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[PvP] Ranger / Necro / Spellbreaker Nerf & bug fixes.


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If no one noticed yet,

Mark Katzbach.9084

Ranger:Tail Spin: While using Beastmode, this ability now has a new animation.Rock Gazelle: Fixed a bug in which this pet hit downed enemies multiple times with its Charge attack.

Necromancer:Manifest Sand Shade (WvW and PvP only): The spawn duration of sand shades has been reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.Nefarious Favor (WvW and PvP only): The recharge time of this ability has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.

Warrior:Full Counter: Fixed a bug in which this ability gained the damage bonus from Revenge Counter twice. The base damage of this ability has been reduced by 12.5% in PvP and WvW only.

This should help us tremendously in general SPvP and even 1v1 match ups (which I haven't practiced yet, kinda just got on).

My biggest concern is, now, Power Necro or any other Power >insert class< ... they're still our biggest weaknesses. We'll literally have to pop everything just to survive long enough, and pray our symbols on point is doing its job while we go through our cooldowns. 1v2 or more power classes vs us.... all we can do is roll over and R.I.P. (unless we're bunker punching bag built)


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@kKagari.6804 said:You need to run zeal, for counter pressure, otherwise you're just a punching bag. You need to be a spiky punching bag. A durian of sorts. Unblockable and multi-hit attacks are the bane of a bunker firebrand IMO.

Though I agree, this really just translates to dealing damage first and quicker (or as quick) than the other opponent. Zeal can do this but then you'll sacrifice either damage, sustains, or both. Shattered Aegis isn't guaranteed, especially if it's a 1v1, your fighting ranged, and/or they know you're Zeal.

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I don't think I've fought anyone who changed tactics specifically because they knew I was running zeal, SA isn't a big effect on its own, but it does work in a sense as attrition. It puts you on a more even footing against mesmers, SA can easily wipe out all the clones in one go, and in my Marauder build, it buffs Shield of Judgement and Protector's Strikes, damage significantly in team fights. Its not infallible, I know, but I think zeal provides so much more purpose to a defensive FB than virtues. And Valor is just B O R I N G!

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Retal is the majority source of your damage, not shattered aegis, Marauder is really a bunch of wasted stats for FB bunker. You don't really need the precision and you definitely don't need the ferocity (who cares if your SA crits for 500 extra damage?)

Perfect amulet for this build would have been 1200 Healing Power, 900 Vitality, 900 Power.

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@Darknicrofia.2604 said:Retal is the majority source of your damage, not shattered aegis, Marauder is really a bunch of wasted stats for FB bunker. You don't really need the precision and you definitely don't need the ferocity (who cares if your SA crits for 500 extra damage?)

Perfect amulet for this build would have been 1200 Healing Power, 900 Vitality, 900 Power.

The damage easily builds up for spikes in team fights. I don't use staff so there's still the sword burst component when i leave tome. Marauders means with retaliation i have 100% critical chance. Stuff like ToC2 critical for 3.5k, if you have aegis that's another easy 1.7k. it's not the highest burst but the damage is frequent, the permanent critical chance and extra damage definitely plays.

The point of the marauder build is to bruiser though, if i wanted to bunker more i switch to my menders build

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