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I understand the feeling but the point of a map currency is to spread the population around the world - in order to earn particular rewards people need to spend time in specific maps earning the necessary currency.

We already have global currencies - principally gold (also karma). But if everything on the living story maps could be bought for it - ascended trinkets, unique skins etc. - a much, much greater proportion of the population would be on just one or two maps with the current most profitable metas. The rest of the world, especially Living Story maps which aren't needed for Gift's of Exploration, would be largely dead.

Enough people already spend much of their time in the current 'optimal' meta, be it (at various times) Silverwastes, Auric Basin, Dragonfall, Drizzlewood etc. Anything that makes this problem worse would be bad for everyone - for any new players doing the older maps for the first time but also for those who would be kinda trapped, endlessly repeating the current 'best' map, because any other map would just a wasting of their time.

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It wouldn't be bad for everyone. I think it is safe to say that some of the LS maps are better than others - if I can avoid those bad maps, yet still by the rewards offered in that LS with a generic currency, that would clearly be a win.And not everyone would just play the best meta - granted, some people would move to it (though presumably, those playing the best metas right now have gotten what rewards they need from those maps).A general currency would let the players play what they want. IMO, Anet tries to force players into specific content too often, either via time gating, or needing special currency.

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