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new mechanic for spec


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(well sort of)swap positions with target? code for this already exists with sword 3.

move a necro's wurm to a deadly spot right before you think they will go to itmove someone to dh trapswap then blink in same direction, basically a situational double blink.swap high-ground low-ground situation

inspired by https://www.wikiart.org/en/remedios-varo/dead-leaves-1956

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What you're suggesting is involuntary teleportation. Such a thing will never exist in this game due to the potential for trolling involved. Sword 3 only makes you swap places with your own clone. Placing it on players so it teleports them around constitutes involuntary teleportation. In PvP you would essentially be invalidating your opponent's careful positioning (which is a skill in itself) and disorient them. In WvW you would be able to use it to swap places with people on walls and teleport your own zerg up bypassing defenses. All of these advantages means involuntary teleportation gets a big no-no from Anet.

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@Aravind.9610 said:What you're suggesting is involuntary teleportation. Such a thing will never exist in this game due to the potential for trolling involved. Sword 3 only makes you swap places with your own clone. Placing it on players so it teleports them around constitutes involuntary teleportation. In PvP you would essentially be invalidating your opponent's careful positioning (which is a skill in itself) and disorient them. In WvW you would be able to use it to swap places with people on walls and teleport your own zerg up bypassing defenses. All of these advantages means involuntary teleportation gets a big no-no from Anet.

this is no different then pulling people whet you really think about it, and if they really wanted they cold simply make it not work in no port zones, so the actual pulls would be more reliable. but in all honesty it would simply be just another useless thing that does nothing but people would hate mesmer for it anyways

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@"Deifact.3095" said:People would complain about it so much it'd get nerfed into uselessness. I'd rather get something that people can't complain about too much

Anything Mesmer related PERIOD will get complained out and as someone whose mained the Mesmer since launch and still do to this day, it makes me sick how Mesmers are treated in-game and on forums to the point that they're gonna be next to extinct or rarely seen in-game. They can never get anything new or unique without people complaining about it, but when other "Meta" classes get our stuff or have mechanics that are far greater than us, they get away with murder...

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