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Scrapper Quickness Feedback

Noah Salazar.5430

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Having both quirkiness and super speed for a class is asking for too much the current path anet is on with scraper is only going to end in tears. Anet took about eng ability to give support quirkiness for a good reason to turn arone and give it to scraper is going to be very short lasting.

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@LilBiM.3581 Scrapper will can have 100% Quickness with 75% boon dura even witchout that trait, think is if you add that trait you will can do it more smooth and Quickness will not be despended only from 1 trait


Also your shields 4+5, and Hammer 5+3 will bit support you with team quickness allowing you to not rush that many gyros on your utylitis


here is a build with 6 superspeed procs i'm refering to http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e


75%= 2s->3,5s of quickness


6* 3,5=21s


and your bandage self got 17s(that proc x2 tims), same as bulwark 20s


Asuming that trait will be added you will add


so shield 5 1,75s stun + 1,75s daze


means 21s+3,5s=24,5s of quickness


remeber it proc only from stun or daze, not knock/push or others 


So will also allow you save your Function gyro, in casue you use it for ress and incres it cd to 35s witchout droping quickness as you will have adional quickness on shield



Having both quirkiness and super speed for a class is asking for too much the current path anet is on with scraper is only going to end in tears. Anet took about eng ability to give support quirkiness for a good reason to turn arone and give it to scraper is going to be very short lasting.



Remeber that Superspeed and Quickness will be all what scrapper have

He don't have anythink that he culd buff theam to do adional dmg, like sigils on guardian, or spirits on druid

Scrapper can't take Pinpoint distribution as it's in dps tier line


Scrapper is can give 40% portection (insted 35%) tho, and have bulwark gyro insted of aegis, and alot blind for weak mobs







Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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25 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

@LilBiM.3581 Scrapper will can have 100% Quickness with 75% boon dura even witchout that trait, think is if you add that trait you will can do it more smooth and Quickness will not be despended only from 1 trait


Also your shields 4+5, and Hammer 5+3 will bit support you with team quickness allowing you to not rush that many gyros on your utylitis


here is a build with 6 superspeed procs i'm refering to http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e


75%= 2s->3,5s of quickness


6* 3,5=21s


and your bandage self got 17s(that proc x2 tims), same as bulwark 20s


Asuming that trait will be added you will add


so shield 5 1,75s stun + 1,75s daze


means 21s+3,5s=24,5s of quickness


remeber it proc only from stun or daze, not knock/push or others 


So will also allow you save your Function gyro, in casue you use it for ress and incres it cd to 35s witchout droping quickness as you will have adional quickness on shield




Remeber that Superspeed and Quickness will be all what scrapper have

He don't have anythink that he culd buff theam to do adional dmg, like sigils on guardian, or spirits on druid

Scrapper can't take Pinpoint distribution as it's in dps tier line


So only unqie for scrapper is that your protection do 40% def insted 35%, and Quickness+Superspeed







Eng has + 7% protection as well and sadly both eng and tempest added protection dose not work on other players just the eng/tempest. The eng class already had quickness support on it they removed it. So i do not understand why they are making the "tankly" class have an support quickness effect because of the healing support it gets from the core eng.

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 So i do not understand why they are making the "tankly" class have an support quickness effect because of the healing support it gets from the core eng.


In order to take quickness you no longer will can take Adaptive Armor, means scrapper will be less tanky if he decide to take quickness


He will lose +15% barrier, and 20% condi dmg on him


Same will happyn on Expert Examination, if scrapper will decide to take it, he will can't take Damage Dampener (33% dmg is deleyed by 2s)


It's fair traid off, in cause your team don't have hfb for Quickness

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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2 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:


In order to take quickness you no longer will can take Adaptive Armor, means scrapper will be less tanky if he decide to take quickness


He will lose +15% barrier, and 20% condi dmg on him

Right but every thing that is support for scraper is from the core eng kits and what use to be elixirs that gave strong boons that anet removed. You could of put Holo in for the "support healing class" in anet views on the update and it would make just as much senses. Scraper is no support class much like holo is no support class but due to the eng kits any thing eng elite spec. are support lol.


It would of been better to give core eng its quirkiness support back (maybe make exlier thow 10 target as well for pve) and let a scraper chose to run it or not for a group.

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55 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:


Right but every thing that is support for scraper is from the core eng kits and what use to be elixirs that gave strong boons that anet removed. You could of put Holo in for the "support healing class" in anet views on the update and it would make just as much senses. Scraper is no support class much like holo is no support class but due to the eng kits any thing eng elite spec. are support lol.


It would of been better to give core eng its quirkiness support back (maybe make exlier thow 10 target as well for pve) and let a scraper chose to run it or not for a group.

The issue is that too many people see scrapper being used, without enough actually playing and understanding the spec. People (balance team included, it would seem) see scrappers in WvW putting out a lot of healing and boons and assume that scrapper is the one responsible for all those boons, when in actual fact Med Kit and Purity of Purpose are the ones providing that value. Whoever wrote the patch clearly didn't realise that the only reason why scrapper would be run over core engineer as a healer is for the stealth, superspeed, and cleanse on purge gyro (which are all important in WvW, but have nothing to do with healing).


I do agree that maybe core should get elixir U group quickness back (although I'm not so sure about 10 target cap).However, the way they went about this, giving quickness from one source onto a espec not designed for group boons, that can only upkeep it by severely reducing its potential damage/healing is a bad way to do it, and probably means that the PvE meta isn't going to change as much as they were hoping.

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Scrapper heals scale insanely with boons in WvW. It's completely uncapped. 

On top of that, if you have high amounts of quickness with the new changes, it makes the healing even higher. Before the change it would be RNG off of slow since slow converts to quickness or running Applied Force which relies on might stacks that have been generally cut in duration in competitive modes.

To top it all off resistance will no longer affect condition damage, so the cleansing ability of heal scrapper will be even more valued.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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