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Stereoscopic 3D, VR, and Me


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Like a lot of people, I recently purchased an Oculus Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop, which supports several kinds of 3d rendering.I've seen suggestions on how to play GW2 in VR and I am eager to see Tyria in beautiful 3d, but in my research, I noticed that the game has a checkbox for 'stereoscpic rendering'. It's greyed out, of course, and I've seen suggestions on the forums that this feature has basically been dropped by the devs. But that checkbox and its potential haunts me.Does anyone know more about this? Is anyone using this feature at all right now? Is it limited to Nvidia 3D stuff? I just want to know so much more than I can find!(Special thanks to Roamy's vid,

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I worked through this and at this point I think I would need to go back to Windows Vista to get the right drivers, and that is steroscopic mode, so it would take theater 3d glasses, not a VR headset....at least that is how I understand it. So lets all put in suggestions for oculus support to replace stereoscopic mode! Where is the feature request forum?

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The stereoscopic rendering was originally limited to NVidia "3D Vision". Of course other graphic cards were also capable of providing 3D screens with appropriate data, but only NVidia paid the money to have a feature integrated into the game. Since then NVidia has dropped their "3D Vision" project. You can still get the software, but it's no longer automatically bundled with your driver updates and hasn't been updated in ages. I've recently tried playing with "3D Vision", but it drops the fps from 60 down to 4 or 5. Completely unplayable.

The biggest competitor to "3D Vision" was TriDef. They had software that made playing in 3D with any graphics card possible. Well, they went bankrupt and even if you bought a key back then, the software can no longer be activated.

As for VR: GW2 wasn't made for VR, so the best you can get is a virtual 3D screen. As far as I know there is no software that can place you into a game in VR if the game wasn't made for VR.

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