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I don't get it (balance notes and logic behind it)


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FWiW, my understanding is that condi damage is good in fractals and raids because the fights tend to last longer and thus give the condis time to ramp up/stack to overwhelming levels. But the fuck do I know, I suck at this game.

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@Mini.4806 said:FWiW, my understanding is that condi damage is good in fractals and raids because the fights tend to last longer and thus give the condis time to ramp up/stack to overwhelming levels. But the kitten do I know, I suck at this game.

In raids yes but in fractals most fights outside of a boss are over pretty quick.

Again, I'm not a massive PVEer either so I'm just saying it as I understand it.

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@Mini.4806 said:FWiW, my understanding is that condi damage is good in fractals and raids because the fights tend to last longer and thus give the condis time to ramp up/stack to overwhelming levels. But the kitten do I know, I suck at this game.

No, it's the opposite. Any decent group is constantly phasing bosses so condition have zero time to ramp up and tick thus utterly useless in fractals.

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@capuchinseven.8395 said:Does any condi build for any class do well in fractals? I don't know enough to say but my understanding was that condi just wasn't good for fractals across the board.

Depends on the group. If they're optimized and high DPS, condi is bad. If they're mediocre... condi is bad. If they're very low DPS, then condi can be really good. Also, it depends on circumstance. The reason why is pretty simple: for most condi builds the ramp up is well over 15 seconds. In fractals, the average lifespan of an enemy is below 5 seconds.

The only exception to this is Firebrand. They don't do super well, but they have a much shorter ramp-up, their tomes recharge constantly to throw out high-damaging skills, and they pack Grieving (Power, Condi, Precision, Ferocity).

Anyway, I think people are missing the point. There's interclass balance, and then there's intraclass balance. Adjusting under-performing traits and builds within a profession isn't supposed to make the profession overall more competitive when compared to other professions. What it is supposed to do is open up the class to having more viable options, while also making those other builds more fun to play. This isn't much consolation to us try-hards, but to the RPers and other eccentric players, they're happy that their quirky spec has been buffed a bit.

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:Anyway, I think people are missing the point. There's interclass balance, and then there's intraclass balance. Adjusting under-performing traits and builds within a profession isn't supposed to make the profession overall more competitive when compared to other professions. What it is supposed to do is open up the class to having more viable options, while also making those other builds more fun to play. This isn't much consolation to us try-hards, but to the RPers and other eccentric players, they're happy that their quirky spec has been buffed a bit.

Issue is that even if they want to cater to "underperforming" things they'd need to understand what they are doing first which usually doesn't seem to be the case, the trait Deadly Aim is prove of that. When they buffed Invigorating Precision from 15 to 20% it just showed that they don't seem to understand the "issue" they wanted to address because in that case there was none that needed addressing.

Their whole approach to balance seems to be entirely based on usage data and devoid of any understanding for both the class and the playerbase.

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The way I figure it, they either think that thief is about where they want it, they are being cautious because small changes can easily make it OP, or they just plain have no idea what to change to fix it. This unfortunately has been the way thief has been for a good year, perhaps since the deadeye rework even.

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The thing that made the least sense to me was the nerf to the scaling scaling of the Life-Leech procs, because that is apparently their nerf to "particularly Egregious condition builds".... Even though both Power and Condition builds used it.

They then tried to legitimize the obvious nerf to Power builds by slightly buffing the critical-strikes traitline... A traitline no one will still take (other than testing purposes) because it isn't that good of a traitline in PvP unless you want to use a pure-glass meme build.

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