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Balance Changes Under the Profession Tab!

Lan Deathrider.5910

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Break Enchantments and Loss Aversion damage buffs in PvE are lel what with so many Boons to remove in PvE... Frankly they need to utilize the concept in place for literally every other classes boon rip skills, have them deal extra damage against boonless targets (In addition to changing Destruction of the Empowered to a similar effect). That way, in PvP/WvW you get your damage from ripping boons, while in PvE you get your extra damage because nothing has boons to rip.

Brave Stride change is neat. If limited in PvP/WvW. 0 CD 1s Stab would probably be fine. It's not like War has infinite mobility skills to have perma Stab or anything.

Dual Strike buff is meaningless. Not only is OH Axe currently the best OH weapon in PvE, but in PvE there's perma-Quickness boonbots out the wazoo making the change completely irrelevant. Meanwhile, PvP/WvW OH Axe could really do with a 1s Quickness per strike instead of 0.5s (Given that OH Axe provides no defense at all)

Counterblow... Is not an OH skill ANet... Also, not sure the lower CD in PvE really does much. Are they trying to push Mace/Shield Warrior tanks in PvE or something?

Crushing Blow... Worthless change in PvE (Should have plenty of Might and Vuln stacks and OH Axe is far more damage anyway). PvP/WvW, maybe it has some use? Probably not though given that Tremor is not great.

Impale... Worthless changes in PvE. PvP/WvW it has some use thanks to the cripple. Might could be interesting for spiking damage.

Riposte... Worthless everywhere. War doesn't have good Condi build outside of Zerker with Torch OH. 4 more Bleeding stacks on a counterattack skill won't suddenly make OH Sword viable for Condi Damage and Riposte still pales in comparison to the defense of Shield.

Mending buff? Uhh... This is really strong and makes no sense. Mending is already the best War heal. Meanwhile Healing Signet, Defiant Stance and Natural Healing are all trash still. (Blood Reckoning is usable purely because of the janky mechanic where Berserk Mode relies on Rage skills for uptime and "To the Limit" has use in Shout builds)

Savage Instinct change is neat.Outrage CDR is neat.As is Blood Reckoning getting increased healing and the PvP/WvW Zerk mode duration increase.These should be nice for PvP/WvW Zerkers.

MH Axe damage buffs for PvP/WvW? Sure I guess. Will be interesting to see how it performs.

Though it'd also be nice to see some love for Arc Divider, Hundred Blades, Hammer and MH Sword too. Longbow I imagine they forgot exists so probs no hope of that getting the attention it needs.

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After these changes I've started looking at power GreatAxe berserker for PvP/WvW again which I used to play in 2015, until I remember what they did to arc divider. With the reduced cooldown on outrage and significant decapitate buff (decapitate now has a coefficient as high as lv3 eviscerate...) on top of the overall axe mainhand buffs it might be time to take the old Def/Disc/Berserker build for a spin again, with how many short CD stunbreaks berserker offers we can make much better use of Cleasing Ire or Rousing Resilience.

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@"Taril.8619" said:Break Enchantments and Loss Aversion damage buffs in PvE are lel what with so many Boons to remove in PvE... Frankly they need to utilize the concept in place for literally every other classes boon rip skills, have them deal extra damage against boonless targets (In addition to changing Destruction of the Empowered to a similar effect). That way, in PvP/WvW you get your damage from ripping boons, while in PvE you get your extra damage because nothing has boons to rip.That would be a major QoL improvement for PvE.Brave Stride change is neat. If limited in PvP/WvW. 0 CD 1s Stab would probably be fine. It's not like War has infinite mobility skills to have perma Stab or anything.That was what I originally suggested when I posted this concept, but the warrior community thought that would be OP. Apparently Anet read that forum post and took it seriously. That and stab is a double edged sword since boon conversion is a thing.Dual Strike buff is meaningless. Not only is OH Axe currently the best OH weapon in PvE, but in PvE there's perma-Quickness boonbots out the wazoo making the change completely irrelevant. Meanwhile, PvP/WvW OH Axe could really do with a 1s Quickness per strike instead of 0.5s (Given that OH Axe provides no defense at all)The Dual Strike buff should have been for PvP/WvW instead.Counterblow... Is not an OH skill ANet... Also, not sure the lower CD in PvE really does much. Are they trying to push Mace/Shield Warrior tanks in PvE or something?I stand by Counterblow and Riposte becoming interrupts that do the on block effects instead.

