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Scourge nerfed in 2s and 3s


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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:I don't see anything wrong with this change. Barrier is technically a form of healing, affected by healing power. It seemed like an oversight more than anything that it wasn't affected by overtime.

It isn’t a form of healing.

It's not, but it is a form of sustain to your health bar in a similar fashion that other classes don't get access to during overtime. When I played World of Warcraft, there were Discipline Priests who mitigated a lot of damage via shielding. The way I learned to think about it was shielding is healing that you bank in advance and cash it in as enemies hit you. It's disingenuous to pretend it isn't a form of sustain in the same vein as healing, if we're being honest.

The actual biggest problem is, as people mentioned, that if you take away Scourge's barrier, then you essentially have a class with NO defense. That's a very different argument than shields vs. healing, and that's the argument I'd advise you make instead. If people are hitting you, shielding/barriers is not effectively any different from healing except that the "healing" is fed to you by your enemy instead of on-demand by you.

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@Caitir.6947 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:I don't see anything wrong with this change. Barrier is technically a form of healing, affected by healing power. It seemed like an oversight more than anything that it wasn't affected by overtime.

It isn’t a form of healing.

It's not, but it is a form of sustain to your health bar in a similar fashion that other classes don't get access to during overtime. When I played World of Warcraft, there were Discipline Priests who mitigated a lot of damage via shielding. The way I learned to think about it was shielding is healing that you bank in advance and cash it in as enemies hit you. It's disingenuous to pretend it isn't a form of sustain in the same vein as healing, if we're being honest.

The actual biggest problem is, as people mentioned, that if you take away Scourge's barrier, then you essentially have a class with NO defense. That's a very different argument than shields vs. healing, and that's the argument I'd advise you make instead. If people are hitting you, shielding/barriers is not effectively any different from healing except that the "healing" is fed to you by your enemy instead of on-demand by you.

I like the comparison to disciple priest. I simply am pinged every time someone posted and saw something to correct- as barrier truly is not healing.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:I don't see anything wrong with this change. Barrier is technically a form of healing, affected by healing power. It seemed like an oversight more than anything that it wasn't affected by overtime.

It isn’t a form of healing.

It's not, but it is a form of sustain to your health bar in a similar fashion that other classes don't get access to during overtime. When I played World of Warcraft, there were Discipline Priests who mitigated a lot of damage via shielding. The way I learned to think about it was shielding is healing that you bank in advance and cash it in as enemies hit you. It's disingenuous to pretend it isn't a form of sustain in the same vein as healing, if we're being honest.

The actual biggest problem is, as people mentioned, that if you take away Scourge's barrier, then you essentially have a class with NO defense. That's a very different argument than shields vs. healing, and that's the argument I'd advise you make instead. If people are hitting you, shielding/barriers is not effectively any different from healing except that the "healing" is fed to you by your enemy instead of on-demand by you.

I like the comparison to disciple priest. I simply am pinged every time someone posted and saw something to correct- as barrier truly is not healing.

Yeah, it's not directly healing. I do agree though that this does hit Scourge harder than any other class, and frankly, that just kind of sucks. I don't actually have an answer for that other than the fact ANet really should've given them a mechanic for defensive other than just Barrier. As it is now, that decision has kind of bitten the spec in the ass for 2v2/3v3 unless that gets reverted (I have no idea if that will). I do feel for Scourge players. That would be like if they took away blocks and dodges other classes can use, in the Scourge's case.

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Overtime punishes any sustain heavy build, not just those relying on barriers. I enjoy playing off-meta builds like heal druid during 2v2/3v3 season, and unfortunately, the reality is that, if the match goes to time I'm probably going to lose. Dps builds will have an inherent advantage over sustain heavy builds. If running an amulet with healing power, you are effectively down a stat.

Previously, scourge was an exception due to an oversight, but Anet chose to patch that up.

One potential work around would be to convert healing power into power/condition damage or Vit/toughness. Making it so that you are at least fighting with the same number of stats as your opponents. This would lessen the disadvantage while still ensuring that you cannot cheese overtime with barriers.

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