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Fix Inspiring Reinforcement Initial Stability in PvP please.


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9 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

I 100% disagree with you.
Bugged skills should be fixed NO MATTER WHAT.
IF its too strong, nerf it, but keep the skill working properly and functional
Having bugged re-application of stab is not a counterplay, its something that does nothing 99% of the times and 1% of the times kittens you over for no reason.

As for the OP, how about you post bug fixes for positive rev things that are kitten ?
Like how rev port goes over its 1200 range.
How elite hits people standing on the moon.
How chains are bugged and stun-breakes remove them with delay.
I know these without even playing rev, im sure dedicated rev player knows more, ya ?

Just to be clear, I never said this was a bug. The leap damage avoidance perhaps, otherwise the duration of Initial Stability is an oversight.


Phase Traversal isn't exclusive to being used without target being in range because range means what it takes to land the hit, not cast it. Judge Intervention does it, so does Infiltrator Strike and perhaps some other skills I can't bring myself to remember. I've addressed this before in other posts mentioning it, blame Anet way of doing it.


Jade Winds or just any AoE is a bubble. This isn't exclusive to Revenant. Blame Anet way of doing it.


Forced Engagement isn't bugged, Taunt is and it's again not exclusive to Revenant. Riposting Shadows and RotGD suffers just as much from this. Again, blame Anet way of doing it.


10 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

Last I checked most ESL players are not playing much anymore unless you mean the ones that were knocked out in the first rounds. Even then none of them are as good as they were back then, ask them if they feel they are playing better and most will say no except the arrogant ones.


Not staying close to the AoE? Good thing there isn't a small node to contest in this game mode!


Passive clears in every build? Not sure every build passively clears, most builds I know it's actually active. Regardless the time between road hitting and window to CC and then do something to capitalise on that CC is VERY small where cleansing would likely make you miss out on any follow up.


CC's last longer than I think in particular fear and taunt? Yes because who has long duration fear and taunt? Necro and some niche abilities that aren't used on war/ranger for fear but you'd be more worried about stab corruption than anything else, which makes the thread a moot point. Taunt Rev has the longest taunt and most usable taunts are 1s. There's a few longer duration taunts but good luck landing a 1s cast on inspiring reinforcements, at that point I'd say you just got outplayed.


Repeated CC's? I feel like this is quite a cop out reasoning here when it's a 1s stab that pulses every 1s. Some classes might be able to do this, most cannot due to refresh time on the stab and cast times on their skills but I feel it's a misplay burning CC's into inspiring reinforcement to strip the stab.


Not many classes have boon strip but you are intentionally ignoring that pulsing stab isn't really countered by boon strip as it's reapplied very quickly making removing that 1s stack usually a bad idea compared to trying to remove something like prot.


Let's be clear here. I am not saying that this ability needs something removing or rebalancing or anything, I just don't think it needs "fixing" given how stong pulsing team stab (unique to rev if I'm not mistaken) is on an ability that offers little to no way to prevent it going off. You are intentionally ignoring the team aspect and how strong that is.

Point missed here, point missed there. Truly are avoiding facts in favor of.. What?


You're going to tell me that outside everything we have, this is the most menacing of all AoE? Shesh, who knew kitting could be that hard.


2 seconds of Taunt isn't exclusive to Revenant, Ranger has one that's not even accurate to the AoE representation. I totally got outplayed for something nobody knows about, hilarious. I guess I got outplayed too for the other 20 times people used a CC randomly when I used my Stability properly and in time to counter it. Non sense.


If you had the ability to critically analyze the situation, there is plenty time for you to realize that 2 seconds it take for Stability to start pulsing is ample for anyone to just blast through, not adding Revocation that will straight up remove and stun in the middle of the road at anytime which is accessible by anyone. Staff 5 Revenant alone can just push anyone out of this Road, Mesmer Triple Daze will easily bust through it without boon strip.


How many times does it have to be said that factually 1 stack of Stability is not equal to 2 stacks and pulsing the same boon over and over will make that one be the first to always be removed because of "last in first out" rule.


You're blowing the effects of the skills out of proportion and show the lack of experience with how lesser it is compared longer lasting multiple stacks are, shortly after to imply that there's no counter play and having something as obvious as this oversight be a pinnacle of skill for sweaties to exploit when they've already been ahead of time with something called "Sigils" because this hole in the stability which is not 150ms but a full second because increasing boon duration doesn't fill it is a mark of skillful play?


You're out of your mind, not logical nor critical to the situation. From the team aspect it doesn't stop people from dying in AoE spam and is not always a positional advantage. Nobody complained about Revenant/Firebrand Larger AoE Resistance, so why is having budget Stability anymore powerful for just 5 seconds where you can still harm players?


As said, out of proportion.

