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chrono heal question


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So the topic is damage mitigation. Not every build has the same way of dealing with it as you kind of already know (leeching, toughness, blocking, heals etc). Mesmers mainly mitigate damage by distracting in the form of interrupts, evades and clones. In regards to actually healing, for a mesmer they have the Inspiration trait line that does heal with certain requirements and for the elite Chrono spec the trait Alls Well that Ends Well will heal if you use a well. I would also consume ascended food for the constant healing tic.

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For continuously healing i'll advice you to take the ether signet, it will heal you everytime a clone appears. Taking this will allow you to have a continuously healing skill, but to be honest, it's not healing that much. If you want to be tanky with mesmer, you should play around stealth, with torch 4, signet of midnight and mass invisibility. Taking the inspiration traitline is a must in this case, take the trait that transfer a condi at your clone everytime it spawns, the trait that dispels 1 condi for each shatter, and the trait that upgrades signets. This + chronofantasma, and you will have 0 pressure from conditions, however your damage output will not be very great. If you want to be even more tanky, take the chaos trait line, if you want to make more damage, take illusion (for condi), or domination (for power), or duel (kind of mixt)

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I can only take on champs in pof with condi tbh, but.

Try invisibility, teleportation and something that counters whatever the champ does (eg condi cleanse, reflect, etc). Aside from what the others have said, you have to take into account what the champion's skills are and if you have something that can get rid of them. Also the classic asking for help on map always works xD

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Personally I try to let my illusions take the hits. If you can position yourself properly, generate a fair number of illusions consistently, and use the trait so they spawn with aegis, you can chip away at most enemies from a distance pretty safely. It's slow but fairly reliable.

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