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I was told ranger is more mobile that thief, is this true?


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11 hours ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:


Yeah, for sure, but then the thief is forced to swap off it's DPS set to shortbow which means it has limited damage for a time, and then since infiltrator's arrow now costs 8 ini the thief is then forced to use most if not all of it's ini to chase. I'm not saying ranger is always more mobile, simply that it has good mobility that can force a thief to burn cooldowns to keep up. That's the important part as most of the time you don't actually need to outrun a thief in a 1v1, just run far enough to force them to swap to shortbow then turn and burn them. 

Thief doesnt have to swap to SB while chasing, as it has in combat mobility that deals damage ( hs, shadow shot, steal )
that lets them keep up, headshot can rupt rangers leap, steal can rupt GS block and ranger is kittened.
The only time you need to switch to SB for mobility is when you need to RUN, or when you need to rotate, as in, its no longer combat situation 95% of the time.

When ranger switches to GS from LB, they lose almost any hopes of pressuring thief properly, as 1 dash creates enough distance for thief to no longer give a kitten, and every shadowshot blind makes GS ranger miss important skill like maul/bash/kick, all GS skills are slow to cast.

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12 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

But ranger also has to swap to gs and that weapon is easily kited, so thief on sb will have an easy time avoiding dmg while being able to deal dmg himself. It will be the ranger, that loses pressure when running, not the thief (sb2 is one of the harder hitting thief skills, higher dmg coeff. than maul btw). And when it comes to catching someone and not just running away, then thief doesn't even need to swap to sb, as there are also also shadowshot and steal, which doesn't only close the gap, but also prevent quick counter pressure with blind or cc (weakness also helps with that). Thief also has the option to interrupt ranger's leaps, then a ranger can't go anywhere.

The argument that thief "has to use cooldowns" is also kinda moot because guess what, everything has to use cooldowns to do anything. Except of thief, which regains initiative much faster than other classes their cds.


Okay, well, play through the scenario logically. Cluster bomb (shortbow 2) is a slow moving projectile, best used in melee range as you can literally RP walk out of it at max range. If you're being hit by that to the point that it provides serious pressure then the thief isn't saving initiative for infiltrator's arrow (shortbow 5), which means the thief is staying in melee range with just dash and shadowstep. This scenario seems unlikely because 1) if you're attacking the thief with longbow when this happens then that means you've already failed to pressure him on your burst set and you've allowed him to get into melee range, so talking about losing pressure by swapping to greatsword is a bit of a moot point, and 2) if you swapped and ran and he could keep up with just dodges, he'd have stayed on D/P and not bothered swapping to shortbow in the first place. If he did swap to shortbow then use dodges without using shortbow 5 then he's just locked himself out of easy stealth from D/P and run himself low or even out of dodges, which makes him easy to burst and frankly not a very good thief. 


The far more likely scenario is that if the thief can remain in melee range then he will stay on D/P, he'd have shadowshot and steal then as you said. These skills have 900 and 600 range respectively so if you are outside of that range after your first swoop then the skills will not even trigger, which is what will usually force a swap to shortbow. That is pretty easy to do if you stealth off longbow 3 then swap to greatsword for the swoop, by the time you are visible you will be well out of range. Because the thief swapped weapon in reaction to your swoop, and because the first swoop was covered by stealth, this means if you swap back to longbow as soon as the cooldown allows there will be a window where the thief is unable to swap back to D/P. This is your window to turn and burn the thief, no matter what range he's at you'll have the advantage. It's about forcing the other player to play to your strengths, instead of trying to match his strengths.


12 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Just because sometimes a ranger will get away from a thief or even kills the latter, it doesn't change the fact, that thief is always more mobile than ranger.






I'm not actually disagreeing with you when it comes to mobility, if you read the first couple of lines I wrote in that first post again you'll see that. I simply said that unless you're running to the nearest tower, you're better off using your mobility to set up an opportunity to burst.


On 5/6/2021 at 11:14 AM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Ranger isn't more mobile than thief over a distance, no. In a straight line on flat terrain, if built for it, yeah, a ranger can outrun a thief for a short distance if it's just wanting to run to the nearest tower. The thief will catch up after that however, and will still have the option of teleporting back the way it came while the ranger will be out of mobility skills. If that happens, you're actually best off hitting the thief as hard as you can because if he burnt all his initiative in order to chase he'll have nothing except shortbow auto to attack with, while you have full offensive cooldowns ready. He will generally either die or be forced to disengage entirely then. Also, if the terrain is uneven, the thief will always have better mobility, so pick your spot well. 


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as someone who plays both thief definitely has more mobility, by a decent margin to but if a thief or ranger is caught trying to disengage the ranger will fare better in a forced fight compared to thief, thief has far less chance being caught though.

Ranger can have great mobility especially if built for it but it gives up far more than thief to get it, and still falls short of thieves mobility as it should be.

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Thief takes the #1 spot for mobility and ability to get away.  However the Ranger, most people do not know has quite a few dodge abilities.  Running with Shortbow and Sword/Dagger you can really shimmy all over the place, in small confined area.  Add your regular dodges in, Hound/Wolf pets.  And you can pretty much dance circles around most enemies.  If you can keep your stability up if you have any.

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