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No downstate event is the most fun i had in WvW for a very long time.

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@Taylan.2187 said:Don't know if this is just a theory or also empirically supported but I've heard that no downstate can turn group fights into more of a numbers game where the bigger group becomes all the more likely to win, because the moment the smaller group starts losing people, the number difference gets all the bigger.

but you still havea chance to turn the tied or significantly diminish your opponent number.whereas with downstate (and rally bot) it is just impossible.

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@Taylan.2187 said:Don't know if this is just a theory or also empirically supported but I've heard that no downstate can turn group fights into more of a numbers game where the bigger group becomes all the more likely to win, because the moment the smaller group starts losing people, the number difference gets all the bigger.

I’d say it’s an inaccurate theory. The idea that downstate helps groups with lower numbers isn’t born out when the larger group can more easily bomb on the down and secure a kill. The small group is less able to devote people to counter pressure and resurrection at the same time. The larger group, likewise, has a better chance of resurrecting their own downs and counter pressuring.

With no downstate, the small group at least has the ability to secure kills because they don’t need to overcome the groups numbers twice (once to deal the damage to down the enemy and again to secure that kill).

As to spawn camping, that’s a problem that happens with and without the downstate. It’s often accomplished by players who know their enemies won’t try to leave spawn by a different route (there are three per spawn) or organize to disrupt the campers (focus targeting, using support professions, siege/traps). It’s unfortunate because it really reflects a population disparity between the server being spawn camped and the server doing the camping. It also reflects that a lot of people don’t always use builds optimized to to unfair fights (high levels of escape, damage and sustain through blind/projectile hate/crowd control) or bring tactics like target painters against stealthed spawn campers.

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I am ok with Anet testing this feature in WvW.However, it is very clear that many changes should be made if they want to make it permanent someday. For instance, vapor form for elementists or vengeance for warriors are completely useless. Also, I have seen lots of burst builds roaming over the map (e.g. thieves, mesmers and rangers). In normal condition, they are able to down a player, but they can´t finish him since their build usually lacks sustain to stay and fight. On this weekend it is not a problem since they don´t need to worry about survivability.Overall, a huge balance should be made if someday the downstate is gone.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:All good and glad you are enjoying the event, but it everything about donstate is against the foundation of gw2 combat. AND it kills the already narrow build diversity. -Just my 2 cents-

Firebrand, druid, scrapper, tempest, and revenant are against the foundation of GW2 combat too. We were all supposed to be self sufficient, no trinity. However, they forgot that armor weights are part of the trinity. Then, they started adding more trinity elements, to get us to where we are now, a bastardized version of it. Feels like they would have been better off leaving classes the way they were in GW.

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