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What if profession skill slots were selectable?

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Having fixed keybinds for profession skills F1,F2, etc. doesn't feel good when switching to alts.

Lets say I mostly use profession skills F1 and F2 on my main. Logging in on an alt where I mostly use F3 and F2 can feel weird. Since we can't have character specific keybinds, selecting the slot where your profession skills go I think would be great.Don't know if this was brought up before, but anyone else thinking this would be nice to have?

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I can understand wanting the convenience of choosing where profession skills go, but it would mess-up the trait system as anet moved away from naming them in related traits to just referring to the slot.

Also, this is fundamental to learning a new class and is something i don't think should be changed. You just need to get used to changing your muscle-memory and learning what your new go-to buttons are. If you could just do the same button-rotations on every class, there's little reason to have different classes.

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@"Funky.4861"" I can understand wanting the convenience of choosing where profession skills go, but it would mess-up the trait system as anet moved away from naming them in related traits to just referring to the slot."

  • Don't know how it would mess up the trait system, this has been done for revenant in a form, where you have the legends you can select in two ability sockets. I don't know the technicalities behind it, just pointing it out.

"Also, this is fundamental to learning a new class and is something i don't think should be changed. You just need to get used to changing your muscle-memory andlearning what your new go-to buttons are. "

  • It is fundamental now, but it doesn't mean it's a good thing, just because now that is the case, it doesn't mean it can't be improved and it wouldn't have benefits.

"If you could just do the same button-rotations on every class, there's little reason to have different classes."

  • This wouldn't affect the rotations and it couldn't make them all the same, every elite spec skill interracts differently with your core rotation on each class. It's not by any means a case of pressing 12345, then a different combination of F1 F2 F3 etc for every class. By this logic, you shouldn't have the option to select where to put you revenant utilities because it would make it more interesting. Don't know, it doesn't make much sense to me
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I'm the opposite. In games that end up flopping the skills around, I have to relearn my button presses (not which button but when to push them) because now the skill I thought was useful to keep on F1 or 3 now requires a set-up to use properly. There is always a bit of relearning when when you swap anything but it tends to always be in the same vein since most skills mapped to those buttons carry the same significance across multiple professions.

There are exceptions like Elementalist vs Mesmer where you could be consistently be going F4 attunement whereas a Chrono might very occasionally use their F4 but they're still within the same logical use (F1/2 are likely offensive and F3/4 are defensive).

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@Shinrai.8532 said:

  • Don't know how it would mess up the trait system, this has been done for revenant in a form, where you have the legends you can select in two ability sockets. I don't know the technicalities behind it, just pointing it out.

Anet moved away from referring to profession skills in their related traits eg: shatter skill 1 instead of, say, time sink, or shroud skill 3 instead of garish pillar. If you move garish pillar away from that slot, does the related trait follow it to the new slot, having to be renamed, or does it affect the old slot, which could have annoying consequences?>

  • It is fundamental now, but it doesn't mean it's a good thing, just because now that is the case, it doesn't mean it can't be improved and it wouldn't have benefits.

It's pretty much always been fundamental. 'Learn-to-play' isn't just a meme or admonishment; it's about becoming very familiar with your class, skills and build. Familiarity is always a good thing, and if you're moving profession skills around to suit your whim it goes against that.

  • This wouldn't affect the rotations and it couldn't make them all the same, every elite spec skill interracts differently with your core rotation on each class. It's not by any means a case of pressing 12345, then a different combination of F1 F2 F3 etc for every class. By this logic, you shouldn't have the option to select where to put you revenant utilities because it would make it more interesting. Don't know, it doesn't make much sense to me

You literally said that you want to press the same profession skill buttons across different classes; the ones you use the most. If i'm on my druid, for example, and hit f4 to enter celestial avatar form my usual 'rotation' is 4-3-2 and exit. If i'm on my firebrand, i'll hit 'r' for tome of justice then 2-4-5-1-2. If i could re-map my profession skills, i wouldn't need to learn any of that, and that would massively affect the general rotation. Also, any revenant utilities you move around are changed back to their default when you log into that character again, which hints that they shouldn't be moved. Again, this is a L2P issue.

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