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How should the community in mmo be?

Instanced content, community and individual participation  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. How will u participate in group instanced content

    • Only with my guild mates and friends list. It's a disgusting world out there
    • PUGger is my middle name I always like to PUG. I'm a free bird
    • Prioritize with guild and friends. PUG when they're not available. cautious

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the title could be a little vague but this should clear things up a bit... and this thread EXCLUDES OPEN WORLD  CONTENT


should a player participate in a content only with the guild or known friends? and consider everyone else detestable?

should the player be outgoing and mingle with all players and participate in all content with strangers hoping they are good ppl?

talk to only your guild mates and ppl in friends list and don't initiate or respond to a conversation with someone new?


should a mmo community be pictured as n number of groups that an individual from one group should only involve in activities within their group to avoid any inconvenience?


an mmo be pictured as, though community has n number of groups, individuals can and with no fear can mingle with others?


should one be close minded or open minded?

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Your entire post betrays any sense of objectivity. Clearly you think not opening your arms to (and often, wasting your time with) any random stranger who wants to play with you is a terrible, wrong thing to do.


I PUG the vast majority of dungeons and fractals I do, and whenever possible make a point to join groups that let me know the LFG maker is new and is looking for help. While I act this way of my own volition, I strongly disagree that anyone should ever feel entitled to this behavior from anyone else. Sometimes I want to get dailies done fast, without having to type boring explanations in chat. This isn't because I think PUGs are dirty peasants unworthy of my time, but on those occasions I simply don't have time to give inexperienced or bad groups the patience they deserve.

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  • Avoid the term "should" as that imply that one have no other options and it also closes all other potential view points on this matter and this is a discussion forum where it you can learn a lot from using open ended questions instead of closed ones.


As for myself I like to create groups for DRMs and other stuff when needed. I even have had commander tag for that purpose for some time and that helps a lot when one want to do Bounties on maps or start a group to roll an event. People can then see on map where you are and shy people can just join up, if that don't want to tag up or need help to create a group for something.


PUGs also make MMO interesting as you never know how your group will work out and as this is an "old" game by this time there is also a lot of people that can help out when there is someone that don't know what to do (which can be returning players as well as new players) and you are too occupied to lead group. I don't expect always to "win" when creating a DRM LFG PUG or Bounty, for the most part we manage what is expected and you can also have fun doing this which is after all the most important thing playing MMOs.

Guilds I am in are also too close knitted and can be hard to find people to the same stuff with when you log in on odd hours as they either have already done what you want to do or isn't interested, but Guild member list also make it possible to see where people are and still ask for help if needed. In other words it is not a conflict between have guilds to ask for group content or do most things with PUGs as you make it sound from your poll and post.

@voltaicbore.8012 do have a point as sometimes you just want to be done with things, but it is still not a reason to alienate PUGers as those also have their goals. Working with strangers will also mean that you need to adapt and at least try to communicate as clear as possible which also is something you learn from creating LFG and PUGging thins in MMOs like GW2. Nobody are perfect and there will always be someone who are going for the easy way or just isn't very nice person, but most people also appreciate that it there other people that are the same situation and can still do stuff with random people.


In WvW there is some commanders that tag up regular schedule and that helps a lot to get things going on WvW maps. Not every commander are perfect (as in winning or taking back everything while being outnumbered), but helps players to focus around where a tag is up and do things in a more organised manner. Joining a squad make it also easier to follow a group as you see where they are going and don't need to be a mind reader if you done it a couple of times to where commander or main group be going (this is also true for PvE OW content). 

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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