Edited by Shao.7236
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So if you use Stand your ground, someone strips it, it's gone. All those stacks for their whole duration are gone.


Use inspiring reinforcement, someone strips that stack and you get hit with a 2s CC (most CC's are nowhere near this long) you still get more stab coming to protect you from a stunlock follow up.


It is you who is downplaying how strong pulsing stab is and that is without mentioning the power coefficient of the skill, the weakness, that it helps prevent your team from being CC locked or that it's a lightning field and so can offer up CC combo.


I've said my peace and we're just talking past each other, you won't accept my points and yours come down to personal attacks, whataboutisms and downplaying the value of the skill in it's entirity as exhibited by your last post, especially the last paragraph. That's without mentioning that you're now saying it's 2s before you get the pulsing stab yet in your own videos it clearly isn't as it's a fraction of a second between initial stab running out and you getting pulsing stab.

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32 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

So if you use Stand your ground, someone strips it, it's gone. All those stacks for their whole duration are gone.


Use inspiring reinforcement, someone strips that stack and you get hit with a 2s CC (most CC's are nowhere near this long) you still get more stab coming to protect you from a stunlock follow up.


It is you who is downplaying how strong pulsing stab is and that is without mentioning the power coefficient of the skill, the weakness, that it helps prevent your team from being CC locked or that it's a lightning field and so can offer up CC combo.


I've said my peace and we're just talking past each other, you won't accept my points and yours come down to personal attacks, whataboutisms and downplaying the value of the skill in it's entirity as exhibited by your last post, especially the last paragraph. That's without mentioning that you're now saying it's 2s before you get the pulsing stab yet in your own videos it clearly isn't as it's a fraction of a second between initial stab running out and you getting pulsing stab.

Just keep ignoring the facts, that's why nothing makes sense to "you".


It's your fault for not understanding that it takes 2 seconds for Stability to start pulsing, giving an opportunity to double CC on cast, how hard is that to understand? Otherwise there wouldn't be hole of 1 second after the Initial of 1 second (1+1=2 whoo.), there is no down playing it when it's "facts" that under 2 seconds it's possible to shut down someone because I do it, a majority of good players do it, most commonly Mesmer or Warrior.


WhataboutismexcusebecauseIcan'tcomeupwithconhenrentpointsfortheargumentIprovided but let's bring Stand Your Ground as an example with little credit to any of the possible advantages/situations involving it.


Utility Long lasting stacks = harder to remove because incoming cover Stability, not constrained to AoE.

AoE Pulsing short singular stacks = always first in therefore first to always go, constrained to AoE.


Having 1 stack only = CC'd right away as soon as affected by another.

Having 2+ = not gonna be CC and only one is removed per second no matter how many CC's a single individual throws.


Revocation is 100% guaranteed to remove Stability and CC if combined with one, because it stacks on the skill.


You're way too inexperienced with this to know what it all entails in the end, either that or you're playing dumb and not reading anything.


I ain't gonna take your passive insults lightly, you began from the very start, I've only followed. It is what it is.

Edited by Shao.7236
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43 minutes ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Rev has counterplay. REMOVE!!

This topic wouldn't be complete without you attempting to meme on it even if the latter makes no sense.


I know you despise me that much but now that's cute. 😌

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So let me get this straight. 


Shao is basically asking for consistency, because randomly getting punished due to something unexpected and out of your control is lame as hell. 


Apha says leave it because pulsing stab bad and inconsistency is counterplay?


I mean... If we're going down the counterplay angle, wouldn't we want more consistency? Not less? If we want that brief period of vulnerability to remain, then we should make that brief period consistent? At least then people can learn the animation and go for the CC if they're good enough. 


This whole... randomly getting CC'd and randomly not is the worst of both worlds is it not? There's no skillful counterplay involved, only luck. 



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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

So let me get this straight. 


Shao is basically asking for consistency, because randomly getting punished due to something unexpected and out of your control is lame as hell. 


Apha says leave it because pulsing stab bad and inconsistency is counterplay?


I mean... If we're going down the counterplay angle, wouldn't we want more consistency? Not less? If we want that brief period of vulnerability to remain, then we should make that brief period consistent? At least then people can learn the animation and go for the CC if they're good enough. 


This whole... randomly getting CC'd and randomly not is the worst of both worlds is it not? There's no skillful counterplay involved, only luck. 



You get it. Video isn't a skillful showcase. It's to point out the possibility of it happening.


In a game such as GW2 where interpolation is really high, there's never going to be anyone who can pull this off without the help of the user to time it. It'll always be a coincidence depending on when it's used and what is used because this window is too small to be humanly possible under consistent patterns.


It adds up to a nuisance, not counterplay. Real counterplay is using the tools to counter Stability in general. For one player to put out Stability at the right time yet still be destroyed by a regular CC that snuck in that small gap is pure RNG, not Counterplay.


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