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What is my role as a power chrono in pvp?


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Hey guys! I've recently been playing chrono in pvp and I have been having a lot of fun one shotting people from 1200 range with CS. The only thing that is unclear to me is my role. Should I be looking to teamfight as much as I can? Or play the sides and look for 1v1s or something along those lines? I know every game and every situation is different but I'm wondering if there is some basic goal or objective that I should be keeping in mind every match? Thanks!!

Edited by Sizmo.4728
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roam, dip in and out. you cant stay in a fight. try to end fights in the first 10s, if it doesnt work, you gone
post the build so we might have a better idea of what you are playing, but in general, you wanna CS or not, drop the hammer on someone, if hes dead? good, if low? chase, if it didnt work? run.

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Your role is to make butterflies that down people. 😄

In all seriousness, power mesmer is basically a roamer that +1s a fight and gets people down with CC/boon rip when other people do damage or adds the minimal spikey power damage that mesmer can put out when glass.

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14 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

roam, dip in and out. you cant stay in a fight. try to end fights in the first 10s, if it doesnt work, you gone
post the build so we might have a better idea of what you are playing, but in general, you wanna CS or not, drop the hammer on someone, if hes dead? good, if low? chase, if it didnt work? run.

Here is my build:


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20 minutes ago, Sizmo.4728 said:

holly cow this is glassy, yea ok.
Go in, burst, stay 15s tops, run.
If someone looks at you funny, run. 
Your only defense is good offense, if someone jumps you, burst their kitten down, you will be a roamer, during teamfights, try to land massive grav-wells during C-split, and do aoe wombo combo. Remember that CC over-rides other CC, dont daze people that are welled as this lets them dodge out, your job is to kill the weakest link in teamfight, or ream into enemy 1v1, and help your team-mate down the enemy, try to start by landing CC at the end of their dodge or 2.


Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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