always the same names and people in your matches and this is a tell how much people play PvP consistently. Maybe they are less than 200 or even 100.

So how can you expect a perfect matchmaking with low population?As someone else said the matchmaker is programmed at some point to find you any kind of mmr match to let you play instead of waiting 30 mins for the perfect fair matchup.

It was always like this, to be honest it was even worse before where you could get 4 scourges against you after PoF release, or later 4 mirages etc etc.

If the population stays low this is all we got, play and have fun and don't care, win, lose and move on.

It's a game made to spend your free time, if you have to rage all day because of it, maybe take a break or find something else.

This ^ take it for what it is or move on, after this long it's always going to be at least some version of what it is now cuz devs are 100% not gonna rework the pvp and balance from ground up, been half yr and place holder traits still remain 300 sec. If u can find enjoyment in it with the rest of the prob 250 NA or 300EU players great or move on like most to better mmo's and accept the loss of combat mechanics in place of everything else being superior or head to a non mmo pvp game.Things will never change to the point it feels much different than it does now, not with these devs nor the management.

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@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNG i play Ats but ranked is just for gold farm and fun Nothing on it is worth to push ? ^^ so i have to buy other game then

You gotta decide for yourself in the end, u may enjoy the hell out of it where as I used to but now 4 games and I'm more frustrated than I am enjoying the game, so i moved on. Ull have to try it out for few days and see how u find it as u dont want other people's opinions to steer u.

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if you not see fun - this is only mean that you not see fun. But not that there is no fun. Rng is ok, it is some unpredictable. Also way to see some skill, and tactic.No one promise you that you will win. No on promise that you can be TOP 1 wiht any biuld/class.

@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNGbasically yes. But Some people in plat 2, some in TOP250. And this is no RNG. This is skill. A part of this skill use duoq, be ready if needed swap, and etc.

Nothing on it is worth to push ?don;t understand what you wait from game. Yes, you always get nothing, as in any other game . Target fun, and some challenge. If you don't see it in spvp - spvp not for you.

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the matchmaking is highly abusable, if they had a duo they could both q up as thieves and swap after map selection and you'll never know. So they screw up your comp hoping none of you will switch, which may not even work cuz they switch back to counter you, I've seen shorts swapping 4 times trying to counter not be countered by other team, funny enough your pc set up also gets into play, cuz I seriously doubt I can swap more than once, and insta lose the swap wars.

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@fumcheg.1936 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Just play 2 thief one shot builds like zerker staff or deadeye and farm the firebrands...

lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore.

Check metabattle.com. Vault damage is actually potentially insane rn going up to 13-14k depending on the build though not all so that damage, but 1 shot staff is actually more based on staff2s forward charge into swipe which maxes out at like 10k including *mug, but it’s a insanely fast way to plus 1 into some which I can follow up with dust sweeps and vaults for damage. It was always wild into firebrand but not many ppl played it except maybe hitzer who solo qd to like rank 4 at end season on it recently, now that firebrand is still common asf in ranked and kind of low on sustain it’s starting to look almost op and is building some popularity.

I'm playing staff DD this season and this quote above is absolute BS.

There is nothing inaccurate here try to challenge a single number on the list and I’ll gladly strip down your quote to it’s foundation

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Lmao thos community.

Typical plat 2-3 streamer duo all goodStreamers partner leaves and cant get a reply from other friends to dup q with"Should we do some solo q?" "Naw f it solo q is cancer lets go to wvw"Duo q'rs in forums to solo q players" its l2p, u should be able to carry games to plat" lolNever gets old.

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@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNG i play Ats but ranked is just for gold farm and fun Nothing on it is worth to push ? ^^ so i have to buy other game then

Good content you mean you wanna Queue and win every single match you have? This is not how it works.You know how many times I got queued with really terrible PvE players and there was nothing I could do about it, I just played for myself, lost and moved on.

