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Bow - the privileged weapon


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"K THEN.5162" said:The projectile buffer can get so bad that longbow range can even exceed the range of even sic em

Sic Em is 2000 range. You're gaining +500 range by standing on higher elevation with a longbow.

Every modern game with bow casting works this way. I don't know why it surprises people in Guild Wars 2.

this is how kitten ranger LB is, shot me from about ~2000 range, despite being on a LOWER ground.he was so far away he couldnt even touch me with the edge of barrage, from the caster to the edge of the circle, barrage has ~1860yes somehow their 1500 range arrow shot PAST it, while flying UP.This entire " arcing " lie that people keep repeating like a mantra needs to stop, its not because of elevation that arrows go that far, they are just broken and thats it.

Ok man, just being honest, this screen proves absolutely nothing. Few things:
  1. You're standing there at full health.
  2. You don't even have a Ranger targeted for us to see.
  3. There aren't even damage records in your combat log.
  4. All I see is a Smokescale at mid, not a Ranger.
  5. We have no idea where the Ranger is actually at.
  6. Maybe you also were unaware of where the Ranger was actually at.

Coming from a veteran Ranger main, there a few things you should also be aware of in conjunction with your claim here:
  1. He can't utilize Barrage's full 1500 cast range if he can't target the ground you are standing on up the hill. In other words, his Barrage cast was likely shorter than the maximum range as he tried to aim it at the ledge of the hill to hit you. So using Barrage as an example here isn't a good example at all.
  2. I still don't see a Ranger anywhere in your screen, nor do I see a RED team Ranger icon on your mini map. I don't know from where you got hit with a LB auto 1, but it clearly was not from a Ranger standing at mid. At least this screen indicates the Ranger is not visibly on your screen at all.
  3. If the Ranger was somehow hiding somewhere under that ledge and obstructed by the hill, there is absolutely no way he could hit you with the LB auto 1 unless you or the Ranger were seriously desynched and standing in positions which are not reflected correctly on the screen. I know this because I have played Ranger for 9 years and 20,000 games. If he could hit you with a LB auto without either of you being desynched, the only possible way past that ledge obstruction, would be if the Ranger was visibly on your screen across the other side of mid. I see no Ranger in your screen.

how can you miss the ranger?he is next to the stairs on that edge of a cliff thingy, left side of the point.you can also see him on the minimap, with the clusterduck of all other characterson the screen nr 2, I even took the screenshot the MOMENT I got hit with his LB auto-attackDont pay attention to the first screen, it was just a way to gauge the distance more or less

EDITI also have him targeted btw

EDIT v2as someone that started playing ranger1 you CAN utilize barrage at max range through and around terrain as it can be cast on higher or lower ground AND it bypasses LoS, so you can cast it through walls2,3 explained with the screenshot nr 2

Oh I see. I didn't notice the other 2 screens.

Dude that's normal LB range. He miscast his Barrage, if he had moved it further in, he could have easily hit you from that position.

Also consider that when you are trying to test range with your Mes GS 3, you are aiming down diagonally from elevation which is also eating range. That Ranger is on the same elevation as you and in a straight line.

There are some visual anomalies in GW2 I've noticed, concerning visual graphical span and actual range that the game is calculating.

For example, haven't you ever noticed in WvW in the Alpine Borderlands specifically, that there are ledges which appear to be shorter drops than others but when you go off it, it will full 100% fall damage and kill you. But then there are other ledges which seem taller that you can drop from and survive. This same thing happens in some spots with ranged projectiles I've noticed.

But for the sake of testing, I'll go in game and do this myself. Now I'm curious.

bruh, I remember what happened, I was out of GS range, and did 1200 blink away from ranger, then got downed with 15k rapid fire that landed from over 2k range

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"K THEN.5162" said:The projectile buffer can get so bad that longbow range can even exceed the range of even sic em

Sic Em is 2000 range. You're gaining +500 range by standing on higher elevation with a longbow.

Every modern game with bow casting works this way. I don't know why it surprises people in Guild Wars 2.

this is how kitten ranger LB is, shot me from about ~2000 range, despite being on a LOWER ground.he was so far away he couldnt even touch me with the edge of barrage, from the caster to the edge of the circle, barrage has ~1860yes somehow their 1500 range arrow shot PAST it, while flying UP.This entire " arcing " lie that people keep repeating like a mantra needs to stop, its not because of elevation that arrows go that far, they are just broken and thats it.

Ok man, just being honest, this screen proves absolutely nothing. Few things:
  1. You're standing there at full health.
  2. You don't even have a Ranger targeted for us to see.
  3. There aren't even damage records in your combat log.
  4. All I see is a Smokescale at mid, not a Ranger.
  5. We have no idea where the Ranger is actually at.
  6. Maybe you also were unaware of where the Ranger was actually at.