Crushing Blow... Worthless change in PvE (Should have plenty of Might and Vuln stacks and OH Axe is far more damage anyway). PvP/WvW, maybe it has some use? Probably not though given that Tremor is not great.You can always combo off of Bull's Charge or Full Counter. OH mace gets used in PvE anyway since Mace/Mace is the best CC set for breakbars so this is definitely a change for competitive play. Would definitely be a tide turning skill in a fight. Honestly though tremor needs to be reworked as well and Crushing Blow needs a quicker cast for this to take off.Impale... Worthless changes in PvE. PvP/WvW it has some use thanks to the cripple. Might could be interesting for spiking damage.This is certainly going to be interesting to see how it plays out.Riposte... Worthless everywhere. War doesn't have good Condi build outside of Zerker with Torch OH. 4 more Bleeding stacks on a counterattack skill won't suddenly make OH Sword viable for Condi Damage and Riposte still pales in comparison to the defense of Shield.See my statement about Counterblow.Mending buff? Uhh... This is really strong and makes no sense. Mending is already the best War heal. Meanwhile Healing Signet, Defiant Stance and Natural Healing are all trash still. (Blood Reckoning is usable purely because of the janky mechanic where Berserk Mode relies on Rage skills for uptime and "To the Limit" has use in Shout builds)I do not expect this to last. This plus SiO and you got some serious anti condi mitigation.Savage Instinct change is neat.Outrage CDR is neat.As is Blood Reckoning getting increased healing and the PvP/WvW Zerk mode duration increase.These should be nice for PvP/WvW Zerkers.100% agree, though I think the upped Decap to test the waters before touchign the other Primal Bursts.MH Axe damage buffs for PvP/WvW? Sure I guess. Will be interesting to see how it performs.

Though it'd also be nice to see some love for Arc Divider, Hundred Blades, Hammer and MH Sword too. Longbow I imagine they forgot exists so probs no hope of that getting the attention it needs.Yeah. That and Rifle doing pitiful damage now as a ranged power weapon.

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@Rekt.5360 said:After these changes I've started looking at power GreatAxe berserker for PvP/WvW again which I used to play in 2015, until I remember what they did to arc divider. With the reduced cooldown on outrage and significant decapitate buff (decapitate now has a coefficient as high as lv3 eviscerate...) on top of the overall axe mainhand buffs it might be time to take the old Def/Disc/Berserker build for a spin again, with how many short CD stunbreaks berserker offers we can make much better use of Cleasing Ire or Rousing Resilience.

Double Arc Divider still clears the screen of minions, Clones, Mesmers, and bad Thieves though. Sure RR is still good, but this is still the condi meta so Shrug it Off, Mending, and Shake it Off will offer more. I'd go Tactics for now over Def, at least until we see what they do with Defy Pain and Last Stand. Who knows maybe they are in the list of things they did not post.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Rekt.5360 said:After these changes I've started looking at power GreatAxe berserker for PvP/WvW again which I used to play in 2015, until I remember what they did to arc divider. With the reduced cooldown on outrage and significant decapitate buff (decapitate now has a coefficient as high as lv3 eviscerate...) on top of the overall axe mainhand buffs it might be time to take the old Def/Disc/Berserker build for a spin again, with how many short CD stunbreaks berserker offers we can make much better use of Cleasing Ire or Rousing Resilience.

Double Arc Divider still clears the screen of minions, Clones, Mesmers, and bad Thieves though. Sure RR is still good, but this is still the condi meta so Shrug it Off, Mending, and Shake it Off will offer more. I'd go Tactics for now over Def, at least until we see what they do with Defy Pain and Last Stand. Who knows maybe they are in the list of things they did not post.

Actually cleansing ire on berserker is pretty good condi cleanse tbh with how spammable primal bursts are. The only issue is that we got locked out of regular burst skills when outside of berserker mode :S I haven't considered tactics at all tbh, might give it a shot

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Rekt.5360 said:After these changes I've started looking at power GreatAxe berserker for PvP/WvW again which I used to play in 2015, until I remember what they did to arc divider. With the reduced cooldown on outrage and significant decapitate buff (decapitate now has a coefficient as high as lv3 eviscerate...) on top of the overall axe mainhand buffs it might be time to take the old Def/Disc/Berserker build for a spin again, with how many short CD stunbreaks berserker offers we can make much better use of Cleasing Ire or Rousing Resilience.

Double Arc Divider still clears the screen of minions, Clones, Mesmers, and bad Thieves though. Sure RR is still good, but this is still the condi meta so Shrug it Off, Mending, and Shake it Off will offer more. I'd go Tactics for now over Def, at least until we see what they do with Defy Pain and Last Stand. Who knows maybe they are in the list of things they did not post.

Yeah...I highly doubt they are on that list. I wish I was wrong, but unfortunately that is rarely the case with things like this. ANet is getting far, far too predictable.

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