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Memories of Vlast...disappeared

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I like collecting my trophies, even if they're worth nothing...as long as they have a symbolic meaning and pretty icon, I keep it. It saddens me sometimes when the really cool ones deposit straight into the achievement collection rather than into my bags, whereas some I could care less about are able to keep or sell.

My "Memories of Vlast" was safe in my bank. But somehow, it is now gone. And I am not sure why. I replayed the PoF story with another character...so, like...did the story somehow know the item was in my bank and it "used it up" instead of giving me a separate one for that character? I don't need 2...just the one. I had even tried buying another from the trade post when mine vanished, but it wouldn't let me. And now when I return to BL, all the memories of vlast I'd seen there before are gone too!!

This confuzzles me.

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Removal (loss) of the item is not a bug, but intentional

If you acquired the Memories of Vlast item, you will find that it is no longer within your inventory or storage due to a bug. Transactions in the Trading Post involving this item have been cancelled to ensure that no one else pays trading fees for this item while it is disabled. We will be creating a means for you to re-acquire the item in an upcoming build. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Removal (loss) of the item is not a bug, but intentional

If you acquired the Memories of Vlast item, you will find that it is no longer within your inventory or storage due to a bug. Transactions in the Trading Post involving this item have been cancelled to ensure that no one else pays trading fees for this item while it is disabled. We will be creating a means for you to re-acquire the item in an upcoming build. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Ah okay, thank you dearly!! <3 I am glad it's being worked on & will be obtainable again :3 B)

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