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Why don't we have any simple build/weapon set? (PvP)


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I simply don't get it: each class has at least one weapon/build which doesn't require much effort, while Elementalist is probably the only class which has everything so complicated. Even more with weaver as a new elite spec.In PvP if i don't play Mender Amulet i am pretty much dead. That's my only option! Haven't tried celestial amulet yet. If i take FA Scepter i need to put in 500% more effort than P/P Thief (all you need to do is to spam #3 and occasionally #5 when defense is needed) to get the same results. I mean why such a difference? Why i need to press 10 + buttons as fast as possible, while some classes only need to press one or two to do the same or even higher dps while also having better survivability? I don't call this a challenge at all, i call it huge class imbalance.Staff is not easy, no matter what build you play (with exception of pve staff), Daggers are not easy at all, Scepter is probably the most difficult weapon to learn in the game, don't want to start about Sword, which need Weaver as elite spec. I mean it's not only rotation: it's more how many things you have to do to stay alive and do some dmg: more than any other class in the game.I mean can we have at least one build/weapon set which is not super complicated? If i want to make daggers simple in PvP i have to play defensive builds only, as soon as i try berserker or marauder or condi i am dead.

Lets see what other classes have in terms of simplicity:Warrior: nothing is really hard.Necromancer: condition builds are super easy.Mesmer: condi mesmer is super easy. GS is also not that hard.Guardian: many simple builds.Engineer: even engie has at least one simple spec: Scraper Hammer.Thief: p/p, condi d/d, Staff are all pretty easy to learn.Ranger: at least two easy to learn weapons/builds.Revenant: i don't play it, so i can't tell.Elementalist: what do we have?I am not looking for some stupidly easy and boring builds like p/p thief, but cmon, can we have at least something which doesn't punish me if i do a mistake or two?Sorry for English ...

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Over the course of five years, the elementalist had one build that was fun and effective and it was celestial d/d. It was the only thing we had in pvp and Arenanet took it away from us and replaced it with nothing.

Background is that the elementalist is a complex class - way too complex for Arenanet to handle. It was OP at some point and until now Arenanet hasn't dared to give us anything because they are afraid that this will happen again.

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Other than learning what 2x of what each skill does compared to other classes and a couple rotations, what's so hard about ele?

Staff is very straightforward, albeit not very effective in pvp. If you want to smash your face on keyboard while getting kills then there's 8 other classes lol.

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Ele in general doesn't have any super-easy builds for pvp, b/c at a minimum, you are going to have to juggle 20 skills, which immediately puts it out of the range of a 2-button build. However, ele does off much opportunity to adapt to many situations and outplay opponents. There are so many small tricks/optimizations that really do matter when using every single weapon-set that really let you shine.

For instance, with Fresh Air ele: compared to p/p thief, sure you have to hit multiple skills to get the same burst, but...

  • Your burst can't be reflected, and phoenix is unblockable.
  • You can quite easily own any projectile-based build (due to your projectile blocks/reflects), including pp thief, and swirling winds even provides team utility on a large area to block projectiles.
  • S/F has an unblockable, ranged interrupt, and another small-aoe interrupt that can be used without LOS
  • S/F ele can keep up good pressure while kiting, which p/p thief can't
  • S/F ele is viable as you go up the skill levels (and can go toe-to-toe against thieves and other gank builds...to the point where fights become more about peeling/counter-killing rather than 1v1's), wherease p/p quickly becomes unviable (as you run into decent thieves).
  • In fact, S/F ele can 1v1 MOST builds if needed, with the exception being something very tanky stuff, like a druid, scrapper, bunker firebrand, bunker tempest (if you get lucky with phoenix + FGS you can MAYBE kill a bunker tempest...but a good one won't die to your damage).

I would also argue that bunker tempest is actually pretty easy. Yea, it uses most of your skills, but you need much less twitch reaction. Sure...its not great now, but its relatively easy to play if you don't want to piano.

Finally, bruiser weaver isn't very hard to play, but does have a steep learning curve due to having so many skills.

TLDR: Ele can't be given an effective 2-button spec, b/c then players who figured out how to mix all their skills would be OP.

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"BlackBeard.2873" Who runs Projectile reflection these day anyway? In best case one player per match. Also as p/p Thief at least i can do some dmg to Warriors, as FA ele my dmg is irrelevant to them: Warrior/Spellbreaker can just block/heal back 80% of my dmg so ... But at least FA ele is very fun spec to play, i just wish that dmg part should be buffed for about 30% to be on pair with other burst classes/builds. Scourge, for example, is able to kill you with less then 4 seconds with their conditions and Scourge already has 80% more base health then ele + way better survivability on top of that lol.

Tempest Staff might not be that hard, but again, this is healing/support build, while we don't have any simple and effective dps build out there. Condi burning Scepter is simple but useless, so i can't really count it.I really don't get it why Anet doesn't buff our health pool for at least 50% if they want us to play such a complex class.

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@Razor.6392 said:you are not bursting correctly if you do 0 damage to warriors.

I didn't say zero. After 10 seconds i usually bring Warrior/SB below 60% of his health, he/she then heals to full in next few seconds. After 30 seconds he/she is still above 50% while i am usually downed. I just can't kite him endlessly. Even with Staff i can do more dmg to this op class. L2P issue in my case? I guess so, but that's the whole point: i have only been experiencing "learn to play" issues with elementalist dps builds, because it's so d a m n complex.All i want is just ONE not such a complex dps build for PvP, thx for understanding :) At the moment i am "forced" to play a support role, which i am fine with, but sometimes i want to switch to dmg part as well and be effective.

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I've had much fun with Scepter/Dagger (ground targeting setting to instant). D/D has too short range, staff is too slow, focus has not enough offense, so I ended up here. I finally switched to Celestial because I've been using this in PvE and WvW for ages but was not available in PvP for long.

I'm only getting ranked bronze or silver but that is more likely because I'm just not fast enough at my reflexes so I regularly end up being two-shotted by thieves or sliced by guardians.

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@cursE.1794 said:Over the course of five years, the elementalist had one build that was fun and effective and it was celestial d/d. It was the only thing we had in pvp and Arenanet took it away from us and replaced it with nothing.

Background is that the elementalist is a complex class - way too complex for Arenanet to handle. It was OP at some point and until now Arenanet hasn't dared to give us anything because they are afraid that this will happen again.

Sometimes it feels like there's a 6-12 month delay between anet's actions and reality. When DD ele was broken they kept buffing it. Then when it was no longer OP they kept nerfing it for no reason then even removed cele instead of balancing the game. They are just weird.

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