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(Feedback) Astral Scholar Outfit

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The design is lovely and crisp, with many clearly defined details. I really like the book on the back, and the scroll cases, and a monocle. Not to mention a lack of WoW-sized shoulders, just that one glowing loop thing. I have only viewed it on humans due to time constraints today, but it has a nice amount of intricacy, particularly the female version, without getting cluttered.

Dyeing it, however, ouch. All the dyes I tried go on glossy, giving the fabric a somewhat plastic look. And this is yet another outfit that has the top and bottom share a dye channel so you end up in one big color blob with some edge trim to differentiate the areas. Current channels: coat/gloves/boots, trim/monocle, trousers/undersleeves/book leather, and glowy bits. Although it's nice to be able to separate the shoulder loop and glowing buttons from the intricate edge trim, I think I'd suggest coat/gloves, trousers/sleeves, boots/book, trim/monocle/glowy bits. That lets the player break up the color fields more, since the glowy bits will give a lighter hue than the trim even with the same dye. (Possibly link the gloves to the boots and book rather than the coat, people are more likely to match shoes and gloves for contrast to their top than to go monochrome with the coat and the accessories, but my fashion sense is old fashioned so ymmv).

I don't regret buying it, with enough fiddling with the dyes I can come up with something pretty stunning. I'm giving the feedback in the hopes that future outfits will let me have boots that contrast with my coat without losing contrast elsewhere.

edit: forgot to give a huge thumbs up to the flat heels for women. My arches thank you.

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I haven't bought it yet, but I agree with the dye channel suggestions. I usually want my boots to be a different colour to the coat/trousers (usually I dye them a darker colour) and I think having more channels for the larger areas of fabric is better than having one dye cover most of the outfit and then 3 devoted to small details.

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In general, the big stuff shld get more dye channels (outfits, mounts)...

I know outfits can't be split into pieces economically (and also because of that unfortunate initial decision to have 3 weight classes of armors), but work might probably be done to increase the dye channels for big stuff to 2x4 instead

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