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[help] Maximum mobility mesmer build


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im really new to Mesmer, but i will use mine to complete some complex JP. ofc i will pick the portal entre.

but i wish know with traits/skills are best for mobility, there are sigils/traits? anything. teleport skills? if anyone know how to max all mobility stuff(because most maps are uncomplete with my mesmer, ofc i have mounts, but i mean things that will help in mounts blocked zones too).

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In my experience the Chrono jumps and rolls a lot. It's faster and better when you need to evade some threats, but in my opinion you don't want to roll on jumping puzzles.The Mirage don't roll or jump, the evade is like a small step to the side. I prefer that on the jumping puzzles.I've accidently double pushed the key so many times and fell off the edge, I almost went Charr on my keyboard.But is it only the jumping puzzles you need help with?

Signet of Inspiration increases your swiftness.Are you thinking about maxing out your mobility in fights too or just a template that has been adapted to fast movement where mounts are not allowed?

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@"Lucio.4190" said:In my experience the Chrono jumps and rolls a lot. It's faster and better when you need to evade some threats, but in my opinion you don't want to roll on jumping puzzles.The Mirage don't roll or jump, the evade is like a small step to the side. I prefer that on the jumping puzzles.I've accidently double pushed the key so many times and fell off the edge, I almost went Charr on my keyboard.But is it only the jumping puzzles you need help with?

Signet of Inspiration increases your swiftness.Are you thinking about maxing out your mobility in fights too or just a template that has been adapted to fast movement where mounts are not allowed?

avoid fights+run faster,but nvm, i tested "experimental rifle" bundle, its working well to tricky jumps.

also i checked the portal bundle(i forgot the name) have a lesser cooldown than portal entre.

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As a Mirage, I'm using the deception skills:(8) Sand through glass(9) Mirage Advance(0) Jaunt

They give me lots of movement during the fights, I kind of jump a lot like a gummi bear (anyone remember those?) during the fights.Being fast with Jaunt allows me to teleport to a nearby spot. Also be aware that Mirage Advance jumps toward the target.I've wondered if I should use Illusionary Ambush instead of Mirage Advance instead, but that one seems pretty interesting too.

I've experimented with a build for you, focusing only on Swiftness, using Nomad stats and Superior Rune of Speed on the armor. I gave the weapons Nomad stats with the Superior Sigil of Agility and Superior Sigil of Mischief. Of course, this build doesn't apply any Power or Condition Damage at all. It's been an all out Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power on Exotic Gear. Is that what you had in mind?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1Ac+FlVwOYQsHmJOePrveA-zxIYelubYiXhgIncqGdVZ3A-e

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@"Lucio.4190" said:As a Mirage, I'm using the deception skills:(8) Sand through glass(9) Mirage Advance(0) Jaunt

They give me lots of movement during the fights, I kind of jump a lot like a gummi bear (anyone remember those?) during the fights.Being fast with Jaunt allows me to teleport to a nearby spot. Also be aware that Mirage Advance jumps toward the target.I've wondered if I should use Illusionary Ambush instead of Mirage Advance instead, but that one seems pretty interesting too.

I've experimented with a build for you, focusing only on Swiftness, using Nomad stats and Superior Rune of Speed on the armor. I gave the weapons Nomad stats with the Superior Sigil of Agility and Superior Sigil of Mischief. Of course, this build doesn't apply any Power or Condition Damage at all. It's been an all out Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power on Exotic Gear. Is that what you had in mind?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1Ac+FlVwOYQsHmJOePrveA-zxIYelubYiXhgIncqGdVZ3A-e

thanks, this is kind of thing i looking for.

@Yoci.2481Also Chaos line for swiftness while stealthed and the super speed trait.

thanks i will try it too.


take mirage ( mc can be used when jumping, you can also sword ambush over long distances )and take signet that gives 5s swiftness every 10s for speed, other then that portal with mimic and you are set, if you have movespeed runes you can take blink instead for > speed

i checked it, this signet is amazing, i will look for runes to extend swiftness.

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I forgot to mention that I used the Torch because of the Stealth skill, but if you select Focus instead you will have another skill (4) that will give you more Swiftness. You and your allies will run faster, enemies will be crippled if they cross that line.

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@"ugrakarma.9416"https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Traveler -> condi rune ( perma 25% movespeed ) very cheaphttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Fireworks -> power rune ( perma 25% movespeed ) somewhat expenisvehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Speed -> turns swiftness into super speed more or less ( with focus and signet 100% uptime on swiftness ) -> expensive

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:im really new to Mesmer, but i will use mine to complete some complex JP. ofc i will pick the portal entre.

but i wish know with traits/skills are best for mobility, there are sigils/traits? anything. teleport skills? if anyone know how to max all mobility stuff(because most maps are uncomplete with my mesmer, ofc i have mounts, but i mean things that will help in mounts blocked zones too).

I'll go the other way with Chrono.

Chrono has a base 25% run speed boost, which is all the speed boost you need (perhaps more than you need) for the majority of jumps in this game. I prefer static speed boosts as it leads to reliability when making those jumps. Relying on temporary buffs can make movement erratic, even mid air.

As well, Chrono gives you access to Alacrity via Well of Recall (Chrono Utility) and Tides of Time (Shield 5) and your Shatters. This helps reduce the CD on your Portal Entre and other movement skills you might use. You could tailor your build heavily to improve Alacrity for yourself.

Outside of the above I do not use much else Prof specific when working on JP. The design of JP generally means that any profession, any race, and any player model size can complete all JP. Having a static speed boost and a rewinder (or with Mesmer Portal Entre) is all you really need to gain an advantage.

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I agree with @Mungo Zen.9364 as swiftness might make it hard to pin point where to exactly land. As for race I would pick the smallest race there is game like Asura and keep them as small possible in character creation. Charr is much more difficult to see where feet actually should land. Their character model is also tricky when your camera will be inside their body when there is wall behind or a tree and you need to rotate camera in correct angle to get to ledge or an edge that might even be invisible for where need to aim.

[edit]I forgot to mention that sometime it can be useful to actually rotate camera from looking down at character to see how far something might be as it can be tricky to see distance at horizontal plane, at least if you play with Action Camera mode.

Mesmer (core traits) had Glamour as a skill group you could trait to reduce cooldown, this have been removed during a patch and now your only option is to use Alacrity to reduce longer cooldowns. I would also invest in skills that make you and group invisible as you don't want fight when you stand on narrow space, combine it with range type of weapon (staff, greatsword or mid range like sceptre to keep foes in place and kill them before you need to jump where they might stand). As for gear its probably better to use high defence from toughness and vitality (as you most likely would have some other take care of main damage to kill things, if you are helping ppl in JP to get around). Don't forget that Mesmer core technique is to trick enemy to hurt themselves with illusions, confusion and torment or by reflecting their damage with Feedback (dome that reflects projectiles), light fields (combo) can be used to cleanse possible conditions with finisher. Adjust your build and skills when needed as you might need more stealth to get pass some enemies and other you will just have to kill fast with illusions (on range) or Blink past. With mounts you can also reach places where even mounts will be disabled and you can still glide down to reduce some paths. Combine hugging walls/sit on edges when possible, use Bond of Vigor to get to max hight and then Glide (max Mastery of Gliding to better control and even get invisible as long you glide and don't drop down). Mounts do also have skill that make you short term invisible. There are food (feast) for mount that give you quickness when you engage (attack) or jump off mount.

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