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ONE Hour Dishonor cuz i got DC (bad ISP) PLS GM HELP

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Please some GM remove my dishonor, cuz today I have terible internet and I get DC at random for 20-30 sec and when I get into the BG i continue to the end! But after I try to queue for new BG I have 1 hour dishonor. PLS some GM help me and remove this 1 hour pls I cant play :/ I have never let my team be alone and today I had like 4 disc and for like 30sec but I get into the bg immediately after.

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if that's your issue, you'd best file a support ticket. but by the time it will be looked into, your timer has already expired. the "GM"s, devs, and mods will not help you with issues like that here on the forums unless it's an actual game bug/game issue. in this case it's something brought about by your internet provider/computer.

my suggestion is to ensure your connection to the servers is solid and stable before you attempt to do anything in-game beyond the basic openworld (this not only goes for spvp, but for wvw, and pve fractals/raids/strikes as well)

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I got no idea what BG means. GMs can be contacted via filing a support tickets but this will take one or several days to be handled. So by the time they read your message, your dishonored debuff will be timed out already.

I think the best thing you can do is actually nothing. A disconnect can happen and happens to the best of us. The dishonored will automatically by removed and it will leave no traces when it just happens rarely. The dishonor-when-disconnect function exists to avoid griefing and trolling and match manipulation by players disconnecting on purpose and you happened to bet bitten by it as innocent player.

If you notice that you have a lot of internet dropouts, best is to not enter organized team content like sPvP, strike missions, fractals and raids because dropouts will hurt your team. Try to get the network instability resolved instead, for example by not using wifi but wired LAN or contacting your ISP to get a bad connection between you and your ISP serviced. (Or switch to a better ISP if your current one is not willing/able to provide you with a reliable connection)

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:I got no idea what BG means. GMs can be contacted via filing a support tickets but this will take one or several days to be handled. So by the time they read your message, your dishonored debuff will be timed out already.

I think the best thing you can do is actually nothing. A disconnect can happen and happens to the best of us. The dishonored will automatically by removed and it will leave no traces when it just happens rarely. The dishonor-when-disconnect function exists to avoid griefing and trolling and match manipulation by players disconnecting on purpose and you happened to bet bitten by it as innocent player.

If you notice that you have a lot of internet dropouts, best is to not enter organized team content like sPvP, strike missions, fractals and raids because dropouts will hurt your team. Try to get the network instability resolved instead, for example by not using wifi but wired LAN or contacting your ISP to get a bad connection between you and your ISP serviced. (Or switch to a better ISP if your current one is not willing/able to provide you with a reliable connection)

Structured PvP (sPvP) are called BattleGround (BG) in other games that offer that game mode, but under other name then PvP.

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