Coming from a veteran Ranger main, there a few things you should also be aware of in conjunction with your claim here:
  1. He can't utilize Barrage's full 1500 cast range if he can't target the ground you are standing on up the hill. In other words, his Barrage cast was likely shorter than the maximum range as he tried to aim it at the ledge of the hill to hit you. So using Barrage as an example here isn't a good example at all.
  2. I still don't see a Ranger anywhere in your screen, nor do I see a RED team Ranger icon on your mini map. I don't know from where you got hit with a LB auto 1, but it clearly was not from a Ranger standing at mid. At least this screen indicates the Ranger is not visibly on your screen at all.
  3. If the Ranger was somehow hiding somewhere under that ledge and obstructed by the hill, there is absolutely no way he could hit you with the LB auto 1 unless you or the Ranger were seriously desynched and standing in positions which are not reflected correctly on the screen. I know this because I have played Ranger for 9 years and 20,000 games. If he could hit you with a LB auto without either of you being desynched, the only possible way past that ledge obstruction, would be if the Ranger was visibly on your screen across the other side of mid. I see no Ranger in your screen.

how can you miss the ranger?he is next to the stairs on that edge of a cliff thingy, left side of the point.you can also see him on the minimap, with the clusterduck of all other characterson the screen nr 2, I even took the screenshot the MOMENT I got hit with his LB auto-attackDont pay attention to the first screen, it was just a way to gauge the distance more or less

EDITI also have him targeted btw

EDIT v2as someone that started playing ranger1 you CAN utilize barrage at max range through and around terrain as it can be cast on higher or lower ground AND it bypasses LoS, so you can cast it through walls2,3 explained with the screenshot nr 2

Oh I see. I didn't notice the other 2 screens.

Dude that's normal LB range. He miscast his Barrage, if he had moved it further in, he could have easily hit you from that position.

Also consider that when you are trying to test range with your Mes GS 3, you are aiming down diagonally from elevation which is also eating range. That Ranger is on the same elevation as you and in a straight line.

There are some visual anomalies in GW2 I've noticed, concerning visual graphical span and actual range that the game is calculating.

For example, haven't you ever noticed in WvW in the Alpine Borderlands specifically, that there are ledges which appear to be shorter drops than others but when you go off it, it will full 100% fall damage and kill you. But then there are other ledges which seem taller that you can drop from and survive. This same thing happens in some spots with ranged projectiles I've noticed.

But for the sake of testing, I'll go in game and do this myself. Now I'm curious.

bruh, I remember what happened, I was out of GS range, and did 1200 blink away from ranger, then got downed with 15k rapid fire that landed from over 2k range

Here you go. I figured out how it works.

After seeing how they work the actual arcing, you'll see why it's kind of messy.

Watch full 20 minutes. It's worth it if you want to see exactly how it works.


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@"Trevor Boyer.6524"I dont feel like watching 20min video, but I will post a screenshot that I just made that will explain WHY I have issues with longbow, and why many others do.https://imgur.com/gallery/Fm3wOIHIn the spot I am standing I was able to land lb1 and rapid fire.but it cant even hit with the edge of barrage.ITS FLAT GROUND, its about 1950-2000 range instead off listed 1500.you can put as much scientifics as you want into it but the reality is that rangers LB has about 1900 range instead off listed 1500, which should be fixed.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@"Trevor Boyer.6524"I dont feel like watching 20min video, but I will post a screenshot that I just made that will explain WHY I have issues with longbow, and why many others do.https://imgur.com/gallery/Fm3wOIHIn the spot I am standing I was able to land lb1 and rapid fire.but it cant even hit with the edge of barrage.ITS FLAT GROUND, its about 1950-2000 range instead off listed 1500.you can put as much scientifics as you want into it but the reality is that rangers LB has about 1900 range instead off listed 1500, which should be fixed.

Nope. It's more like 2000 to 2040 range with LB auto 1.

Barrage only casts at an actual 1500 range.

No matter what elevation you are at, horizontal flat line with target, higher than target, or lower than target, the LB auto 1 will always go 2000 to 2040 horizontal distance on the flat line horizontal x axis. What is happening is that the way the arcing works in this game, is that it allows that 2000 horizontal range to "for free" still be able to hit up to some engine declare free elevation distance. In other words, standing high or low is not adding or removing an horizontal distance.

Do what you want, you don't need to watch the video. But it demonstrates in detail everything I just explained, if anyone cared enough to watch. Before this discussion went on for another 2 months and 10 pages, I figured someone should post an accurate test with no details left out. Some things aren't as easy to demonstrate in 60 seconds as others.

And I agree, it's a bit too far with how it works. I said that on a horizontal flat line same elevation as your target, it should only be going 1500 range. However, it is firing about 500 to 540 range further than it should. Elevation has nothing to do with horizontal distance, which is what I wanted to figure out. Let me explain this in other words. There actually is no arcing in this game. It would seem that it only cares about your X Axis position from the target, regardless of your Y Axis elevation. LB 1 auto will always hit things on the X Axis that is 2000 range from it, unless the target is absurdly higher in elevation or lower. So not only does it fire 2000 range when it says it should be firing 1500 in a straight horizontal X Axis line, but it also benefits a lot of diagonal range when firing up or down on the Y Axis.

It is indeed safe to say that the LB auto 1 range is A LOT further than the tooltip declares.

But it is also safe to say that if you cannot LOS a projectile or WASD strafe sporadically left & right to juke its targeting at 2000+ range, you're doing something very wrong.

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