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Buying Gems is in Maintenance Mode

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@codedbykush.2019 said:

@codedbykush.2019 said:No. I'm on Windows 10 PC.

Delete the Local.dat? Repair the client?

Well, I'm not going to delete Local.dat. LOL.

Why? It's recommended by Support as a solution to many problems.https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client (Instructions for deleting local.dat found under the second troubleshooting tip.)It's not like deleting the GW2.dat file.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@codedbykush.2019 said:No. I'm on Windows 10 PC.

Delete the Local.dat? Repair the client?

Well, I'm not going to delete Local.dat. LOL.

Why? It's recommended by Support as a solution to many problems.
(Instructions for deleting local.dat found under the second troubleshooting tip.)It's not like deleting the GW2.dat file.

It is just that my settings are heavily customized and I have 3 accounts. So, the Local.dat file is kinda huge. I guess I would take a copy and do it.

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@"codedbykush.2019" said:It is just that my settings are heavily customized and I have 3 accounts. So, the Local.dat file is kinda huge. I guess I would take a copy and do it.

Local.dat only stores your "local" / hardware-related settings - graphics, sound and login; everything else is stored by the server. It also contains several caches, which can cause it to bloat over time - it should be around 20 to 50 MB.

The cache related to the BLTC however is gw2cache found under the %temp% folder, but deleting Local.dat will also reset this one.

If it's still a problem, try a VPN - the store changes based on your location.

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