On the oppositecase, you know how many games I played with insanely good players and I did like nothing the entire match and I got carried for a 50-500 game and won.Yes I won, but I got hard carried and didn't learn anything and it was even more unfun than when I was the only guy with a decent PvP build on my team and try my best to kite, to kill, to rotate.

And many people told you, the PvP population is so low, you always find the same names and people after a certain rank, so how can you ask for a fair MMR if there is none playing?

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@girex.8052 said:

@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNG i play Ats but ranked is just for gold farm and fun Nothing on it is worth to push ? ^^ so i have to buy other game then

Good content you mean you wanna Queue and win every single match you have? This is not how it works.You know how many times I got queued with really terrible PvE players and there was nothing I could do about it, I just played for myself, lost and moved on.

On the oppositecase, you know how many games I played with insanely good players and I did like nothing the entire match and I got carried for a 50-500 game and won.Yes I won, but I got hard carried and didn't learn anything and it was even more unfun than when I was the only guy with a decent PvP build on my team and try my best to kite, to kill, to rotate.

And many people told you, the PvP population is so low, you always find the same names and people after a certain rank, so how can you ask for a fair MMR if there is none playing?

The point is if ur trying g to improve ur rank think about that game u won where u were carried,those other players on the other team more skilled than u lost rank and u gained rank, that's why the ranking is bs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNG i play Ats but ranked is just for gold farm and fun Nothing on it is worth to push ? ^^ so i have to buy other game then

Good content you mean you wanna Queue and win every single match you have? This is not how it works.You know how many times I got queued with really terrible PvE players and there was nothing I could do about it, I just played for myself, lost and moved on.

On the oppositecase, you know how many games I played with insanely good players and I did like nothing the entire match and I got carried for a 50-500 game and won.Yes I won, but I got hard carried and didn't learn anything and it was even more unfun than when I was the only guy with a decent PvP build on my team and try my best to kite, to kill, to rotate.

And many people told you, the PvP population is so low, you always find the same names and people after a certain rank, so how can you ask for a fair MMR if there is none playing?

The point is if ur trying g to improve ur rank think about that game u won where u were carried,those other players on the other team more skilled than u lost rank and u gained rank, that's why the ranking is bs.

Exactly, many games i won when i clearly didn't deserve it and my enemies were way more skilled than me, but nothing to do, I just play to relax myself and spend some free time I have, if i win i win, if i lose i lose and whatever.

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@girex.8052 said:

@frknkprb.4062 said:so you basically say if i want good content which isnt complete RNG i play Ats but ranked is just for gold farm and fun Nothing on it is worth to push ? ^^ so i have to buy other game then

Good content you mean you wanna Queue and win every single match you have? This is not how it works.You know how many times I got queued with really terrible PvE players and there was nothing I could do about it, I just played for myself, lost and moved on.

On the oppositecase, you know how many games I played with insanely good players and I did like nothing the entire match and I got carried for a 50-500 game and won.Yes I won, but I got hard carried and didn't learn anything and it was even more unfun than when I was the only guy with a decent PvP build on my team and try my best to kite, to kill, to rotate.

And many people told you, the PvP population is so low, you always find the same names and people after a certain rank, so how can you ask for a fair MMR if there is none playing?

The point is if ur trying g to improve ur rank think about that game u won where u were carried,those other players on the other team more skilled than u lost rank and u gained rank, that's why the ranking is bs.

Exactly, many games i won when i clearly didn't deserve it and my enemies were way more skilled than me, but nothing to do, I just play to relax myself and spend some free time I have, if i win i win, if i lose i lose and whatever.

Definitely the healthier attitude to have regarding gw2 pvp.

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Exactly, many games i won when i clearly didn't deserve it and my enemies were way more skilled than me, but nothing to do, I just play to relax myself and spend some free time I have, if i win i win, if i lose i lose and whatever.

Definitely the healthier attitude to have regarding gw2 pvp.

hm true.. in the end you quit cuz you cant withstand your anger About the game. So you reach anothing …

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