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How do you hide/darken your face while wearing a helmet?


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I stumbled across this vid from youtube (

) where the guy is wearing a Vigil Helm and Barbaric Chest. Both his face and chest skin are darkened, it looks like he is a Nazgul. How can I obtain this, because it looks fing amazing?
Also while I'm at it, if anyone has a clue what the dye on his armor is, I'd appreciate it a lot.
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@Alatar.7364 said:Not sure if troll or not...I am just gonna assume not: It's because the guy.... Is black.

Also about the armor: That is no dye that is either a Mystic Chromatic Ooze effect or Juggernauts drawn-out effect.

@JustTrogdor.7892 said:Perhaps they chose a dark skin option when creating the character?

I took a 2 year break from the game and all the research I did was in vain. I actually made the exact non characted with the exact armor as the guy in the vid, bought a makeover kit, previewed each possible skin color and it doesn't come close to how the guy looks. It's probably some toy or some effect as Altar mentioned

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I think it's a combination of the Juggernaught/Mystic Chromatic Ooze metallic effect, odd lighting in the video and the slightly fuzzy quality making it hard to see details. If you watch carefully at the end of the video when he stows the Juggernaught and the metallic effect is removed you can see his face under the helmet much more clearly.

I was trying to take my own screeshots in-game to demonstrate it but for some reason the preview window doesn't include legendary weapon effects and I don't have the Juggernaught to try it for real. But if anyone does have it, and a spare character slot/black norn I'm sure they could check it out.

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hes just black

its a bit ... less meaty body type. my huuuuuge black norn who has juggernaut makes the barbaric gloves look bad.

vigil helm, conqueror shoulder, barbaric coat/glove, norn t2(?) pants (stag chausses). idk about dyes. that video has some pretty turned up lighting. and pretty poor quality for "hd". and since hes using juggernaut and the ooze tonic (cuz hes shiny while wielding eternity), you can get a similar effect almost regardless of armor dyes by going to ascalon during day for that certain lighting.


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